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It wasn't long before tomorrow turned into the winter holidays and there had still been no word from Danny. I put the one bag I had into my car and took one last look at the ghost town campus had turned into. I had been unlucky this semester by being  granted exams on the tail end of the week and had watched enviously as my friends left for the holidays before I did. I took a swig of the coffee in my travel mug and hopped into my car. It didn't feel like winter holidays because it was 80 plus degrees here in LA. I was only an hourish drive home, so I blasted some Allman Brothers Band, rolled the windows down and started home.

As soon as I get home my parents are practically urging me back out the door, saying they forgot to tell me but we're going back to Frankenmuth to visit the grandparents. I shifted my bag to my parents car and got ready for the 34 hour that awaited us. I was grateful my parents were driving and that they hadn't used the opportunity to ask how my semester was. It was a crummy semester and I wanted nothing more than some good tunes, a nap and some peace and quiet. 


Frankenmuth wasnt exactly my idea of a dream vacation, but it did put me in the holiday mood, as it was a Christmas town.  We arrived at my grandparents house late after a long night in a run down motel, gas station snacks and multiple cups of gas station coffee. They looked so pleased to see us, but also sent us straight to shower. 

I welcomed the rush of warm water over my body and allowed myself to stand there for a few minutes before I even thought about shampoo. It hit me that we were back in Frankenmuth and that there was a possibility that I would run into the Kiszkas or Danny. I didn't want to be on my toes all the time, especially during vacation, but I knew that this town was small and they would find out somehow that I was around. 

I stepped out of my warm, safe oasis and threw on holiday pajamas. I took the towel with me downstairs to dry my hair as I searched for some hot cocoa. The grandparents always had some. My grandma came into the kitchen as I pulled a mug down from the cabinet that had santa and Mrs. Claus on it. 

"Oh dear, Jake Kiszka is here to see you! Karen's boys are so sweet and attentive. He's in the living room." My grandmother giggled. 

I sighed. I had thought too soon. If anything, I was glad that it was Jake and not Sam or Danny. I wouldn't have known how to handle it. 

I finished making my cocoa and shuffled to the living room, not ready for Jake to see my holiday pajamas. I come into the room and see him making conversation with my grandfather over his vinyl collection. The sight makes me smile. Jake always had a way with people and it made me happy to see my grandfather smiling so wide. Him and my grandmother had been in and out of the hospital recently, so it wasn't exactly all smiles around here. 

He looks up and smiles when I take a seat on the couch next to my grandfather. My heart melts. I hadn't particularly ever had a crush on Jake, but he still did have an amazing smile. It reminded me of Sam. The thought nearly broke my heart all over again. I returned the smile and took a sip of my cocoa as my grandfather explained how Jake really knew his music. I told him I knew. 

My grandfather, Jake and I conversed a bit more before my grandfather excused himself to go make a cup of cocoa and have some of my "grandmother's famous christmas cookies."

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming home?" Jake asked me. 

"I didn't know until I got home and my parents basically told me we're going on a 34 hour drive to see my grandparents."

"Oh my god, you guys drove here? That's brutal. How are your grandparents doing?"

"They're okay, in and out of the hospital, but I'm glad we came. Feels like Christmas you know. How did you find out I was here anyway?"

"Hannah is your grandparent's neighbor remember?"

"Oh right, how are you guys?"

"We broke up a while ago, but she's still friends with Josh, so she's cool in my book." He shrugged. 

I nodded. 

"So we're having a holiday party at ours tomorrow, you should come." He said. 

"I don't think that's such a good idea, Jake." 

"He misses you, you know." 

"He goes to school with me Jake."

"Yeah but you guys don't see each other from what he said." 

"Jake, I cant see him. He changed."

"He changed or you changed?"

I stayed silent. I knew Jake was right. Sam had always been King Kiszka. I had just stopped falling for it since I got to college, especially after I got with Danny. Where had that lead me though? Danny hadn't called me back, I was unhappy and I didn't really have anyone to talk to about it.

"Fine, I'll come. I'm not chasing him again though Jake. I don't want to play games anymore. He has one chance. One." 

Jake smiled. 

"See you tomorrow." He cooed. 

He said goodbye to my family, and left. 

What had I just agreed to? 

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