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A/N: sorry the updates have been super short, I've got writer's block and a heck ton of stress rn so I'm trying my best to make you guys not wait too long!

"What's your deal, Roxanne?" 

"My DEAL, you toad, is that you're a slut" She spat

"Is that so because you're the one who was making out with MY boyfriend"

"Sam was never yours, I was the one who bet him remember? He doesn't even care about you"

"Is that so, Roxanne? That's not what he just said"

 I wasn't usually petty, but I was so sick of this bitch constantly in my face. Its like make up your damn mind and decide what you want. 

"He did not"

"Ask him. You know what I think Roxanne? I think you just constantly want attention. You treat people like shit and try and use makeup to cover up the fact that you have a shitty personality and it shows on the outside. Talk to me when you decide to grow the hell up" I said.

I walked over to Danny and grabbed his hand and we walked down the hallway leaving all the bullshit behind us. The bell rang and Roxanne continued to stand there dumbfounded in the hallway. Right before Danny and I stepped into band I saw her scuttle over to Sam like she was about to raise hell. Good. They both deserve to be unsettled. 

"Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" Danny asked me, concerned

"Yeah, I'm just really tired of her bullshit and also Sam's. A fake confession of his feelings? Grow up. They deserve each other." I scoffed.

Danny was silent for a minute, thinking. I tried to read his face but couldn't.

"Y/N, can I ask you a question?"

I nodded.

"Do you actually like me or are you trying to get back at Sam?"

"I actually like you Daniel, I've liked you for over a year now. There was never room for Sam in my life. I always wanted you." I smiled.

I could tell he wasn't convinced, but he nodded and dropped the conversation. I didn't want to make Danny feel like shit, the way that Sam had made me feel, but I really wasn't sure of anything at the moment. Danny was soft, and sweet and genuinely cared about me. I had been dreaming of this moment for a year. But Sam. Sam was dangerous, unpredictable and he could be sweet. But he just pulled the biggest asshole move of the century and I wasn't sure what was real and what was a lie anymore. I shook my head, trying to make sense of it all. I needed a clear sign of what to do---I needed Meg. 

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