Chapter 43

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"Meryl!" Dr. Abbott said when he saw one of his favorite patients rush into the hospital pushing a stroller. "You know, with your concussion, you shouldn't be running or pushing the stroller."

Liz laughed as she followed behind Meryl carrying Mags and Brady's diaper bag. "You try telling her that, Dr. Abbott, especially where her husband and children are concerned."

"I know, I know." Meryl rolled her eyes at the doctor as he walked them towards the helipad. "Where is he? Is he here yet?"

Dr. Abbott put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "No, he's not, but we have been in communication with the chopper and he will be here soon."

"We had to fly into the closest private airfield. How could we have beat them here?" Meryl asked as she ran her fingers through her hair in frustration and started to pace with the stroller, not seeing that her husband was being wheeled in behind her, as she was too busy pacing and worrying. "Do you think something is wrong? I mean it was a medic helicopter, that's what we paid for, so surely it has all the medical necessities he would need. I don't understand how we beat them here."

"Because you promised me you would." Don said as he was pushed closer to hers. "I'm fine, baby."

Meryl looked at Liz who nodded and took the stroller from her so she could run over to Don, pressing her forehead to his. "Thank God, you're here."

"Baby, you're shaking." Don noticed as he put his good hand up to her face. "Are you okay? Did something happen? Did that fucker..."

Meryl shook her head as she tried to get her emotions under control. "No, I'm fine. You just weren't here when we got here, and I was terrified something happened. I mean after the past several days and this morning..."

"I understand, baby, believe me, I do." Don said as he kissed her forehead. "I feel the same about you and the babies. You three were okay?"

Meryl nodded as she took a deep breath and then looked over at Liz. "We were in good hands. Where is the other passenger?"

"Here." Larry said running in, and immediately going over to kiss his wife. "It was an eventful trip, I promise. Luckily, this guy behaved. We just got a later start than you all I think because they wanted to make sure he was secure and all of his IVs were hooked up and everything."

Meryl nodded as she ran her fingers through Don's hair. "I'm glad. Hal is here and waiting for you."

"I was just waiting for my moment." Dr. Abbott teased as he walked over to Meryl and Don who was still on the stretcher. "I have a private room ready for you. And of course, an extra bed for Meryl and cribs for the babies."

Don sighed in relief. "Thank you. M has been doing so much more than she should be. I can tell she isn't feeling well even though she won't say it. The concussion was making her pretty sick yesterday. I really want her to rest."

"I'm still standing here, you know." Meryl teased her husband as she squeezed his hand. "I will rest once I know you are okay. Hal, I want him to have a full workup. I want to make sure his lungs weren't harmed through everything that happened. I want to make sure there was no damage to his head."

Don brought her hand up to his lips. "Baby, all that is fine."

"Dr. Johnson didn't do those scans, so we will." Dr. Abbott assured Meryl. "I've already put in the orders. Let's get you settled in your..."

Don cut off what Dr. Abbott was saying. "While we are here, I want M checked as well. I am really worried about this concussion."

"I wouldn't fight him on it." Larry whispered in her ear while Don was talking to Dr. Abbott about Meryl. "He has been terrified."

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