Chapter 13: Aw Sugar

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We pull out of my driveway and head for the freeway. I turn on the stereo and the Beastie Boys' Sabotage blares through the speakers. I roll the window down and start singing along to the song I grew up with. Gerard looks at me, a playful smile on his lips, and laughs. He joins along and starts tapping his finger on the steering wheel as we merge onto the freeway. Cars are speeding past us but it doesn't matter because in this moment, it's just him and I and the music. It's moments like these that I can forget our status. I can forget that he's my teacher. Even in class sometimes there are those moments which may seem hard to believe but he's just so unlike anybody I've ever met that putting him into one category, that category being teacher, is just not enough. He's Gerard and that's the only category he fits.

The song ends and the next one starts. One by Metallica. I close my eyes and picture the guitar as it plays on the song. I air guitar along as the song plays. When James' voice cuts through the music, I join in. I peek to see if Gerard's singing along and I find out that he is. I crank the volume and start to head bang. Once the song ends, Gerard turns the volume down because the radio hosts start talking and cue a few commercials. I look outside and see that it's a pretty beautiful day out there. The sun is shining and there's barely a cloud in sight. There are quite a few cars on the road but other than that it's pretty great.

A few hours of singing and jamming and driving go by before I start to complain about having to pee and he wants to stretch his legs anyway. We pull off to a rest stop and I race out of the car to take a piss. When I get back I see Gerard laying in the grass in front of where he parked. I take a look around and see nothing but trees, picnic tables, Gerard and grass. I walk over to him.

"Finally I'm taller than you," I laugh. He looks up and squints at me. He covers his eyes with his hand and I lay down beside him.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" He asks.

"Yeah, it is," I reply. He snakes his hand over to mine and holds it. I cross my legs and stare at the clouds. I point with the hand that isn't holding him up to a group of clouds.

"It looks like a baby throwing a rock at a duck," I say.

"How the fuck do you see that? I see Cupid shooting an arrow at a tree," he laughs.

"No but look, it's a fucking rock and a fucking duck. Look at the way the duck's neck is!" I shout.

"No but look its a tree, it has leaves," he counters.

"No it doesn't," I reply.

"At least we can agree there's a baby," He laughs.

"But what if it's a dog?" I smirk.

"Now you've done it," he says. I raise an eyebrow as he lifts himself over me and starts tickling me.

"No! Gerard... Have mercy..." I laugh. His fingers digging into the sides of my stomach, ticking long me. He stops tickling me and leans down to kiss me. His lips are soft and he's not hungry for more than kissing. I can feel it in the way his lips are connecting with mine. I wrap my hand around his back, pulling his lower half closer to mine. He breaks the kiss.

"We need to keep going," he smiles.

"But we can still have a few minutes out here. It's beautiful here," I complain.

"The sooner we get to our destination, the more time we'll have in the hotel room," he whispers in my ear.

"But a hotel room isn't this place," I plead.

"We can come back on the way home. I promise," he says.

"Fine. But we're stopping for snacks. I want chocolate and chips," I demand.

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