Chapter 18

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After Don and Meryl enjoyed some time just sitting in the silence and holding each other, the babies soon woke up and were ready to eat. Don was feeling much better after taking his meds, but Meryl told him she wanted him to take his pain pills regularly as the doctor said to which he agreed. Don suggested that they go into the kitchen and she could nurse in the large overstuffed chair they kept in the living room that was a part of the ditch to nurse, that was he could be there with them while she nursed and make them something for lunch. Meryl told him that she really didn't want him to exert himself, and he said it would be all-ready-made things he would just heat up. Meryl wanted him to rest as much as possible, but she could tell how he really wanted to do something for her and the babies so she let him. While the food was heating up, he was right there with her as she nursed, just like they both always wanted him to be. Meryl was starting to calm down after everything that happened with Jane and wanted to focus on her husband and her that was all that mattered right now.


"There you are." Meryl whispered to Don as she finished putting the twins down. "I was starting to get worried. I thought we were going to put them down here in the nursery together to get them kind of used to it. Are you okay?"

Don smiled as he tenderly kissed her lips. "I am just fine, sweetheart. I was taking care of something that needed to be taken care of. Are they okay?"

"Went right to sleep." Meryl said as she helped him, carefully, lean over the crib to kiss the babies good night. "What were you taking care of? Baby, if you went after your mom..."

"I didn't." Don promised her with a kiss to her lips as he turned on the baby video monitors, then grabbed her hand. "Come with me."


"Don Man!" Meryl gasped as he led her into the huge bathroom off of their bedroom. He had candles lit. Music playing. The tub was filled with bubbles. "What's all this about?"

Don was inwardly breathing a sigh of relief that she was calming down; and he could tell by the way she was playing with his nipples and was running her hands across his bare chest that she was trying to turn him on after she pulled his t-shirt off of him, even though he had wrapped his chest in saran wrap due to his stitches. He could tell the moment Meryl realized why he did that because that was when she placed tender kisses all over his chest. Don pulled her closer to him so she could feel from his already hardening appendage that she didn't need to even try to turn him on, even though they knew he hadn't been cleared for that yet. Don just wanted to be close to her. Don placed soft kisses on her face as his hands went up under her shirt and were caressing her back. "I wanted to do something for you, for us."

"You always are." Meryl whispered with tantalizing kisses to his chest. "God, I'm so relieved that you're okay. That the episode with your mother wasn't any worse than it already..."

Don closed his eyes momentarily at what she was doing to him; then opened them so he didn't lose control. He opened his eyes and held her beautiful face in his hands. "I am really okay, baby; you make sure of it. Please relax, we are moving forward, and I just want to spend time with my girl while our babies are sleeping."

"Okay." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips and looked over at the tub with a smirk. "So, are you going to get me naked Gummer; or are we just going to look at the water? By the way, you know the doctor hasn't released you for..."

Don rolled his eyes at her comment, making her laugh. "Don't remind me. That doesn't mean we can't be close, does it?"

"Never." Meryl smiled. "Now, are you going to get us naked or what, Gummer?"

Don couldn't help but laugh at his wife. That was his girl from New Jersey, blunt and to the point. "May I?"

"Please, baby." Meryl moaned as his hands went to the bottom of his t-shirt she was wearing and lifted it off her body. His mouth went dry as he saw her standing there in her bra and her leggings. "You never have to ask."

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