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I got about halfway to the Kiszka's house before I started to freak out. I hadn't thought about what I was going to say at all or about how I would apologize to him, plus I wasn't sure if anything I said would make him change his mind. I decided I needed to not be rash, I needed to think this out a little bit, especially if Sam was endgame; I needed to do this right. 

The bell signaled above head as I walked through the mint colored door. 

"BABE" Ronnie yelled almost instantly.

She placed the order she was carrying on the corresponding table and rushed over to give me a hug. 

"Ronnie, just the person I needed to see." I smiled

"Are you okay? What has my stupid kid brother done now?" She raised an eyebrow, examining me. 

"Actually I think I fucked up, but I need to make it right, and I need your help." 

"Okay one sec....LIONEL I'M TAKING MY BREAK!" she yelled to nobody in particular, undoing the ties of her apron. 

The man, more like kid, I assumed was Lionel came out from the kitchen. He had a mop of curly red hair, squished under a boat of a hat; freckles, big glasses, and braces. He looked maybe 16 at most. 

"Ronnie, you can't--" He said, nervously.

"Lionel, honey, I really need a break. You don't want me to tire out do you?" She said, almost as a whisper to him. 

"But my dad will freak--" he said, practically shaking. 

"Don't worry, it'll be a quick break, I promise." She said. 

He squeaked and went back to the kitchen. 

"Is that kid your manager?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yup, his dad put him in charge of this location. He's trying so hard to impress him that he doesn't give out breaks anymore, so I have to do what I need to to get one." She chuckled.

"If it works, it works." I shrugged. 

"So tell me what's going on." She said, sliding into a booth. 

"So, did I tell you about what happened with Danny?" I asked, sliding in across from her. 

She shook her head. I know it was risky telling Ronnie everything, considering she was Sam's family, but she was one of the people I had truly felt closest to through everything. I filled her in on everything--my one night with Danny, what happened at the party, and everything in between involving Danny, Jake and Sam. There was no judgement in her eyes after I had told her. 

"Hmm, that is a sticky situation you've got there, but at the end of the day, I think that you should just tell Sam the truth. Tell him everything, unfiltered. Tell him how you feel about him and I think he will come around. He truly does love you, even I know that and I've been out of his life for so long."

"Okay I think you're right. I'm going to go tell him, thanks so much Ronnie." I said, getting up to leave. 

"Wait, can you just stay for like 5 more minutes before I have to deal with Lionel? I'll buy you a shake and fries." She pleads. 


I had only been nervous heading to the Kiszka house a handful of times. This was one of those times. I was cold, but I was sweating, I was shaking, but not quite. I walked up to the ruby red door that was too familiar by now. Someone I hadn't recognized  came to the door. He was petite with a mop of curly hair, sparkling brown eyes, and clad in just his briefs. A blush crept over my face. 

"Oh hello beautiful." He said, his voice higher than I had expected it. 

"H-hi, um is Sam home?" I asked. 

"He's currently occupied, but I would be happy to entertain you in the meantime." He winked. 

"Josh, who are you talking to?" Jake's voice came from somewhere in the house. 

"A beautiful woman is at our door." He said. 

Jake came up to the door, his eyes widened. 

"Jake can I come in? I need to talk to Sam." I said.

"Sam isn't home." He said. 

"Josh just said he was."

Jake turns to Josh and his eyes focus into a glare. 

"I said he was occupied." Josh corrected me. 

"Just tell him I'm here then, please? It's important." I plead.

"Stay here." Jake said. 

"Come on in, darling, I'll entertain you in the meantime." Josh winks. 

I follow Josh to the kitchen, and tried not to look directly at him in his brief-clad glory. I wasn't sure who he was, but he definitely seemed to have made himself at home. 

"Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Josh, I'm Sam's brother." 

Brother? How many siblings did this boy have and how come Sam never mentioned him? 

"I'm Y/N, Sam's girlfriend." 

Josh practically spat his drink out after I said that. 

I raised an eyebrow at him. 

Jake and Josh were both acting weird, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I stalked up the stairs to Sam's room, and almost instantly regretted it. Jake was covering most of the doorway, but over Jake's shoulder I saw all I needed to. There Sam was, in bed with another girl. Our eyes met and his eyes went wide. 

"Y/N, I can explain--" 

"Save it Sam." I said, turning and running out of the room before he could see my tears. 

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