Chapter 21

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It was a few days later, and Don was feeling much better. Thankfully, the phone calls and texts from Jane had stopped-Meryl took that opportunity to tell Don that he was right, and he was protecting her and their family by not responding to Jane. Don and Meryl had decided to stay in Maine for a bit as he recovered, and the doctor really didn't want him to fly due to his lungs still being incredibly fragile. As much as Don was enjoying laying around their beautiful new estate in Maine with his wife and babies, he was ready to get out go the house. He woke up from his nap on Friday to find his wife in the kitchen standing at the fridge. "Back away, from the refrigerator, Mrs. Gummer. I repeat, hot stuff, back away from the refrigerator."

"Don!" Meryl spun around to give her husband a huge smile. "What are you doing awake? You should be resting."

Don went over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his lips to her neck. "I'd rather be doing this."

"Don, baby..." Meryl moaned as her eyes closed, she threaded her fingers through his curly gray hair and her body was beginning to wake up to what he was doing to her. She missed him. So much. However, she knew she couldn't let things progress because the doctor hadn't released him yet. She wouldn't do anything to risk his health. "Baby, we can't."

Don smirked as he backed her up against the counter. "Oh, I think we can."

"I mean not now." Meryl giggled; god, how she loved the power he held over her, and the power she obviously held over him. "I need to cook."

Don couldn't believe she was turning him down, and he wondered why. For a moment his mind went to a dark place, thinking that she didn't want him again. He shook his head against that thought as quickly as it entered. He started to think about the past few days and while they had a great time around the house together, he also knew his wife was doing more than her fair share: nursing, cleaning, cooking, taking care of him and the babies. He thought maybe she needed a break. She needed to feel like a wife and lover again. He was up to the challenge. "No, no cooking tonight. It's Friday night. I know we don't have a sitter, but I would love to take my beautiful wife out to supper. With our babies of course."

"Really?" Meryl couldn't believe how excited she still got at the prospect of a night out with her husband, even if they would have their two youngest babies with them. "Are you sure you feel up to it? I mean the cold night air and everything can't be good on your lungs."

Don nodded as he tenderly kissed her lips. "I am sure. I think it would be good to get out of this house. I'll bundle up. You can drive since I can't. I'll still help with the babies and everything, but I would just really like a night out with my wife. What do you say? The place we had our first date here in Maine? Does that sound good?"

"I think it sounds amazing." Meryl sighed happily but then got serious as she cupped his cheek. "Are you sure you feel up to it? I really don't mind cooking, sweetheart,"

"I mind it." Don winked at her. "I want to take my girl out." As Don watched her walk away to go get ready, after placing another kiss on his lips, he really hoped he could get her to relax. H knew how much he needed this, and knew she needed it even more. He then had a dark thought. "I hope her turning me down is just cause she's worried and nothing more..." Don then gave himself a pep talk. "She's just worried, that's all. Don't make more of it than there is."


Meryl smiled as she looked into the bedroom from where she was standing in the bathroom getting ready, to admire her husband. He was getting dressed and was currently only wearing his jeans. She stood against the door frame admiring his backside: his perfect ass, his strong back and the arms she loved to be wrapped around her. The want started coursing through her veins again. Earlier she wanted nothing more than for him to push her down on the counter in the kitchen, and to lose herself in how he made her feel. She was feeling those deep stirrings again, that was until he turned around and she saw the scars on his chest from his recent surgery. She was transported back to the morning she found him gasping for air, his lips blue. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't even hear him speaking to her. "Like what you see?"

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