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I watched Jake make his way toward the crowd, still unconvinced that he didn't have feelings for Y/N. I sighed and took a sip of my beer, trying to loosen up just a bit. I wasn't really in the party mood any more. I pushed through the crowd to my room, which was occupied by a couple on my bed of course. I couldn't catch a break. I went to Jake's room and made a beeline straight for his closet to gain access to the attic. I was intercepted by Roxanne of course. 

"Hey, Sammy baby." she cooed, her drink in her hand threatening to spill over the edges of the bright plastic solo cup. 

"What do you want Roxy?" I asked her, sighing. 

"I figured we could pick things up where we left off, since you're home and all." 

"Not happening." I said, blatantly. 

"Come on Sammy, just a little bit of fun?" 

"No, Roxy. I'm serious." I left her standing where she was as I made my ascent up to the attic. 

I took a deep breath as I took in the room around me. When Ronnie was still living at home, we used to have friends up here all the time to smoke. It had become our safe haven. The large windows always allowed us to take in the beauty that Michigan had to offer, without having us fare our way in its moody weather. Our bookshelves that we had filled with records, our record player, our bean bag chairs and lamps had all remained untouched, except for the dust. It was such a simple time that now seemed so far away. I reached out to the shelf to recover Stephen Stills 2. I blew the dust off of the record and the player and played Sugar Babe. 

As the intro played, I allowed myself to slink into one of the bean bag chairs and close my eyes, immersing myself entirely in the song. I heard footsteps close by. My eyes shot open. Nobody really knew about this room besides the family. It was Y/N. She smiled at me as she made her way to the other bean bag chair across from me. I smiled back, and closed my eyes again. Her company was nice, and I didn't dare open my mouth to say anything to drive her away again. 

As the song finished and transitioned into the next, she said "Stephen Stills 2 is far superior than Stephen Stills." 

and that's when I said "I love you." 

My eyes shot open instantly, realizing what just came out of my mouth. What mortified me more was the reaction on her face. It wasn't upset, or disturbed, it was simply unreadable. 

"Y/N, I didn't--I mean, I don't--" I tripped over my own tongue.

"Sam, it's okay. The truth is, it's a long road back to loving you again, but I'm willing to give you one more shot." 

It was music to my ears. 

"You mean that?" 

I didn't want to sound desperate but the whole cool guy act I had put on in high school had driven away the only girl I had ever loved away. She had been my saving grace, and I fucked it up so quick. I wanted to marry her and I was going to do anything it took to get us there again. 

"Yes, but just one, Sam. I won't let you break my heart again. If you screw it up this time, I'm out of chances to give you." 

I nodded in understanding, and the smile spread across my face. She came over to join me on the bean bag chair, laying across my lap as we listened to the rest of the record. The moon shone bright through the windows, and it seemed to be doing so just for us. We changed the records a few times listening to Melanie Safka, Orleans and Fairport Convention. 

As soon as Still the One by Orleans came on, she was up and dancing. It may have been the way she twirled around with the moonlight dancing on strands of her hair, or how absolutely weightless and happy she looked in that moment, but my statement stood true--I loved her. I had loved her for so long, my heart had no room for anyone else. 

After what had felt like merely a second, we decided it was time to go down and join the rest of the party. Before we got to the stairs that lead back down to Jake's room, she planted a kiss on my cheek. 

"I'm going to go see Jake." 

"I'm going to go see Meg." 

She raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Jake has a thing for Meg." 

Her smile spread from ear to ear, and we set off. I couldn't stop stealing glances at her the rest of the night, knowing that she was my girl. I spotted her in the kitchen next to Jake and I made my way to the back porch to talk to Meg, but I was intercepted again by none other than Roxy. 

"Here he is guys, the guy who hit me." She said. 

"What?" I said, confused. 

Her arms had bruises on them, but they were yellow. 

Before I could open my mouth to protest, Y/N did. She was at my side the minute Roxy got in my way. 

"Roxy, if you're gonna lie at least do a good job. Those are old bruises and you know it. Now can you stop being an attention snob for one fucking second and just enjoy the party?" 

"You're such a skank, Y/N. Mind your own damn buisness. " 

"What the fuck are you even ever talking about?" 

"My boyfriend told me about what happened between you two." 


That's when I saw him step out from behind her--Danny. 

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Black HoneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora