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You've got to be fucking kidding me. 

"What do you mean what happened between them?" I asked, skeptical of her shit. 

"They slept together." She said

I looked at Danny and then at Y/N and neither of them said anything or even looked at each other. It was like I was seeing her as this whole different person. She slept with someone else, and that someone else happened to be my best friend. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but it was everything at once. 

"Y/N? Is that true?" I asked her. 

She nodded. That's when I knew I was about to cry. I made a quick side step through the crowd of people back to Jake's room and the attic. I made sure I covered the door with one of the bookshelves so I could just be left alone for a little while.


"Sam, Sam!" I went racing after him, but couldn't get into the attic. 

I tried calling, texting, etc. It was no surprise he didn't answer. I was halfway between sad and upset. Sad because I never wanted to hurt Sam, but upset because all the blame fell on me when Sam and I weren't together, and he never really tried to get me back. He just kept his distance. I always had to go the extra mile for him and it was never appreciated. I tried to shift the blame off of myself, but somehow I still felt terrible. Danny and Roxy had left and people were starting to leave since most of the drama died down. When the last of the people had left, I sat on the front porch steps of the Kiszka's house surrounded by plastic cups, streamers, and miscellaneous items. I felt a presence beside me and knew instantly it was Jake. 

"Tough day huh?" He said, blowing the smoke of his cigarette out. 

I nodded, and extended my hand out for the cigarette. I took a long puff and exhaled, trying to get rid of all the bullshit along with the smoke. 

"I just don't know how he can get mad at me ya know? He's hurt me far worse than that and I have forgiven him every single time. It just seems like a double standard at this point." 

"I don't think he's mad, I think he's just sad because he woke up to the fact that you're not going to wait around for him to grow up. He knows Danny is a good guy and he knows that a good guy is what you deserve. It's surface hurt." 

"Danny never called me back you know. It was a one-night stand. I had had a crush on danny since like middle school and that shit really hurt me." 

I wasn't sure why I was telling Jake this, but I liked to think that we were friends now. 

"I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes the people we see aren't the people that they really are." 

"Yeah...did you end up talking to Meg by the way?" 

"Meg? No. Pretty sure she wouldn't be into me anyway." 

I pulled out my phone and texted Meg asking where she was. I got an instant reply. 

'Hey girl, hope you're okay. Went out to the diner with Lena and Alice to sober up before work tomorrow. Wanna join us?' 

'I'm good. I think I'm just gonna head home for the night. What do you think about Jake Kiskza by the way?' 

"Honey, he isn't enough of an asshole to be with you ;)' 

'Hate you :P I meant for you?' 

'You know my answer to that. Jake has been on my list of guys I will never have a chance with since the beginning of time.' 

I showed the text to Jake who smiled from ear to ear. 

'Okay, well then I'm sending him over to the diner, love you x' 

'I look like garbage, damn it Y/N, but also thank  you' 

Like the gentleman he was, Jake insisted he drop me home on the way to the diner, which I didn't refuse. I stepped into my house, watched him drive away, slid down the door and burst into tears. 

Black HoneyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang