Chapter 34

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Don was glad that they quickly got Meryl stitched up, gave him her medicines and they were in Larry's hired car headed out to the airfield. The babies were still asleep which was another miracle. Don knew with them sleeping so much they would probably be awake all night, and that Meryl needed as much rest as possible, which meant he would be the one tending to the babies but he didn't care. He wanted the babies and Meryl to do whatever they needed after their traumatic day. Not only had Raymore knocked her out, tied her up and held her at gunpoint; but he had almost succeeded in suffocating her. Don and Meryl were both so grateful that the babies weren't hurt, but they had been traumatized nonetheless. On the way to the airfield, they called the kids as well as Third and Maeve who said they would tell Dana and Mary; and Don told his father, who said he wouldn't tell Jane. He knew none of them needed to deal with that. Suzie and Henry wanted to cancel their weekend plans in Connecticut, but Don and Meryl convinced them otherwise. The girls also wanted to come but Don and Meryl didn't want them to cancel their plans. Don and Meryl told them all that they were glad they were all out of town until Raymore was caught. Raymore had never gone after the kids, but they didn't want to take a chance. Don and Meryl told the kids that they wanted them to check in throughout the day until Raymore was caught, and they could call them at any time, the kids told their parents the same thing. Don really hoped that once he got Meryl and the babies to Maine that they could rest. He told her there would be plenty of food so he didn't want her to worry about that, and Meryl told him the same thing. They knew that they both needed to rest and take it easy with the babies, and they were looking forward to it.


With the pilot Ray's help, Don got their stuff as well as the babies and Meryl situated on the plane in no time. He and Meryl didn't want to wake the babies up since they were sleeping, but they got them to take pacifiers during take-off. Don held Mags while Meryl held Brady as Don had his free arm around Meryl as she had her head on his shoulder. He was so relieved that she seemed comfortable around him, just like always. He knew she wasn't afraid of him, but she had been traumatized, and he just wanted to make sure she always felt loved and safe as well as their children. They sat in the silence fr the longest time, just enjoying being which each other and their youngest children when Don broke the silence as he kissed the top of her head and then said what was on his heart. "Thank you."

"What?" Meryl asked turning slightly so she could look at him. "Baby, you are the one who is making me and the babies feel safe. You are the one who has arranged for everything so we can be safe in Maine. You are the one who has saved me from him over and over today, not to mention the twins."

Don held her chin in his free hand as tears welled up in his eyes. "And I ALWAYS will, no matter what."

"I know that with all my being, sweetheart." Meryl choked thinking of the ways he had been there for her over and over throughout the hellish day. It still seemed like a nightmare; only having Don was a dream to her, a dream she never wanted to wake up from. "Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you over and over."

"No, you SHOULDN'T." Don said strongly. "Thank you for coming to Maine where you all are safer. Thank you for doing what the doctor says even though I know you don't like it. Most importantly, thank you for letting me take care of you. I know how worried you are about my recovery, just as I am about yours, and it means the world to me that you are letting me taking care of you and the babies. I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Neither would I, baby." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips. "I am worried about you, but I know we can take care of each other. I really need you to hear me when I say that through all of the threats, through Mann and Raymore and James and Peggy and Rebecca, you are the only person on this planet I feel completely safe with. I know that when I am working I have the best bodyguards, but I never feel as safe as when you are with me. I never feel you are as safe as when I am with you. I know I'm not a badass like my husband..."

Until the Very EndWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt