■ N I N E T E E N ■

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Keep it together.



Please do not have an existential crisis right now.

Please do not have an existential crisis right now.



Don't over think.


Christie, I am warning you right now.

Wow, Tom Holland is actually fucking hot.

That's what you think of when you're having an existential crisis?

"What are you doing?" A voice asked, making me jump.

I turned my phone off, hiding the obsessive Pinterest board of Tom Holland.

Chase stood in front of me with a lunch tray in his hand. "Just looking at things, what are you doing?" I asked, leaning forward slightly.

"Well you see, I have a question," he replied as he slapped his tray down and then slid into the seat beside me.

"Shoot," I said.

"Well my brother disappeared for a bit yesterday, much to my mother's dismay and then well he comes home and his jaw is all red and bruised, well I can't help noticing that bandage around your hand." He said calmly, as he watched me carefully.

I stayed neutral. "Well I slipped in the shower," I lied.

"I don't believe you," he replied.

"Believe it or not, it matters zilch," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

He narrowed his eyes. "That's a shame, I kind of wanted to congratulate the attacker on the nice clean shot they got," He said before leaning back.

"I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know what your talking about," I replied.

"No one has, James stayed home.. not enough foundation in the world could cover the evidence of him getting his arse kicked," Chase said while laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, what are you up to this afternoon?" He asked, looking at me expectantly.

"Uh job hunting, why?" I asked back.

"I'm officially not grounded, I managed to worm my way into the good graces," he replied.

A scream echoed around the Cafeteria and we both looked over to see Caitlyn jumping around like an idiot and her hands were messing up her hair.

"Get it off!" She screamed.

The students began to laugh at her but I saw the genuine fear in her eyes. Standing up, Chase glanced at me before following suit.

I jogged over to her and grabbed her arm, stopping her from acting crazy. She looked at me but said nothing. "Stand still," I ordered.

For once, she listened.

Searching her hair, I found the spider that seemed to be clinging to her hair strands for dear life. I let it crawl onto my hand before I fell back onto the balls of my feet.

Ignoring Caitlyn, I walked over to the open window and let the spider climb off and continue back on it's duties. "Why didn't you kill it!" Caitlyn exclaimed.

I gave her a look. "You annoy me, but you don't see me murdering you," I replied as Chase snickered.

Caitlyn shot him a death glare, but he drew a heart in the air as a reply. Her eyes widened and he rolled his eyes. I began to walk back to my lunch table.

"How come you helped her?" Chase asked, genuinely curious.

"Everyone has something they're afraid of, fear should never be faced alone, no matter how small," I replied.

I slid back into my seat and Chase eyed me. "Never change Christie, please never change," he replied, sounding sincere.

He started on his lunch tray and I couldn't help but study him. He was so unlike his brother. Instead of white hair, he had dirty blonde, bordering brown.

Instead of piercing blue eyes, he had calming methodical green. He was an attractive boy, and it made me wonder why he had been single this whole time. But in another thought, he had James as his brother, he probably got used to being overshadowed.

"You're staring at me," he said, his eyes on me and the fork in his hand.

I broke out of my thoughts and shook them off quickly. "Sorry" I said quickly.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "What's going on in that big empty space of yours?" He asked as he pushed his food to the side.

Tilting my head, I sighed.

"I was just thinking about how much it must have sucked being James's brother, given how popular he is and all," I said, looking down at my hands.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chase shift.

"I don't really care about popularity, it gets you no where, gives you nothing but self esteem issues for the rest of your life," he replied, shrugging.

"And I think that's what makes you great," I replied, giving him a small smile.

"You think I'm great?"

His white teeth flashed as he grinned.

"Settle down that ego, boi" I said with a laugh.

"No take backs," he joked quickly.

I crossed my fingers across my heart amd he nodded his head, satisfied.

"Honestly Chase, good on you for staying down to earth," I said, honest.

He shook his head. "I'm not always down to earth, occasionally I let shit get to me, I get depressed, I do sometimes think I could squash all my haters but in the end, I've never changed me, I never say to myself.. no Chase you can't think like that, you have to be nice because fuck being nice, being nice doesn't do anything, it just gives assholes more rights to be assholes," Chase replied, jolting his fist down onto the lunch table quietly.

"Preach, your brother for example, when he called me Babydoll, so degrading," I replied, crossing my arms.

"You called him the Devil and I, the assistant," he pointed back.

"True but that's because he is the Devil, cause he's truly evil and you escaped the clutches of evil, so now you need a new nickname," I replied.

He looked thoughtful for a moment.

"How about... boyfriend?" He asked.

"Hmm yeah mayb- wait a minute," I trailed off before snapping my eyes to him.

He was smirking and I narrowed my eyes. "Very funny, Mareno" I said, before shaking my head.

"I thought it was," he replied, leaning back in his seat.


Sooo close Chase. You were sooo close. Keep tryin dude! Don't give up!
You will get out of that friendzone!

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Lots of love,
T xoxoxoxox

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