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I scramble to stand up, although, I wasn't quite sure why. Nothing was happening, and even if it was, I didn't owe Sam shit. Jake smirks, lighting another cigarette and leaning back on his bed to expose his bare chest. Sam scoffs. 

"You're up to your bullshit again, Jake. Should've known. You steal all my girlfriends." Sam said, running his hands through his hair. 

You could tell Sam was intimidated by the pure sex that dripped off of Jake, it was almost as if Sam wanted to channel that sort of energy, but the closest he could come to it was being a womanizer. There was tension in the silence that loomed in the air. It was my turn to speak. 

"Your girlfriend? That's rich, Sam. You cheated on me and you didn't even tell me about Carmen. If I would've known, I wouldn't have gotten with you in the first place. You don't own me. We aren't dating, we're not even friends." 

"How do you know about Carmen?" Was all he said. Unbelievable. 


His eyes went wide. 

"Ronnie? Where the hell did you see Ronnie?" Sam said. Even Jake look intrigued. 

There was a story there, and I wasn't going to not find out. 

"What's it to you? Besides, shouldn't you know? She's YOUR sister."

"Ronnie moved out when she was 16, and she didn't go to school. Said she was tired of this family's bullshit. We havent seen her since." Jake said. 

"Yeah, she'd be like 20 now." Sam said. 

Oh wow, so this family was more drama then I thought. 

"I'm not telling you. I can see why she'd want to stay away from a shithead like you. I was never yours Sam Kiszka, and you can't even get me in your dreams." I spat. 

Then I did something I normally would have never had the guts to do--I walked over to Jake, kissed him long and hard and then I left, making sure to slam the door behind me. 

Thank god it was the weekend, I could have two days away from King Kiszka and all his stupid drama. 


My phone was blowing up all weekend with texts from Meg regarding the situation. I hated how fast news spread in high school. What had surprised me was getting a text from Jake. 

Jake: Hey its Jake, that kiss was really something. Want to get fries and a shake? You know where. Meet me in 10. 

I was going to avoid the Kiszkas all together, or at least, that's what I told myself. There was something about Jake that drew me in though, because I knew beneath that tough exoskeleton was someone who actually cared. He was talking about the diner where Ronnie worked. Probably didn't want to leave a trace of it on his phone for Sam. 

I made it to the diner in no time, sliding into a booth with my sketchbook again. 

"Hey sketchbook girl, you're back." Ronnie said, spotting me as she juggled two trays, coming out of the kitchen. 

I smiled at her. I had a newfound respect for her, deciding to secede at such a young age, but still keeping herself afloat. I decided I was going to sketch her in all her chaotic glory. Jake slid into the booth across from me. 

"Whatcha sketchin?"

"Your sister." I said, not looking up. 

He peered over at my drawing. 

"Impressive, you nailed the features." 

"Why did you act like you didn't know Ronnie was here when I told Sam?"

"I was genuinely surprised you knew she was related to us and I didn't want you to tell Sam because she was the reason he left mostly." 

"What happened?"

"I'm not at liberty to say, plus time made the memories a little hazy, but lets say he screwed up really bad with some of her close friends. She was tired of it."

"Seems like a pattern."

"Listen, Y/N, Sam really cares about you"

I scoffed, "Yeah right. He has blatant disregard for anyone but himself."

"Hey sketchbook girl sorry I took so--Jake? what are you doing here?" 

"Hey Ronnie." Jake said coolly, leaning back into his booth. 

"Sketchbook girl you know my brother?"

"I know your brothers" I said.

"Oh god, I'm sorry for you. Let me guess, tangled up with Sam?" 

I nodded.

She sighed, "Well girl, shake and fries on the house. Trust me, you'll need it?"

"Wait, does Carmen know?"

"Yeah, she hopes that one day they'll actually be together, poor girl." 

I felt even worse now. Carmen seemed like such a nice girl, she didn't deserve this. 

I had to knock some sense into Sam otherwise he'd keep doing it. Then it came to me. 

"Jake, can you swipe Sam's phone?" I asked. 

"Probably, why?"

"It's time for a good ol' fashion protest." I grinned. 

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