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It's a short one, but an update nevertheless! As always, thank you for reading, voting and commenting! I love you all so very much! x

It had been a few weeks since Josh's and my trip to the bookstore, and since I had met Alistair. The entire car ride home Josh had been pestering me to give him the rundown. There was nothing to tell though, at least nothing that I could tell Josh without making him feel bad, deeming his company as a situation I needed saving from. I quicky changed the subject away from me and toward Lindsay, the petite blonde woman he had met in the bookstore. He had quickly shut down any assumptions I had made by saying she was kind, but not the kind of woman that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and that life is too short to not be soul searching. 

Sam hadn't reached, or even tried for that matter. I was pretty convinced at first that he had sent Josh to check up on me, but now I wasn't so sure, because Josh was always around. It seemed like he barely went home. Sam was slowly slipping from my mind, and I wasn't too upset by it. I had spent way too long feeling guilty for having anything going on and not having Sam around, but when we were broken up, he didn't put his life on pause, he didn't mourn, so why the hell should I? It had felt more like I was taking care of a child when we were together. I decided it was time to not let him ruin my life anymore. 

My phone buzzed as I was walking to my car. I opened it quickly, expecting it to be Alistair. Instead, I was greeted with Sam's name. It had been over a month since him and I had talked. I didn't expect him to reach out after that. I hesistantly opened the text. 

'Meet me by Clearwater River. I have to talk to you.' 

Part of me didn't want to go. I was furious at him, and we had gone a month without talking and this is what I get. A one line text. The other part of me was curious to what he had to say. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and at least hear him out. My phone lit up once again, this time with a text from Alistair. 

'I know this is very last minute, but could I interest you in some coffee in an hour?' 

'Where at?' I responded. 

'Anywhere but the store, possibly here?' The text came along with a map for some place 10 minutes out called Blue Bird Diner. 

I decided to leave it opened, I would respond to him after I found out what was going on with Sam. I wasn't choosing Sam over Alistair, but I wasn't closing that door completely. 

I finally reach the river and take a deep breath before getting out. I see Sam, a small figure in the distance. He looks nervous. That was beneficial to me because maybe that would give me the higher ground now. I trudge over to him, nonethusiastic at all. 

"Hey." I greet him. 

"Hey." He said. 

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Well you may want to take a seat for this." He states. 

I didn't like this already. 

"I know it's been a while since we talked and there's a reason for that."

"And that reason is?"

"I'm getting married."

"you're what???? To who?"

He was silent, which spoke volumes. 



"You've already met her, well seen her." He said, sheepishly. 

"Are you talking about the girl I walked in on you with?" I said, getting upset. 

He was silent yet again. 

"Okay, Sam. I hope you two have a happy life together." I said, getting up to leave. 

"Why are you upset? Josh said you found someone and that you moved on!"

"So you sent Josh to spy on me? Is that it? That's fucked up even for you, Sam. Besides, nothing happened, we haven't even gone out on a date. I was waiting for your dumb ass to text me so we could sort our shit out, but I guess we're past that." 

"Y/N wait I--" 

I had already walked off before he could finish his sentence. I pulled out my phone and texted Alistair back. 

'I'll do you one better, I can meet you there in 10.

'Perfect, see you then, beautiful :)'

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