Chapter 13

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"I'm Dr. Johnson." The Emergency Department doctor introduced himself to Liz and Larry, as they too introduced themselves. "We have the results of Mr. Gummer's tests back."

At just that moment, Mags started crying. Liz could tell that Meryl was about to jump out of her skin waiting to hear what the doctor had to say about Don's condition and she went over to the stroller. "I've got her, Meryl. It's okay."

"Come on, M." Larry said as he had Meryl sit down, and he put his arm around her. "I'm Don's best friend."

"They're family." Meryl explained as she tried to find her voice. "I'm about ready to explode. What is going on with my husband?"

The doctor took out his iPad and showed Don's scans to Meryl. "His lungs are covered in scar tissue. We just keep extracting the thick black mucus from his lungs through the breathing tube, but it keeps collecting."

"Why?" Meryl shook her head. "He hasn't even been sick. He said last night he felt off, and I could tell he wasn't himself. He has been working himself to death planning a surprise for me, and a special weekend for our family. Since that had wrapped up, I thought his body was just telling him he needed sleep. Then when I found him with his lips blue..." Meryl started crying at the memory. "And gasping for breath then coughing up the black mucus, it reminded me of September 11th. He had been trapped under debris for hours. They were finally able to get it out of his system."

Dr. Johnson nodded. "I talked to Dr. Abbott back in New York, and this is from what happened 11 years ago. I know that may not seem to make sense, but victims who were trapped on that day and the days to follow, some of them are just now experiencing symptoms."

"If it keeps building up..." Meryl didn't even bother to wipe away her tears. "What do we do for him? I can't stand the thought of him going through this. I will take him anywhere he needs to go to get better."

The doctor finally gave Meryl a reassuring smile. "I know this is a great deal to take in, I know it doesn't make sense and is scary. The scar tissue has just built up on his lungs over the years, which is what caused this. I'm not going to lie, it is scary, and it is serious. However, once we take him into surgery and remove the scar tissue, and lear out his lungs, he should be okay."

"He needs surgery? SHOULD be okay?" Meryl asked as she was trying to follow everything the doctor was telling her, being completely overwhelmed. The doctor nodded and handed her some consent forms, and she shook her head. "NO."

Larry was completely shocked. "M, honey, HE needs this surgery. If he doesn't have it..."

"He WILL have surgery, and he will have EVERYTHING he needs." Meryl said. "I will pay and do whatever to takes, but I want him med-flighted to New York-Presbyterian where Dr. Abbott is. We know that hospital. Our doctors are there."

The doctor took a deep breath. "Mrs. Gummer, I understand you are not familiar with this hospital, but we have the BEST doctors. Your husband canNOT wait. He needs this surgery now. I am afraid of what the pressure in the helicopter and the elevation change would do it his breathing. He will get the best care."

"Okay." Meryl then realized that while she, of course, knew it was extremely serious, that hearing what the doctor just told her made her realize just how serious it was. "I want complete privacy for HIM. I want him in a private room. My babies and I WILL be staying with him during his recuperation. I want to see him before he goes to surgery."

The doctor took the consent paperwork from Meryl. "I am paging the surgical team right now, and I promise your privacy will be protected, as well as your husband's. A private suite for him, you and your babies is already being prepared. But Mrs. Gummer, he is not conscious and is on a ventilator. He won't know you are there."

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