Chapter 25

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Third looked at Meryl as they approached their baby brother's townhouse. "Mary, are you sure you're up for this?"

"We need to start somewhere, baby brother." Meryl took a deep breath. "I was never afraid of our brother before this past year."

Third knew how she felt. He wasn't afraid of their baby brother, but he was livid with Dana for how he treated their sister and brother-in-law and niece. "I know, sis. I won't let anything happen. I sure don't want to face the wrath of Don Gummer if anything were to happen to his girl."

"That wouldn't be pretty." Meryl winked as she looked at her watch to see what time it was. "I really don't want to stay here for a long time. I'd rather the babies not have bottles, I'm afraid they will fight Don and Henry."

Truth be told, Third didn't want to stay long either. "It's a good reason for us to leave."

"Okay." Meryl said as she rang the doorbell. "Let's do this."


"Did you see that foul?" Henry exclaimed to his father who was looking off into the distance. "Dad, did you see that foul from Kobe?"

Don looked at his son. "Sorry, son, what did you say?"

"I know I'm the Lakers fan here." Henry said making his father laugh. "But what are they thinking?"

Don grinned at his son. "They're sure not the Knicks."

"Yeah, yeah." Henry rolled his eyes. "It's yours and mom's fault that I'm a Lakers fan, you know?"

Don smirked at his son. "What? Jack Nicholson is your father?"

"Very funny, Dad." Henry rolled his eyes. "Everyone knows how Mom feels about you, always has. No, you moved me out to LA when I was a young and impressionable basketball player. If we would have stayed here then I would have frown up a Knicks fan."

Don nodded knowingly. "So your mother and I are to blame for you following the wrong sports team?"

"Yup." Henry nodded. "That and me not continuing with piano lessons."

That made Don groan. "Please don't mention that to your mother. She wanted you to continue and I said we shouldn't push you. Which means..."

"Mom was right." Henry smirked. "I'll just hold it over your head."

Don laughed as he checked his phone. "I wouldn't expect anything less."

"It's going to be okay, Dad." Henry assured his father as he heard his father's phone ding. "There you go."

Don smiled as he read the text from Meryl. Hey, baby. We just got to Dana's. Third is with me. I'll be home soon. I love you. "She's there. Okay son, distract me."


"I'm really glad you guys came by." Dana said to Third and Meryl as they were sitting in his kitchen. "I wasn't sure if you would."

Third looked at his sister and then his brother. "You said you are better?"

"I am." Dana nodded. "The scans are clear and they got all of the tumors. It is hard for me to comprehend what I did when I wasn't myself. It's like an out-of-body experience looking back on it now. I have made my wife and children's lives a living hell. Something I would never do when I'm me."

Meryl couldn't stay quiet. "You made Don's life a living hell, my life a living hell because of what you did to him and our daughter. Dana, you accused Don of being the absolute opposite of who he is. You threw him against a fucking wall. You tried to take our baby. Because of you, Child Protective Services were called on us. You told me you wanted my baby to die."

Until the Very EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora