Chapter 31

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Delondon P.O.V

I sat on the sofa in the living room flipping through Netflix. I was tired physically and emotionally. I was so ready for this pregnancy to be over. 6 months going on 7 and I'm as big as a house. The last couple of months having been draining and interesting. I'm just happy that spring break is coming up. I really need this break from classes. Shortly after spring break classes will officially be over and I am so ready for it. It's so hard to do simple shit, like I don't have the energy. Finally deciding to watch the new season of 13 Reasons why I sat the remote down. Just then Micah came down the stairs. I could smell his cologne before I saw him. He was looking good and smelling amazing. I rolled my eyes.

Sneezing I started to talk "Come on man, you know since I been pregnant your cologne has been setting of my allergies." I said sniffling. He just shrugged his shoulders. Bastard. I saw him grab his keys. "Where you going"? It was 12 in the afternoon and he doesn't have Friday classes.

"Out, I'll be back a little later" he said heading towards the door. Struggling I got up and headed towards the door too.

"Don't forget we have a doctor's appointment at 2:30 today" I followed him out the door. He signed and then turned around to face me.

"I won't be back by then, ask Amor to go with you" he said looking at me.

"She's been to the last three appointments with me. What is so important that you can't come with me to check on your child" I asked. He hasn't been to an appointment with me in months. At first I understood but now this is getting ridiculous.

"I got some shit to handle ok"

"But Amor didn't get me pregnant so she shouldn't have to go with me, plus that means we're going to have to uber when you just take me" I said back. I really didn't have any strength to argue with him but he needs a wake up call.

"You didn't seem to need me to go with you when you were setting up appointments to get an abortion" he said folding his arms. Tears weld in my eyes. He hasn't said anything about this since the first argument we had about so for him to bring it up is weird.

"Anything to make yourself feel better huh? Just go ok and have fun with whatever or whoever your doing" I said getting ready to close the door.

"See you always go to far, ain't nobody cheating on your crazy ass. You'll say anything to make me look bad though" he said walking back towards the door.

"You'll say anything to make me feel crazy but I'm not and I'm not stupid. I know for fact that you're not out here working every time you go out. Look at you. You're dressed the fuck up and smelling good and shit. Look just go ok. I'll go to the doctor with Amor forget that I even brought it up. How dare I ask my baby's father to show up to my doctor's appointment" I said going back into the house. He followed.

"See there you go with that "my" shit. Every time a disagree happens you always go to "I" and "My" he said as I sat down.

"That's how you make me feel, you make me feel like I'm in this shit by myself"

"My yourself, you're an ungrateful ass bitch. I put this roof over your head, food in your mouth, I just decorted a whole damn nursey by myself and you talking about you're in it by yourself" he yelled.

I could feel my blood pressure rising. I didn't want the doctor to say anything about it today so I knew I needed to calm down. I chose not to respond to him. Even though I really wanted to. Micah has never called me a bitch. He's just so mean to me. I can't say if anything is bothering me. He gets mad and he yells. He's always gone but if I leave he gets mad and will literally come find me and bring me back to house. I'm fucking miserable. I'm losing myself. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door and just cried. Please God this cannot be my life.

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