twenty eight

346 9 1


As color started to leak into the eternal twilight that seemed to cloak my eyes, I became less aware of my whereabouts. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was in pain, and a hell of a lot of it. I tried to sit up, but grimaced at the sharp abdominal pain that came rushing over me like a tidal wave. 

"Woah, woah, don't move. You've bruised and broken way too much." The nurse said, urging me to lay back down. 

"Where am I? What happened?" I asked.

"You're in the hospital, you were in a car accident." 

The answer seemed straightforward, so why did I have a million questions swirling around in my head? 


"Oh honey, you're a fucking disaster." Meg laughed. 

I couldn't help but laugh with her, because she was right. I had let Sam have control of my life for so long that I hadn't really taken any time for myself to find out what I really enjoyed. My only personality trait was that I was someone's girlfriend. 

My phone rang in my hand, which made me jump, given the circumstances. It was an unknown number. I looked at Meg, scared. I had seen enough movies to know that when a mysterious number ring in a bad situation, they know what you did. She crawls over to me and asks me to answer it. I put it on speaker.

"H-Hello?" I say, nervously. 

"Y/N, Y/L/N?" The voice asks. 

"Yes, that's me."

"Hello this is Macy, a nurse with Bayside General Hospital. We have you listed as the emergency contact for one Samuel Francis Kiszka." 

I look over at Meg and she raises her eyebrow. 

"What happened to him?" 

"He was in a pretty bad car accident, seems he's got mild amnesia." She said. 

"I'm on my way." I said, hanging up. 

I couldn't cry, I had become so distanced from Sam that I hadn't really digested what she just told me. Sam was always doing wreckless things for attention, but I didn't think he would go so far to get into a car accident on purpose. That was until Meg said what she said. 

"Y/N, you do know what this means right?" 


"The universe is giving you a second chance to make things right with Sam--to start over." 

"Meg, the universe doesn't give out chances, the universe is neutral. The universe doesn't give a fuck about anyone personally." I said. 

"Listen though, like you can teach him how to be a more compassionate person. It's like shaping your ideal human out of clay. Sam already looks like a greek god, let's shape that personality." 

"He acts like a greek god too," I laughed "but seriously I'm over Sam. I need to move on. I will help him, but only to get him back on his feet." 

"Why do you think he had you listed as his emergency contact instead of like Jake or Ronnie?" 

"I don't know, and I can't even ask him because he probably doesn't remember me." 

Coming out of my mouth, those words twisted my stomach in unnatural ways and a pang of sadness hit me. I tried to push it aside as I made my way to the hospital. As I looked at him through the clear glass in that dimly lit hospital room, the feelings all came rushing back. It felt weird being the only one with the memories. Every little detail and feeling, I couldn't relay that to him, even if I reminded him. It was mine to keep. I guess this was what was meant by a true one sided relationship. 

I rolled the door knob and entered the room. I was surprised to see him awake, especially when he looked this dreadful. His lip had been stitched and there were visible bruises on his neck, and who knows where else. 

"Hi." I said, sitting beside him, taking his hand in mine. 

"Hello." He said. 

"Do you remember me?" I asked. 

A dumb question, but I was genuinely curious. Sam looked so small, and I had never seen him like this in the entirety of the time that I knew him. He was always King Kiszka--confident, unrelenting, handsome. 

"No, at least I don't know right now, but I feel warm? Comforted by your presence. You were important to me, that much I know." He said, quietly. 

I gave him a small smile. 

"Well I am your emergency contact, so I'm here to take care of you. The doctor said she wanted to monitor you for another 24 hours and then we can go home okay?"

"We live together? Are you my wife?" 

I could've almost cried at the question, the way it was so simple, so straightforward. I shook my head at him and watched his face contort into a frown. 

"Is there anything I can get you in the meantime?" 

"I don't know, maybe can you just stay with me? We can watch whatever stupid show is on this television. I just don't want to be alone."

I nodded, and situated myself at his side. He turned the TV on to some stupid cartoon. I texted Meg to keep her in the loop and to take her mind off of the body in her living room. She told me that the body was taken care of. She had called the police and told them what happened and everything was over. I sighed relief but still felt my heart clenched because there was one thing I hadn't done yet, which was inevitable. Telling Alistair everything. As if he had just read my mind, I got a text from him asking where I was. 

'Friend got in a car accident, going to be in the hospital with them, mild amnesia.' I texted quickly, noticing Sam's attention was on me and my phone, not the cartoon. 

'Okay babe, be safe, hope your friend is okay. I know they'll heal quickly with you by their side. Love you :)' 

I couldn't bring myself to say I love you back because I had gone behind his back trying to figure everything out and it just felt wrong, I felt slimy. I slid my phone away and smiled at Sam. 

"Boyfriend?" He asked. 

"Husband." I said.

He turned his attention back to the TV. This was going to be a hard couple of days.

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