Chapter 23

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Meryl smiled as she woke up the next morning to her husband holding her from behind, and placing delicate kisses on her bare shoulder. She reached her hand back to run her fingers through his hair. "Morning, baby."

"Good morning, my girl." Don smiled as she turned in his arms and he cupped her face in his hands. "You are so damn beautiful."

"Thank you, baby; you are my favorite thing to look at when I fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning." Meryl said honestly as she placed her palm on his cheek, looking deep in his eyes. "How's my guy this morning? You don't look like you feel the best."

Don knew better than to try to tell her he was fine, he knew she could and would see past that. "I'm okay, sweetheart. Just feel kind of crummy and chest hurts."

"Unfortunately, the doctor said that would be the case for awhile." Meryl sighed as she tenderly kissed his lips. "I know it's frustrating. Would you like one of your pain pills? I can make you some breakfast so that you can take some."

Don shook his head with a small smile. "I'll take some Advil or Tylenol later. I really don't want to take narcotics."

"Okay, but don't wait too long if it gets worse." Meryl knew it was incredibly frustrating for him. "Don Man, I know how frustrated you are but please don't push your body too much. You just take your time to heal, the babies and I will be right here with you each and every step of the way. There's no hurry. We get to stay in this beautiful home you made for us and rest together. We get to play games. We get to be just us, something we all need."

Don threw his leg over her hip as he pulled her closer to him. "You are such a smart woman, Mrs. Gummer. I think that all sounds amazing."

"Good." Meryl said as she got out of bed and extended her hand to him. "Let's start a relaxing day."


"Look at him." Don laughed as he and Meryl were sitting on the floor of the den with the babies later that morning. "He's trying to push himself up on his hands."

Meryl laughed at how determined Brady was to crawl and Mags was trying hard as well. "Listen to her grunt. Every move he makes she tries to make."

"And the competitive Streep-Gummer nature continues." Don smirked at his wife. "She's isn't going to be outdone by her brother."

Meryl picked Mags up and kissed all over her face. "That's my girl."

"That's OUR girl." Don said as he took Mags from Meryl and she picked up Brady. He could hold them but he technically wasn't supposed to lift them yet. "You break those glass ceilings, baby girl."

Meryl smiled over at her husband, thinking that he was so unlike most men. He was definitely a feminist and she was proud and thankful for that. "That she will, and so will he."

"Just like their mama." Don winked at her when her cell phone rang. "Kids checking in?"

Meryl shook her head as she answered the phone. "Well, if it isn't the elusive Di."

"Oh, don't give me that shit, Mrs. Gummer." Diane teased her best friend. "Your husband built you this amazing estate in Maine and we haven't seen you since."

Meryl smiled at Don as he was making faces at Mags, and she settled Brady on her lap. "Well, other things did come up."

"I know." Diane thought back to the phone call she received from Meryl only a week earlier telling her about Don. "He's still doing okay?"

Meryl nodded even though she knew Di couldn't see her do that. "Yes, better every day. So, what's up?"

"I know you guys are in Maine and this isn't the best timing." Di pointed out. "But, Thursday is our anniversary so we thought that would be the perfect time to..."

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