Horrible Mistakes

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One night, Toni went out to her Mum's to spend some time with her sisters, so I got together with Louis and went out to a club with him for the night. At first I felt like Toni should have known that I went out, but I figured I'd tell her when she got home.

Louis has began to drink a bunch of beer until the point where he got drunk. Louis lived to drink...a lot. He didn't do it around Toni because she didn't really like it, so he did it when he went out.

Halfway through the night, Louis switched our drinks on purpose several times and ended up getting me drunk, which was totally wrong of him, because it ruined things for Toni & I.

I was worried about getting drunk, because I knew Toni didn't like it, and somehow I knew I'd betray her, and that ended up happening all because I was drunk. And Louis was the blame for it.

I was sitting at the bar, drunk, when this random girl came up to me. We started talking, and next thing I knew, we were on the dance floor grinding up against each other. Sooner than I knew it, I was having sex with her in the bathroom with the door locked. I regretted every moment of it, so I pushed her away and started to explain things, but she didn't believe me since I was drunk.

While I explained that I had a girlfriend and was expecting a baby to the random girl, she didn't believe me, all she did was laugh then tried to continue to kiss me. As I tried explaining things seriously, I passed out from a severe headache.

Louis had randomly disappeared at the club, so the girl whose name I didn't know, grabbed my phone and called for an ambulance. I blacked out after that. I don't remember anything that happened after I blacked out.

I woke-up in the hospital with the worst headache ever. It was obvious that I was hung over. Stupid mistake I made in my entire life. I knew things were going to be bad when Toni found out.

I woke-up to see the random girl sitting my hospital room, half naked, and out of nowhere, Toni showed up worried. I was so glad to see her. Nothing felt right unless Toni was around.

"Harry? Harry, are you okay? Oh thank god you're awake. I was so worried when the Doctor called me." She panicked the second she stood by my side.

"I'm fine babe. I just have a severe headache. Thank you for coming though. I was hoping I'd see you tonight." I replied as I kissed her.

"Um, excuse me! Who is this?" The half naked girl asked angrily. By half naked, she literally had no shirt on, and only showed her bra.

"This is my girlfriend. I told you I had a girlfriend, you just didn't believe me, because you didn't want to believe me. You wanted me to yourself which was selfish."

"Harry, who is this? And why is she half-naked, and why are your clothes half unbuttoned?" Toni asked scarcely. Here is where everything goes wrong.

"I'm the girl he hooked up with at the club tonight, and we had a little "fun" in the bathroom if you know what I mean." The half naked girl said rudely. It was people like her I couldn't stand.

"What do you mean by "hooked up with"?" Toni asked looking frightened. I could see the tears forming in her eyes already.

"Oh come on sweet  cheeks, put it together will you? You know...hooked up...had sex...made out...that's what we did...and he was drunk so it was easier to get him to do it." The girl said trying to feel proud of herself.

"What?" Toni asked angrily. "Harry, please tell me she's lying!" Toni said the moment her eyes began watering while looking at me.

I looked at Toni as my eyes began to water too. I didn't want to admit that I cheated on Toni, but what choice did I have now? I couldn't lie to Toni!

"Oh god, Harry, you didn't?" Toni cried. She looked like she was going to have a heart attack.

I tried to look up at Toni, but I just couldn't make eye contact with her, that's when she knew it was true. I felt nothing but guilt and regret.

"Oh no! You did! You...you cheated on me? How could you?" Toni cried hysterically. "Harry, why? I thought you loved me?" That just broke my heart! The words "I thought you loved me" made my heart shatter.

Without saying anything, the half naked girl left, which was a good thing because I had to fix things with Toni. I didn't want thing to end, but somehow I knew they would.

I got off the hospital bed and walked toward Toni. I took her hands but she ripped them away, and took a few steps back. "Don't touch me." She said angrily. I deserved it though because I betrayed her and she didn't deserve it.

"Can you just please let me explain this please?" I begged.

"Like I want to hear it Harry! That skank practically said it all. I don't need to hear anymore. First my parents get divorced, then my little sister dies, then I get beat up by Stella on my birthday, and now my own boyfriend who was supposed to be my best friend cheats on me? What has my life come to? I can't believe you would do this me Harry. This is nothing like you at all. You're so much better than that! You said you wouldn't let anything hurt me...well guess what? I don't believe that. You literally broke my heart, and I never though you would because I thought you cared about me, but obviously I was wrong, because if you did care, you wouldn't have cheated, whether you were drunk or not."

"But Toni, I didn't mean to--"

"Save it Harry! Why don't you run off with little miss hot pants? I'm sure you'd rather be with her than me, I mean she did bring you here."

"Toni, that is not true, because I don't want to be with her, I want to be with you. I love you, not her. And I love our baby..."

"You can say whatever you want to get me to stay Harry, but let me tell you something....it won't work. We're done! Goodbye Harry." Toni said as she stormed out of the hospital room.

"TONI" I yelled. She just continued walking and shook her head. It was over between us. I can't believe I let this happen.

I stood there and watched as Toni walked out crying. I wanted to stop her and chase after her but I knew she wouldn't listen.

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