Chapter 4

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It was the afternoon of Wednesday, February 13th, and Don couldn't believe how well everything was working out. His Valentine's Day plan for his wife was working out just as he had planned. He had even somehow managed to pack for them and the babies, and get all that off on a plane already to their destination with the older kids, without her knowing. He couldn't wait for her to see what he had planned. He knew he had spent a pretty penny, but he didn't care. All of their kids would be set financially whenever they passed away, and he wanted to spend their money enjoying their life while they were on earth with their family to enjoy it, and he knew his wife felt exactly the same way. Don had been so focused on making sure that everything went off without a hitch, that he was surprised to find his wife in tears in the den downstairs while the babies were taking their afternoon naps. He immediately went over to where she was sitting on the large overstuffed chair in the corner of the room, looking out to the snowy Manhattan landscape. He immediately knelt down in front of her, cupping her cheek in his hand, only for her to look away quickly. "Baby, what is it?"

"Oh, Don." Meryl said as she quickly got up and started to walk away. "I better go check on the babies."

Don held up the iPad she had on the coffee table of their baby monitor app to her when he grabbed her hand before she could walk away. "They're still asleep. Are you avoiding me?"

"Well, why not?" Meryl snapped. "You've been ignoring me for the past two days."

Don narrowed his eyes at her. "Baby, I haven't been ignoring you."

"Well, something has sure shifted between us in the last few days." Meryl threw her hands up in exasperation. "You're only around me when the babies are awake. You're always so busy. Even last night, you came to bed after I did. That is so unlike you. I just don't know what I've done, it's scary how quickly things..."

Don pulled her to him, even though she fought him at first. He wouldn't let her get away from him. He could tell she really didn't want to. Because of her past with being raped, he would NEVER hold her against her will, but he knew that wasn't the case in this situation. He ran his fingers through her hair as he talked into her ear. "You have not done ANYTHING, baby; and NOTHING has changed. Sweetheart, I haven't been avoiding you. I am so damn sorry you think I have been. I am so sorry you have felt ignored."

"Then what?" Meryl asked as she had stopped fighting against him, and she ran her hands up and down his back. "What happened?"

Don pulled away slightly so he could crush his lips to hers, prying her lips open as much as possible with his own so he could stroke her tongue with his. Once the need for air came too great, he pulled away enough so he could press his forehead to hers. "Did that feel like I'm ignoring or avoiding you."

"No." Meryl smiled softly. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I know our marriage is too strong for things to shift so quickly. I should have known that."

"Damn straight it is." Don smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Baby, I never meant to ignore you. I've just had a lot on my mind."

Meryl felt bad that he had been so distracted by something, and she immediately jumped to conclusions. "I'm sorry I jumped on you. Why haven't you talked to me if something has been bothering you?"

"I didn't say anything was bothering me, quite the opposite." Don smirked. "I said I had lots on my mind."

Meryl could tell he was up to something. "What are you up to?"

"All will become clear soon, my love." Don said cryptically as he wrapped his arms around her neck. "First, are we okay? Because if we're not..."

Meryl nodded her head. "We are, sweetheart. I was just having an exhausted mother of nursing twins moment. Your kisses always make me feel better."

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