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"Roxanne bet Sam he couldn't make you fall in love with him."

I thought long and hard about that statement, especially since it was coming from the mouth of my crush. I could've cried. I could've screamed and cursed out Sam's name. Instead I got up off the swing, and kissed Danny. Hard. Maybe a bit too aggresive, but damn it, he was who I had wanted anyway. Danny reciprocated, at first anyway, and then he pushed me away.

"Y/N, Sam is my best friend."

"I know, but I wanted you all this time, not Sam. It was just a bet anyway, it's not real."

"Wait, you like me? Then why did you say yes to Sam?"

"I hardly agreed. Sam is Sam. He didn't take no for an answer."

Danny didn't know what to do with this information, so he just kissed me again, long and hard. I felt the alcohol kick in and my body loosened up. I wanted to enjoy this kiss with Danny, I really did. He was the person I had been in love with over the past year. I doodled our names, daydreamed about him, all the typical nonsense. Now, I had what I wanted, but it wasnt the way I wanted.

"Danny" I said, breaking away from the kiss, slightly out of breath


"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked

He nodded, smiling. He must've been as upset with Sam as I was if he was willing to do this to his best friend. That made me more comfortable with the whole situation. Danny walked me home and told me he would pick me up for school tomorrow. I thanked him and went straight to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a whirlwind of drama. I could just tell.

Danny came and picked me up as promised, bearing coffee. It hadn't hit me yet that we were dating. It just felt like a malicious ploy to get back at Sam for making me feel like less than a human. I had to keep reminding myself although the origin wasn't pure, this was real. Danny liked me and I liked Danny. That's all there was to it. So why did I feel so shitty?
I mean this boy knew my coffee order, and I hadn't even talked to him more than a handful of times.  We got to school and he turned the car off, the doobie brothers now diminished. We  sat in the parking lot for a minute in silence.
"Ready?" He asked.
I nodded. He gave me a soft smile and then came around and opened my car door for me. He took my hand in his and we walked in together. Lots of people looked our way, noticing me after all the drama had ensued. I didn't care what people thought. Or so I thought. That's when I made eyes with Sam. He looked at me, his eyes crinkling at the seams, a glare forming on his face.
"Really, Y/N, my best friend?"
"Hey Sam, back off. I told her about the bet. It's all over. You knew I liked her man." Danny said, stepping in front of me.
"I'm not talking to you, Wagner, step aside." He said, pushing Danny.
He looked at me, his height now infuriating as he towered over me and glared.
"I saw you with Roxanne. It doesn't even matter because this was all a fucking bet so what do you care sam?"
"I didn't expect to fall in love with you" He said
My breath caught in my chest, "cut the bullshit Kiszka." I spat.
"Nothing happened between Roxanne and I. She kissed me."
"You didn't exactly push her away."
"I tried, but you had already left."
"Whatever Sam, leave me the hell alone."
I walked away from him. I opened my locker, but someone slammed it almost at the same instant. Before I could see who it was, a stinging sensation hit my face. I had just been slapped. My vision cleared.
"You little slut." Roxanne growled.

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