A Lot

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Mel walked out of the bathroom attached to the bedroom as the toilet finished flushing. Max was still asleep in the bed. Mel had a lot of thoughts running through her head. She picked up her cellphone then started looking around the room for a charger. Mel went over to Max's bedside table and opened the top drawer. She pulled out a charger, but her eyes fell on a ring box. Mel picked it up, opened the ring box revealing an engagement ring. She gasped quietly then put the ring box back in the drawer and closed it. She took a seat on the side of the bed. Max opened his eyes and reached for her. Max embraced her then pulled her towards him gently. Max kissed her. Max noticed she was staring into space. "What's wrong?" Mel breathed out, "I have to tell you something." He smiled at her, "You can tell me anything." Mel didn't say anything. "Hey, it's okay." He touched her cheek, "What is it?" Mel looked into his eyes, admiring his caring soul, "You really do love me, don't you?" He nodded, "Of course I do." Mel breathed in and let it out. She sat up and so did Max, "I'm pregnant."

Max's mouth dropped open. Uh oh. Mel was worried this would scare him off. "Um, are you...are you sure?" Mel nodded, "Yes, I just took a test. I know we were being careful. I missed a birth control pill." Max put his hands on her shoulders to stop her rambling and looked into her eyes. "You know we can do this right?" Mel slowly nodded, "It's just...it's all moving so fast. A baby, the ring..." "You found my ring." Max rubbed his eyes, "I was going to ask you soon. I didn't expect us to get married right away or anything, Mel. I didn't mean to scare you." Mel put her head on his shoulder, "I know...it's a lot. I didn't know how you'd react." "You want a baby?" Mel put her face closer to his. "I never thought I would have any of this in life. I never thought I'd have a real, normal life. Well...almost normal. And if I'm going to do anything, I wanna do it with you." The couple kissed.

Max caressed her face then reached over, pulled open the drawer. He pulled out the ring box and opened it. "Will you marry me one day? When we're ready?" Mel was really touched, "Of course. Yes, Max." Mel kissed Max and hugged him. Max put the ring on her ring finger. They laid down on the bed. Mel started laughing, "I missed one pill and your savior god swimmers just seized the opportunity!" Max and Mel laughed hard until they had tears in their eyes. Max held her close to him. Mel said, "Let's not tell people yet. I think we got to wait until twelve weeks or something?" Max nodded, "Yes, my love." He gave her a peck on her nose.  

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