Chapter 29

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Don rolled over the next morning, surprised that Meryl wasn't still in bed with him. He looked at the clock on his bedside table and it was still early. He slowly got out of bed, feeling pretty exhausted and sore from doing so much the day before while he should still be recovering, and walked over to the cribs. He just stood there for the longest time, watching the babies sleep. He smiled at how Brady spit out his pacifier so he could suck on his thumb, and at how Mags would smile and make noises in her sleep. He leaned on the two cribs, standing in the middle, just watching them in awe. He thought that it didn't matter how many children he and Meryl had, that this wonder and amazement of babies, their babies, would never get old. He couldn't believe how quickly they were growing; and changing. He wanted time to stand still for just a little bit. He wanted life to calm down so that he and Meryl could have more moments like this, just watching their youngest and last babies. He wanted to savor each moment and appreciate it. Don was so engrossed in watching the babies sleep, that he didn't even notice Meryl walking into the bedroom from the bathroom until he felt her arms wrap around him from behind and kiss his back. "They're pretty amazing."

"Miraculous." Don smiled as he lifted her hands up to his chest, holding them in his. "I woke up and you were gone, then I was distracted by these two angels. Are you okay? It's still early."

Meryl nodded as she laid her head against his back after she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his neck. "I woke up and needed to use the restroom is all, sweetheart. I promise they haven't woken up to eat. You haven't missed anything."

"I'm glad." Don was worried that due to taking the pain pills then he would miss the babies' feedings. He turned around to face her. "I did miss"

Meryl grinned at him, but couldn't miss that he wasn't looking very well. "Such a sweet-talker. How are you feeling this morning? Honestly?"

"Uh oh, you have that look on your face." Don teased; meaning he knew not to try to put anything past her. "I just feel exhausted and a little pain."

Meryl nodded as she pressed her cheek to his. "Well, you did more yesterday than you probably should have, but you don't have a fever so I don't think your incisions have an infection or anything."

"Relax, baby." Don said with a laugh. "I wouldn't have been anywhere else."

Meryl knew that was true, and she was so glad he was able to be there with all of them, but she still worried. She lifted his shirt to look at his incisions, and tenderly kissed his chest. "They don't look infected."

"They're not." Don said softly as he lifted her head to gently kiss her lips. "Just tired and sore."

Meryl nodded as she led him back to bed. "The babies are sleeping. We have nothing to do today. All the other kids are busy. I say it's a stay in bed with my husband while he recovers type of day."

"I'm not going to argue with that." Don said as he took her in his arms, resuming their earlier sleeping position. Just having her in his arms as they laid in bed quickly lulled Don back to sleep. "I'm sorry, Darl, I'm already getting..."

Meryl laughed that he fell asleep mid-sentence. She knew that was a testament to just how worn out his body really was. She pulled the covers up over them, then reached for his cell phone to turn it off, before laying her head carefully on his chest. "Just get some rest, baby. I love you."


Don and Meryl got several more hours of sleep until the babies were up and ready to eat. Once Meryl nursed, she and Don changed into their lounging clothes once they showered, and went downstairs for breakfast. They were soon sitting on the large sectional sofa, playing with the babies in-between them when Don looked up at the clocked and laughed, making his wife give him a questioning look. "I can't believe it's 11 am and we just ate breakfast."

Until the Very Endحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن