twenty seven

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We're almost at the end guys! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope that you guys are enjoying reading it! x

I couldn't go home in tears, Sam's scent over my entire body. I needed a minute to collect myself and figure out what I was going to say to Alistair. Either way, I had lost everything. I couldn't stay with Alistair after what I had done, and I couldn't go back to Sam after everything that just happened. I had spent years of my life with both of them and I had made the bad decision to go back to the one who hurt me most. I knew what I needed right now and what I needed was my best friend. 

I hadn't talked to Meg in so long, and I wasn't really sure that I would be able to contact her after Jake had said she was long gone. I had to at least try though. I hit the call button next to her name. The line rang 3 times and then I heard her voice. It was broken up. 

"H-hello?" She said. 

"Meg? It's Y/N, are you okay?" 

"Y/N? I'm so happy to hear your voice, you have no idea."

"Meg, where are you? Do you need help?" 

"I'm at my apartment, please help me." 

I rushed over there as soon as I hung up, thankful for a distraction from the events occurring in my life, but worried for Meg. The door to her apartment had been cracked open slightly, which made my fight-or-flight instincts kick in. I grabbed my mace off of my key ring, ready to use it. That was until I saw Meg kneeling over a body, sobbing,  in the middle of her living room. The coffee table had been shattered to pieces, fragments poking out around and under the body. 

"Meg, what happened?" I asked. 

"I-I need you to sit down, this one is a long one." She sighed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. 

She closed the door and stumbled into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water. I had never seen Meg so out of it. She was always composed, confident. Hell, I don't even think I had really ever seen her cry. Here she was, in front of me, her hair in disarray, makeup stream lining its way down her face. The oversized button up she wore was blood stained. 

"I know we haven't talked in a long time, but I don't know who else to talk to. I'm sorry in advance for dumping this on you. Jake and I were together for a long time, and we even talked about marriage. It all sounded so great, but we were having money troubles. Neither of our careers were picking up like we thought they were going to. I ended up getting a little loan from a sugar daddy here and I really thought things were going to be okay. He became more demanding though, threatening to leak my images to my employers if I didn't do what he wanted. He stopped paying and I couldn't get him off my tail. I didn't want Jake to find out, so I panicked and I told him that I was going to go to New York to find myself or some shit until I could get this all sorted out. That's when the guy laying on my floor, the sugar daddy, came over demanding we go to some function tonight and I told him that I wasn't going anywhere with him. I told him that he broke our contract, so I had no obligation to do anything he wanted anymore. He tried to take me against my will and before I knew it, he had like a heart attack or something and collapsed." 

"Wow, are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?"

"No, no, the heart attack came soon after he tried to." She said, calming down and sipping her water. 

"I'm glad you're okay. Jake told me about you going to New York and it hadn't really sounded like you. I was worried, but I didn't know if I still had calling privleges."

"Y/N, you will always have calling privleges. You're my best friend. That hasn't changed, I promise. Now tell me, what's been going on with you?"

I could have laughed at the question, especially due to the dead body in the living room, and her nonchalant attitude towards it, but that was just Meg. So, I filled her in on everything that happened up until this point. 

"Oh honey, you're a fucking disaster." She laughed. 


I hated that Y/N thought that she could talk to me like that. She always acted like she was some saint and that everything I did was wrong, when really I was always trying to protect her. I knew I wasn't worth her time, she deserved someone like Danny, but even then Danny wouldn't have broken bro code. I didn't know how to make Y/N come to reason. I didn't know how to make her see that we were in it from the beginning, we were star crossed. My path always led to hers and hers to mine. I looked at myself in the mirror, my own face unrecognizable. The sleepless nights had caught up to me, presenting itself as dark circles, coarse stubble and red tinted eyeballs. I looked crazed. I felt so restless that I was almost calm, like being caught in the eye of a storm, where time seems to slow. I splashed some cold water on my face and tried to rid myself of this emptiness that seemed to spread like wildfire. 

When that didn't work, I decided it was time for a drive. I wanted so badly to listen to some familiar music and allow myself to get swept away in the wind along the highway, but every song reminded me of her or one of our memories together. I was shuffling through CDs when I felt the impact. Pain coursed over my entire body like a tidal wave. Between flips of my car, I could hear the sound of Stephen Stills' Sugar Babe playing and I was still thinking about her when everything went black. 

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