First Month Of Summer

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The last month of Toni's last school year ended and she graduated. When her name was called, her Mum, sisters and I couldn't  be any more proud of her. She worked hard for it!

Once the graduation ceremony was over, I went searching for Toni on the school's field and she ran right up to me and kissed me; that's when Darlene snapped a picture of the two of us. Darlene was always taking pictures of Toni and I. There pictures of us all over her house in the picture frames that could hold several pictures in the same frame. 

Right after Darlene took several pictures, that's when Toni & I shared our news with Darlene, Spencer and Allie.

"Mom, Spencer, Allie...Harry and I have some good news." Toni smiled. "We couldn't wait to tell you." She said holding my hand.

"What is it honey?" Darlene asked.

"It happened...I'm pregnant. I'm a few weeks in, almost a month." Toni smiled again.

"We just found out yesterday." I said excitedly, the moment Darlene, Spencer and Allie hugged us both.

"Ah, Congratulations!" They all said happily.

"Thank you." We both said happily.

After that, Darlene took us all out for dinner to celebrate Toni graduating school. We spent about an hour and a half eating and after we all left, I took Toni to my Mum's house so we could tell her that Toni was pregnant. It was a wonderful night and it was a great way to start our summer.

Since one month passed, and we were starting another, Toni & I have been dating for five and a half months now. I was waiting until our six month anniversary came closer to start planning something big to celebrate us dating for half a year, but until that day came, Toni & I were learning about becoming parents and so on.

Toni & I laid out on the couch in our T-Shirts and sweats. It was weird, because Louis had moved out, so Toni & I have the apartment to ourselves now and we can turn Louis's room into a nursery for our baby, but it was weird just thinking Louis moved out.

"I'm so glad it's finally summer, and I can spend more time with you." Ton smiled. "After you get home from working of course."

"I don't work many hours at the bakery. I work three hours a day now."

"I know, but that's three hours I won't get to see you."

"You'll still see me, you can just come to work with me. We could use some extra help like frosting the sweets or slicing the bread or desserts..."

"You want me to work with you in your dad's bakery?" 

"Why not? It's only my dad and I at the bakery, and when I'm not there, Gemma takes my place."

"Will your dad be okay with that? He hardly knows me." My parents were divorced just like Toni's, so Toni never got to know my dad like she knew my Mum.

"I'm sure he'll be fine with it. I'll bring you with me tomorrow and I'll talk to him."


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