Chapter 38

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"Molly that is way too much information." I laughed. Lucy, Molly, Eli and I had all come to my house after practice for a sleep over, since todays Friday and we don't have a meet.

"It is not. Lucy you know what I'm talking about." Lucy just nodded her head because she was laughing so hard. Eli was just sitting there confused and I could feel my ears burning.

"Hey you guys are the one who asked the question, so I answered." Molly shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay okay my turn." Lucy said

"Eli Truth or Dare?" Eli looked at me and shrugged her shoulders


"Is Thea any good in bed?" Lucy grinned at me and I could feel my ears on fire. Everyone just started laughing, myself included.

"Well," Eli said as she wiped the tears out of her eyes

"The truth is..." She looked at me and grinned

"Theas the best I've ever had. I mean look at that ass." Eli laughed as she pulled me towards her and grabbed my butt. I wanted to smack her, but the girls were laughing so I figured I'd let it slide.

"My turn." I screamed over their laughter.

"Lucy Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." She said giving me a look.

"What happened with Jacob that day you left Eli at the fields?"

"Oh you want all the kinky details or the short version?"

"THE KINKY DETAILS!" Eli and Molly screamed.

"Welllllll, we totally did it in the back seat of his truck and he has a huge..." At this she made a gesture with her hands. I'll let your imagination figure it out.

"Damn you hoe." Molly said as she pushed Lucy playfully.

"Hey we're dating now so it worked out." Lucy laughed.

"You're dating?" I asked stupidly

"Uh yeah he officially asked me out the other day." Lucy blushed

"Good job babe." Eli said. I gave her a look and said

"Hey no, I'm babe." Eli laughed and pulled me into her and kissed me. When she pulled back she said

"Whatever you say babe." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay this is getting boring. We're all doing truth. Someone do a dare." Molly said.

"I'll do a dare." Eli said "But it better be a good one." At this Molly and Lucy looked at each other and started consulting. This wasn't going to be good. I could already tell. After they were done thinking about a dare they looked at us with these evil little grins.

"What?" Eli asked

"We dare you to go to Lila's house and Saran Wrap her car." I wanted to burst out laughing. Eli looked confused.

"You want me to what?"

"Saran Wrap her car. Like go and wrap Saran Wrap all around her car." Molly laughed.

"No way, that's too far." I said already thinking about how bad this could be.

"Oh no this is totally happening." Eli said giving me a look. At this she got up and said

"Let's go get some Saran Wrap." Molly and Lucy laughed and got up and they started getting ready to go out the door.

"Wait no." I said they all turned around and gave me a confused look.

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