Chapter 68

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"You have information on my mugging?" Down as shocked and he could feel his wife trembling beside him, he knew she was reliving that night and the days after, just as he was. "That case has been cold for over 30 years. They had nothing to go on."

"They do now." Mike breathed. "Don, son, we finally know who mugged you."

Meryl laced her fingers through her husband's. "Who? Who did it?"

"When Raymore was processed he just sort of spilled everything. He wasn't coerced. I think maybe he thought it was his last chance." Mike began to explain as he already saw the tears appear in Meryl's eyes before she looked away from Don, and he noticed how Don immediately brought her closer to him. "He and Mann did."

Don could feel his wife starting to pull away from him, he was afraid that would happen as soon as Mike started to tell them that they now knew who had mugged Don all those years ago. He pulled her as close to his side as possible as he kissed her head over and over. "Well, at least Mann is dead and Raymore will never see the light of day."

"Funny?" Meryl snapped at her husband when he chuckled. "You find this fucking funny?"

Don sighed as he cupped her head in his hands. "Baby, of course, I don't find this funny. I'm just glad that they can NEVER hurt you or the kids ever again. I don't really see the point in him confessing this all these years later."

"I think he thought that would absolve him of everything." Mike shook his head. "The police and Larry were there, and Larry immediately met with the judge. He added another 10 years onto his life sentence. There is no way he will even get to go outside on the prison grounds now. He has ruined ANY chance of good behavior."

Don turned to his wife as he ran his fingers through her hair and smiled softly at her. "See, baby? This is good."

"How is any of this GOOD? For our whole relationship, they have been after you." Meryl cried. "They fucking beat you, mugged you and left you for dead. I have lost track of how many times Mann tried to kill you. Raymore then hit you with a car, leaving you for dead...AGAIN. He tried to kill you a few weeks ago. Then only last week he brought you up on those fucking bogus charges and you could have been sent to jail forever. WHY? All because he hates me so much?"

Mike gave Don a look and immediately went over to Meryl, hoping maybe he could help console her. "Meryl, honey, none of that happened. He is here. He is safe. You all are. They can NEVER get to any of you again. Because of how you have battled those monsters over and over again, Don is are safe...your family is safe. I know this is overwhelming. I know you have been through so, so, much. It might not feel this way right now, but this really IS good news."

"I'm just so tired of it, Don Man." Meryl sobbed as she laid her head on her husband's chest, and he immediately enfolded her in a protective hug. "I just want you and the kids happy and safe. That is all I have ever wanted."

Mike looked at Don questioningly and Don nodded. "Honey. Don is never safer or happier than when he is with you and your family. For over 35 years, you have made our Don happier than we have ever seen him. He feels the same way about you. What Mann and Raymore have TRIED to do can't take that way. It is because of you that our Don is who he is, and he has the family he loves so much. Do NOT let these freaks take that away."

"He's right, Darl." Don said soothingly. "This doesn't change ANYTHING. The only thing it changes is that Raymore really doesn't have any chance of good behavior now. I know this is overwhelming. I know so much shit has happened, and we both feel like our heads are swimming, but this really is good news."

Mike took Meryl's hands in his. "That night of the mugging was the first time I had ever talked to you on the phone. I knew right then that our Donny was in good hands. You worked tirelessly and were on the police department's asses every single day to try to find those fuckers that mugged him. I know it doesn't seem like it, because it has been so long ago, but you helped make this day a reality. It is because of you that this cold case that is over 34 years old has finally been solved. Don't lose sight of that."

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