winter is coming

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AMBERLEE STARK WAS ENTIRELY DONE WITH RIDING IN A CARRIAGE WITH THE QUEEN AND HER DAUGHTERS AND TOMMEN OF COURSE. She would much rather be riding on her horse alongside her husband, Jaime Lannister, and her favorite relative, Maeve Lannister. Amberlee's opinions, however, went unheard both because of her gender and because she was Lady Lannister now and no longer was Lady Stark.

"Mother, are we almost there?" Myrcella asked her mother, Cersei. Amberlee rolled her eyes as Cersei responded.

"I would assume so. I can see Winterfell from here." Cersei smiled softly at her youngest daughter. She had five children who were her pride and joy: Marlena, Joffrey, Toria, Myrcella, and Tommen.

Marlena and Joffrey were almost identical in their behaviours, acting almost borderline temper tantrum if they did not get their way. Toria was more subtle: she would act almost preditorial, taunting her prey until they scurried away or bowed down to her will. Myrcella and Tommen were almost the complete opposite. Both of the youngest children were incredibly sweet, gentle, kind.

Cersei had always been incredibly jealous of Amberlee, her youth, her stature, her love for Jaime that he returned tenfold. Amberlee had always wondered if Cersei and Jaime's incestuous relationship was a rumor or was in fact truth. Amberlee had always had her suspicions when Cersei would stare at Amberlee with a jealous glare.

Amberlee had spoken with Jaime on the matter, but he had denied the rumors and told her that her loved only her. This would often lead to love-making and substantially more glares from Cersei as she witnessed the husband and wife speak to each other and appear to be so incredibly lovestruck with each other.

Amberlee looked out the window as they neared Winterfell. Gradually as the fortress became clearer to her, she realized how much she missed it and how it was far better looking than the Red Keep even with all its riches. Winterfell looked and felt like home to her.

The carriage evetually stopped causing all inside to rise. The door was opened by Jaime who held out a hand for Amberlee to take as she was nearest to him. She grapsed his hand and stepped from the carriage.

"I know very well how to get out of a carriage by myself, thank you." Amberlee teased her husband who chuckled.

"And yet, you always have a knack for requiring my assistance in getting out of one." He pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles before helping his Queen from the carriage.

The sight Amberlee saw struck her with a feeling of deja vú. There, in a line, was the entirety of House Stark. Her brother, Ned, sister in law, Catelyn, and her nieces and nephews. She stepped forward to greet them as the Queen did and decided to stay put as Cersei did her rounds of greeting.

Toria and Marlena appeared to be dumbfounded by something. Amberlee caught their line of vision as going towards Theon Greyjoy and Ned's bastard son, Jon. Beside Theon stood his sister, Rhaeven Greyjoy, who appeared to be Sansa and Arya's ladies maid.

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