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Taehyung was took to his cell and he'd spent the last few hours in there, waiting patiently for his next shock therapy session. He was as still as a statue sat on his bed, staring into space.

His mind was racing though.

How had Jungkook not recognised him? He was there on that day. Why would the witch do something like this to him? Was this really just to punish him over everybody else? All he did was ask for his lover back.

Suddenly the door opened and though he would usually flinch he didn't move a muscle. Not even a flinch or eye flicker. He was used to it now.

He turned to see Doctor Lee as he had a smile on his face.
"Let's go Tae" He spoke, Taehyung sighing as he slowly rose to his feet and heavily walked out of his cell, only surprised to see no bed awaiting him to be strapped to it, turning confused to his doctor.

"What's going on?" He decided to ask
"We're trying one last thing before we decide whether the shock therapy is the right thing for you" Doctor Lee spoke as he smiled, wrapping his arm around Taehyung's shoulders as they began to walk down the corridor.

"Can I know what it is?" Taehyung asked
"A member of the public noticed you today and they wanted to see if meeting with them would help get you used to strangers" Doctor Lee told him as they suddenly reached the door.

"Now it's under monitoring as there is no barrier therefore no protection for this person so please don't get angry or upset" Doctor Lee warned him
"I won't" Taehyung nodded
"It's even more important since she's not a legal adult" Doctor Lee told him, Taehyung's eyebrows furrowing together as he gave him a confused look.

"What? How old is she?" He asked, suddenly a feeling growing in his gut that he couldn't shake off.
"She's just turned fifteen" Doctor Lee spoke and suddenly something clicked in him, his hand on the handle as he opened the door and his gut was telling the truth.

Sat, cross legged on the floor in the middle of a massive carpet, was his little sister.

"Go ahead Tae" Doctor Lee encouraged with one last smile as he pushed Taehyung into the room before shutting the door behind him.

Taehyung slowly turned back round, confusion written on his face as he stared at his younger sister who sat patiently on the floor, staring at him with a look on her face like she was pondering or analysing him.

"Y-you remember me?" Taehyung plucked up the courage to ask.
"In what context?" She asked in a blank tone, Taehyung uncomfortably shifting forward to slowly join her on the floor.
"I-I mean y-you remember you're my sister?" Taehyung shyly spoke in a quiet voice, Ailee sighing as she shook her head.
"No and it's scares me that you keep saying-"
"Okay! I'll never talk about it again!" Taehyung suddenly jumped in.
"Just please don't be scared" He grew protective, never wanting his baby sister to be scared of anything, even if he was petrified and had been for a long time.

She seemed to relax a little in front of him as she shifted forwards ever so slightly.
"I asked to see you about it all though" She admitted, Taehyung looking up to meet her eyes.
"You recognised somebody else today too" She noted, but didn't ask any further just for the moment.

"And they told me what treatment you've been having" she admitted as she came and sat right in front of him, slowly and carefully with shaking hands, lifting them as she brushed her fingers along his temples where his treatment took place. She could feel the small marks and even if she didn't know this wolf, for some reason it broke her a little inside.

"How could they put you through that?" She asked more herself before she sat back again, looking up at him as she began to think again.

He didn't seem scary or frantic at this moment and under it all, he was actually really sweet. He seemed very caring but also like he was petrified. Why was the question.

"So, I wanna hear it, why you think I'm your sister" She took a deep breath, unsure herself if she could go through with this, but she had to give him a chance to explain himself.
He seemed surprised by this as his eyebrows lifted and his eyes widened.
"R-really?" He asked in disbelief
"Yeah, I mean, if you really don't wanna then-"
"No! I do! Just I sound crazy and they already think I'm insane so I just don't want you to freak out" He explained as she took another deep breath.
"You can tell me Tae" she spoke and his heart skipped hearing her say his nickname, even if it wasn't what she usually called him.

"Well, the guy I recognised today is called Jungkook, he's my best friend and has been for ages" He explained
"You're my little sister and your mom is my mom, Minji, and I know she's the most caring mother ever" Taehyung told her but Ailee still didn't seem convinced, looking at him blankly.

"Listen, I really do sound crazy but I'm a werewolf and so are my friends and we were friends with elves and now a Witch has cursed us and we are stuck in this world forever" Taehyung blurted it all out, squeezing his eyes shut, dreading her reaction. He half expected to hear footsteps and the door close and when he opened his eyes she would be gone.

But he opened them and in some ways he was devastated but in some ways he was relieved.
She was still here, but she still showed no emotion.

"I-" she went to speak, but there were no words to what was just said. She wanted to say bullshit and storm out and call him a liar and never see him again. But she had to stay, she just had to.

"I don't know if I can believe it" Ailee admitted, watching how Taehyung's hopeful glint drained from his eyes and he looked down to the floor sorrowful. It hurt. Seeing him like that hurt.
"But I wanna get to know you" she spoke
"Maybe then you can tell me the full story" She spoke hopefully before an alarm went off.

"Times up" an announcement called as the both of them sighed, rising to their feet as the door opened and Doctor Lee entered.
"I have to say I am extremely impressed" He spoke to Ailee.
"If you're up for it I'd like to arrange weekly visits from you" He spoke and Taehyung's face lit up. He wanted to see his little sister every week, turning to her hopefully.

"Yeah, I'd like to" Ailee admitted as she turned to Taehyung.
"I have to go, but I'll see you soon" she told him but before she could even set foot out of the door, he ran and grabbed her, pulling her into the tightest bear hug ever. At first she gasped and her heart leapt into her mouth, but she soon relaxed and he even heard a small giggle as she wrapped her arms back around him.

The two pulled away and with that, Ailee grabbed her stuff and left the health clinic, Taehyung not even noticing he was wearing the first real smile in such a long time.

"She's a very caring girl isn't she" Doctor Lee commented
"If I had a daughter like her then I'd be very proud" He spoke and with that he led Taehyung back to the wolf enclosure, allowing him back out.

Putting an end to his shock therapy.


Wow it's been a while...

Last weekend I had a dance competition so sorry about not uploading.
On the bright side, my team won! And I came 3rd in solo improvisation which is cool 😎

This weekend I have my singing exam and canny lie I get nervous even thinking about it. Apparently my examiner really knows his music stuff so I'm scared lol

Wish me luck I guess lol

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