My Apartment

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Lying on my bed with Toni right next to me was very comfortable. She was very gentle and warm. She turned around so we were face-to-face. I looked into her precious brown eyes and  I could tell that she had been crying because her eyes were red. I figured she was crying because she missed Lucy, so I didn't bother asking what was wrong. 

I offered for Toni to stay the night at my apartment and volunteered to take her to school in the morning. I didn't have a problem with taking Toni to school in the mornings because when her family would go visit her dad in America, Toni would stay with me and I would take her to school in the mornings.

"Do you want to stay the night here? I don't mind dropping you off at school in the morning!" I said softly.

"As long as my Mom says it's okay, then sure. I'd love to." She also said softly.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, it's just a suggestion." I said rubbing her arm.

"No, I want to." She said. "I feel comfortable being with you than being alone at home." 

"Do you want to stay here for a while then?" I asked. It felt right to offer Toni to stay with me for a while if she said she wasn't comfortable being at home without me with her.

"Is that okay with you? I know you like sleeping in..."

"Toni, don't worry. My only plans are taking care of you like I always do." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Of course. I don't mind. My apartment is your apartment. You're always welcomed here." 

"Can I sleep in here with you instead of the couch this time?" She asked. I had a roommate named Louis. He was always gone all the time, so Toni never met Louis. But she always stayed out on the couch every time she would come and stay with me. Even when she stayed for a week, Louis would never be around.

"That's not a problem with me." I smiled. "You can sleep by me whenever you want." 

"Thank you." She said softly. 

"You're welcome." I smiled. "And if you want, I can talk to your Mum for you and have her bring your stuff over."

"Can you have her have Allie do it? Allie always knows what I want to wear." 

"Sure." I said pulling out my phone.

I sat up straight and called Darlene. I explained everything to her and she said it was okay for Toni to stay with me for a while until she was ready to go back home. After talking to Darlene, I talked to Toni's sister Allie and asked her to pack a bag of Toni's stuff that could last her a few days or so and Allie agreed to it and said she'd drop it off herself. 

Darlene trusted me with Toni, so Toni was allowed to stay with me whenever she wanted. 

After talking to Darlene and Allie, I hung up my phone and told everything Darlene and Allie said to Toni. "Alright, your Mum said it's alright for you to stay here. She said stay here for as long as you like because she understands that you don't want to be home since they're all trying to get over Lucy as well, and since you have school to think about, it's best if you stay with me anyways."

"So I don't have to be home when she wants me home?" 

"Yeah. She said stay as long as you want."

"Okay, did you talk to Allie?"

"Yeah, she said she'll bring your bag of stuff for you sometime today." 

"Thank goodness." She said sounding relieved. 

"Do you want to sleep some more?" 

"Can you still lay here with me?" 

"Of course. Want me to rub your back?" 

"Sure." She answered. I laid back on my bed instead of sitting up and Toni laid her head on my chest. I started rubbing her back by running my hand up her shirt. I ran my hand up and down her back until the moment she fell asleep. She had both her arms wrapped around my waist as she slept. She looked so cute and peaceful as she slept. It was hard to resist her.

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