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My head had been spinning since the coffee with Sam. The thing was, he was perfect, aside from his very dark nature. He liked the same music that I did, he was in a band with his brothers, and he had some really big dreams. I found myself smiling and laughing a lot during the coffee. I didn't know whether that had technically counted as a date or anything. I tried to tell myself that I didn't really care. He had invited me to come listen to their band sometime. They usually practiced in their garage at home or in the music room at school. Sometime. It wasn't specific, but I was looking forward to it. 

At school the next day, I saw him standing there, talking to Roxanne. She was the queen bee of the school, and only a sophomore. Sam and I were both seniors. Her dad was a big business man and owned a bunch of properties in the U.S. as well as multiple outside the country. Why anyone needs that many properties beats me. She caught me staring from my locker and called me out down the hallway. 

"Can I help you, you toad?" She yelled. 

Sam, who hadn't been paying attention, turned his head in the direction she was looking. 

"Roxanne, cool it." He said. 

"Why?" she whined. 

He just gave her a look and she resumed her flirting. She was all over him, finding any excuse to touch his arm. I decided I didn't want to see any more of this. I closed my locker and started heading to my class.

"Hey guys, party at my place tonight, everyone's invited, except the toad." She yelled behind me. 

I could hear her stupid little laugh. I walked away and caught up with Meg. 

"Hey girl, how was riding home with Sam?"

"Bad & good. Xan was waiting at my door, trying to get me back again, and then Sam punched him." 

"Wait woah woah, King Kiszka punched your ex out?"

"No, he punched him enough to make him bleed, I was the one who knocked him unconscious."

"Oh my god, go Y/N" she laughed

"Oh, and uh, Sam and I got coffee together after."


"What? What's so crazy about coffee?"

"Just the fact that he never does that with anyone. It's usually night clubs or bars. Never something as intimate as coffee."

"How do you know?"

"I hear things."

"It was nothing, Meg."

"Whatever you say, Y/N." she pushed me into the classroom.


I was home and deciding what to do with the rest of my evening. I was shuffling through old DVDs, clad in my favorite period pajamas (they had stars and they were fuckin cozy damn it), my tub of ice cream was waiting on the coffee table to be eaten. There was a knock on the door. I went to go open it. 

It was Sam. Fuck. 

He took a minute to look at me in my pajamas. 

"Cute pajamas, but they're not fit for a party."


"Roxanne's party"

"I'm not going? I wasn't invited?"

"Well I'm taking you as my +1."

"She didn't say anything about +1's"

"What's she gonna do? Say no to me?"

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