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I hadn't stopped thinking about Sam since the day we left for LA. It had been a full year since I had left michigan in the rearview and had moved on to accepting that my life was now in LA.  It was my first day at UCLA, and I took a deep breath, knowing that I was able to be a new person outside of michigan and outside of high school. I had settled into my dorm on the friday before classes started--adding tapestries, lights and lots of fluffy pillows to make the dorm feel less like a prison. My phone started screeching, alerting me that it was time to get up and get ready for my class. I hated 8 ams. I tried, at least a little bit, to look decent for my first day. 

I walk to class, phone clutched in my hand, switching between my schedule and the campus map to make sure I know where I'm going. I finally get into the class, still holding my breath to make sure that there wasn't some last minute switch and it just didn't update on the portal. I hadn't even noticed what was going on around me. There were so many hushed whispers that I didn't want to know, but also wanted to know if it was about me. Was there something in my hair? Did I accidentally put my bra on over my clothes? I decided to brave up and turn around. That's when I saw what the commotion was, or rather who it was coming from. 

One Samuel Francis Kiszka. 

You had to be kidding me. I had moved across the country, hadn't spoken to him in a year, but there was absolutely no way this was a coincidence. Upon making eye contact with him, a grin lit up his face. 

"Y/N!" he shouted, coming down a few rows to come say hi. 

Oh no, please don't. 

Thankfully, he was stopped by another girl on his way down to me, so I had a chance to deflect him. The professor walked in and asked everyone to take their seats. Situation= avoided. Now I just had to make sure I got out before him. I'm not sure why I was avoiding Sam. I just didn't really have anything to say to him and I didn't want to dig up old feelings when I just spent an entire year trying to get over all the pain he caused me. 

The end of class had me running for the door as fast as I could, hoping he wouldn't catch up to me. I made it out onto the main lawn, and my phone buzzed in my pocket. 

Sam: Hey, where did you go? I wanted to catch up. Coffee later? 

I practically rolled my eyes. Seeing how he was in the classroom with all those girls surrounding him, I could see that he hadn't changed one bit. He was still the same womanizer he was in high school. It wouldn't be long before this lot of people deemed him 'King Kiszka' too. My phone buzzed a second time and I was ready to send the angriest 'leave me alone' text to Sam. But it wasn't sam. 

Danny: Hey, so i'll confess I stalked you a bit and saw you were going to UCLA too. Did you want to grab coffee later and catch up maybe? It'd be nice seeing a familiar face. 

My heart started fluttering and I immediately texted back. 

Me: Of course! This way you won't have to stalk me ;-) 5 pm at the East Halls?

Danny: Okay call me out, that's fine. 5 pm works, but I actually found this really cozy cafe not too far from here, wanna go? I'll pick you up. 

Me: Absolutely, the hipster in me is intrigued,  I'll send you my address!

It was already 3 pm and I rushed back to my dorm to shower and look less like the girl who rolled straight out of bed on the first day of school. My roommate came into our room and looked me up and down. 

"Well damn, hot mama alert! where are you going looking like that?" she asked

I laughed, "meeting a high school crush for coffee" 

"Ooh, well girl if you still like him, he will be begging you to get with him once he sees you." 

I laughed and thanked her. It was just about 5 and my phone buzzed. I eagerly pulled out my phone, expecting a message from Daniel, but it was another from Sam. 

Sam: It's fine if you don't want to see me today, but we have to talk sometime. 

I sighed, and moments later got the text from Daniel, saying he was here. I pushed Sam out of my head, I wasn't going to let him ruin the evening for Danny and I. 


I couldn't keep the smile off my face the entire ride to the cafe. Danny was always so easygoing and simple, it was what heightened my attraction to him. We talked about music, how we both decided to go to UCLA and what our goals are now. He was going to UCLA to get closer to his dream of producing music and he wanted to record some music while he was out here. 

We made a beeline straight to the window bench when we saw it. It was a cozy little nook. We instantly connected and before we knew it the shop was closing. It was already 9 pm. Danny dropped me back to my dorm and thanked me for a great first day. 

"Hey, do you want to come in? I hear the first week is pretty chill, so we could pop in a movie or something?" I asked hesitantly, not wanting to ruin the evening. Danny beamed and nodded. He went to go park and I ran upstairs to warn my roommate and straighten up the dorm a little bit. She told me she was going to be out all night anyway, so she didn't really care. 

Danny joined me moments later. I was completely out of breath trying to hide all the embarassing things, lighting a cotton candy candle to give off the impression I was actually more of a girl than I felt like. We had started a nature documentary, one that was on BBC Earth. We had sat on the floor, my tablet perched up against the base of the side table. I wrapped the blanket over us both. 

It wasn't long before Danny's arm wrapped around my shoulder and he had pulled me closer to him. My heart started racing and I felt my cheeks flush red, but I welcomed the gesture. I had noticed halfway through the documentary, in my peripheral vision, Danny glancing over at me.

"What?" I asked him. 

He tilted my chin up with his index finger and kissed me. He drew back, surprised at his own actions. I let the surprise show on my face. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overstep." He said. 

I leaned over and kissed him again. I wasn't sure what overcame me, but the candles, and the blankets and his arm around me and the nature noises from the documentary had swept me away into this weird romantic whirlwind. I trailed my kisses along his jawline and down the side of his neck. I tugged at the hem of his shirt, signalling him to take it off. He did so, fairly quickly. 

"Are you sure?" He asked me, looking concerned. 

I slipped my dress off in response. He scanned my body. 

"Wow, you're a goddess." He said. I smile at him. 

He pats his lap. I take off the rest of my clothes and straddle him. His moans are louder than I thought they would be. Instinctively, I put a hand over his mouth. I could feel him smirking. I grind harder, replacing my hand with my lips. He slips his boxers off, revealing his length. 

"How about we move this to the bed?" I ask. 

He nods, and picks me up, putting me on the bed. He kisses from my lips all the way down to my hips, tracing his tongue along my hip bones. 

"Danny, please." I beg. He smirks before disappearing between my thighs. His tongue flicks over my center, almost in rhythm. He reaches two fingers into my mouth for lubrication and then brings them inside me, pulsing in the same rhythm as his tongue. 

"Danny please." I spoke quietly. 

He slid his length into me, a moan escaping my lips as my body adjusted. It wasn't long until I felt a fire in my core. 

"Danny, I'm gonna--" 

"Be a good girl and cum for me." he said, wrapping his long fingers around my throat. I felt ease as my body released all the pent up tension. 

He pulled out almost immediately after, releasing on me. We both sighed. He grabbed some tissues from my side table and cleaned us up. He placed a kiss on my forehead. 

"I should probably head out before your roommate gets home. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. 

Things just got a whole lot messier than I thought. 

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