Love, It's Who You Know

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Mel was still trying to keep up with Max. He was angry, which was understandable. She should've told him the truth the moment she had feelings for him. She just didn't expect to care for him so deeply and so quickly. "Please! Just..." Mel put her hands up, everyone but her and Max froze. Max stopped walking after he noticed everyone was frozen again. He turned around and faced her. "What did you do that for?" He crossed his arms. "Max, it did start off as a job, I'll admit that. I've never liked doing things for my dad. Which is why I try to get it done as quickly as possible." Mel had what seemed like a million thoughts and feelings. "But seeing you in bothered me. I could've taken your soul, but I didn't because I love you." Her eyes went wide for a second, she couldn't believe she just said that. Max shook his head, "How do I know this isn't just an act? Just to get close to me and kill me?"

Mel got a bit closer to him, looked right into his eyes. "I only know pain, Max. I don't know...I didn't know love. I tried to fake love before, but I can't." He looked into her eyes. Max could tell she was being honest; she meant what she was saying. "I didn't know love until I met you. Damn! I sound cheesy!" He gently took her face into his hands and kissed her. They stopped. "Don't try to scare me to death and or take my soul again." She nodded.


Persephone, the wife of Hades sat in a black throne lined with bones. She filed her nails as Hades paced back and forth in front of her. "Why did she do that? Why is Karras still alive?" Persephone rolled her eyes, "Melinoe is different." Hades got angry, "What are you insinuating? She feels guilty or something?" Persephone blew the nail dust off her fingers. "Hades, understand darling, you only know of this world. You eat, sleep, breathe your kingdom. Mellie goes to the mortal realm, gives mortals nightmares every night. She sees these souls feeling. Going back and forth between two worlds is never easy." Hades stopped pacing, "Are you saying my daughter has gone soft?" "I'm just speculating dear. What I'm saying is, I can relate." Hades scoffed.


Mel and Max made it to his car. "Want a ride? I can drop you off at your place." Mel nodded. She seemed like she was in a trance, looking off to the side. "Yeah and..." Max placed a hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?" "I don't want to go back to the underworld. I don't want to live with my father." He hugged her, "You don't have to. My mother's a very powerful witch. Supreme of the coven. We'll protect you." Mel looked up at him, for the first time she looked a bit vulnerable. "I can't be like my mother. My father abducted her, forced her to marry him. Tricked her..." "Into eating pomegranate seeds, meaning she had to spend each winter in the underworld. I know, I read about it. It's horrible and it won't happen to you." He kissed her nose.

"We're both weird." Max giggled and held her tighter. "The strange Greeks. We were supposed to meet. Let's get out of here." They got in the car, he looked at Mel, curiosity in his eyes, "You really love me?" Mel blushed, "Yeah. Sorry if I moved to fast, Karras. Just kind of popped out." He smiled at her then chuckled. "It's alright. love you." Mel touched his hand, "Don't say something you don't mean." "No, I mean it. I really care about you." Mel was touched, she had never been loved properly. "You're a great guy Max."

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