Chapter 36

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Meryl woke up a little later. She just couldn't sleep. She had a headache and just felt crappy. She also thought she heard the babies beginning to wake up. She smiled when she realized that her husband was still holding onto her, tightly, while he was sound asleep. She didn't want to wake him. She had an idea to surprise him, but the last thing she wanted was for him to worry about her and the babies when they weren't in there. She grabbed a piece of paper and pen from her bedside table, scribbled out a note for him and placed it on her pillow. She watched as those perfect lips looked so kissable and she had to stop herself from kissing them for fear that a kiss would wake him up, and she wanted him to get his sleep. She sat there watching him sleep and couldn't help but think about how much she wanted more than their sweet short kisses they had shared all day. After everything that happened that morning, after Raymore trying to suffocate her and after her episode of thinking Raymore had gotten to him, Meryl was yearning for so much more. However, she knew he would never instigate it because he was worried about her; and she knew they couldn't do what she wanted because of his recent surgery. She was also worried about hurting him earlier so she didn't want to do anything that could cause him more harm. Meryl had to shake herself out of the thought of making passionate love to him, like only they could do, and tried to focus on another way she could show him how much she loved and appreciated him. Through his stomach. Her mother did always tell her that the way to a man's heart was through their stomach, and she wasn't wrong about that. She carefully got up and went over to the babies, whispering. "There's mama's angels. I'm glad Daddy brought the stroller in here because he would not be happy with me for carrying you both at once. Mommy needs your help in preparing a surprise for your daddy."


"MERYL!" Don gasped as he woke up. He soon realized he was just having a bad dream. But his fear came back when he reached for her in bed, but she wasn't there. His heart started beating quicker until he saw a note on her pillow, in her handwriting, and he started to calm down. Hey, baby. I hope the babies and I didn't wake you up. They were starting to wake up, and I couldn't sleep anymore, so I thought we would plan a little something for you. We are fine, I promise. I also promise that I won't carry them both at once. Love, M. Don smiled at how she knew he would be worried, and she immediately put his mind at ease. With a deep breath, he calmed himself down and went to find his wife and youngest children. "She better not be working herself too hard."


Don's search led him to the kitchen. Well, more accurately, his nose led him to the kitchen. He smiled as he stood in the doorway and saw that the babies were smiley and happy in the swings they had obviously left in the kitchen from their time in Maine the week before. He then watched as Meryl set the table in the kitchen for them. "I sure hope you're not doing too much, beautiful."

"Don Man!" Meryl beamed as she turned to face her husband, a little too quickly, and got dizzy. He quickly ran over to her, which he shouldn't have done. "I'm fine."

Don shook his head as he kissed her forehead and led her to sit down on the sofa. "I don't think so. You have a severe concussion. You should still be in bed...with me."

"That is my favorite place to be." Meryl flirted with him. "I just wanted to do something nice and romantic for you. And here I ruined it by getting dizzy."

Don shook his head at her as he tenderly kissed her lips. "Nothing is ruined. I woke up missing you and needed to come to find my girl and our babies."

"Is that why?" Meryl asked him as he gave her a questioning look. "I think you sometimes forget that I know you better than you know yourself."

"I do forget that, but I like that you do." Don sighed. If he wanted her to be completely honest and open with him, then he knew that he needed to do the same with her. "I woke up in a panic. I don't know why. Well, I guess I do know why. I had visions of that bastard holding that gun to your head, and then him holding that fucking pillow over you. When I woke up you weren't there..." Don could tell she felt bad so he quickly interrupted her. "BUT, I quickly found your note and wanted to come to be out here with my family. You know, you should be in bed."

Until the Very EndWhere stories live. Discover now