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The door was black, with a gold door knob and gold trim. Beyond the Door was a room dimly-lit by the light fixture that hung from the ceiling. On the left was a white light switch that operated the dim light bulb. The walls of the room where painted black with white trim and the carpet that stretched across the floor was black as well.

A black dresser with gold trim stood against the right wall and on top of the dresser was an assortment of black makeup and nail polish. Black curtains hung on the window of the far wall and against the left wall stood a nightstand with an alarm clock on it. Next to the nightstand stood a single bed, with white sheets and a black blanket. As the alarm rang the arm of a 16 year old girl stretched out from under the covers and turned it off. "Ugh," Tia groaned from under the covers.

"Hurry up," Jan said as she passed her daughters room on her way to the kitchen. "You'll be late for school girl." She said. Tia pull back the covers and set up on the edge of the bed with a sigh. I wish I didn't have get up so early in this stupid world. Tia thought as she stood up and walked over to the dresser. She removed her nightshirt and slipped into a pair of black jeans and a black shirt with a skull and crossbones on it. She slipped into black ankle high low heel boots and looked at herself in the mirror.

Tia put on her makeup, lipstick and nail polish before brushing her shoulder length black hair. Her green eyes look back at her from the mirror as she got ready for school. She wasn't a bad girl just a misunderstood one, people tended to make fun of her as well as pull pranks on her. Her darkened soul showed through to the way she dressed and she kept to her herself most of the time..

Tia was pretty much a loner with no friends what so ever, she was of average height and slim as well. She picked up her backpack and quietly slipped into the hallway. Tia could hear her parents arguing in the kitchen and quickly made her way to the front door. She slipped outside, shutting the door quietly and begin her walk to school, leaving behind the place she called home. Tia walked down the street and turn the corner at the end of her block.

Tia walked up the street for a few blocks before reaching the corner where the convenience store sat. It was a blue and white shop with a neon sign that read JJ's Quick Stop. There was a large picture window at the front of the store as well as two glass double doors to the right of the picture window. Tia stepped into JJ's and looked around the store, noticing how many students were there.

Four isles of food stood in the middle of the store, against the left wall stood a fountain drink dispenser and on the far wall stood the refrigerated section with cold drinks, food and other items. Tia made her way through the store among the whispers and giggles that came from the other students. "There's the freak," A girl said out loud for everyone to hear.

Tia looked up to see a brown eyed girl with long blonde hair grinning at her. Gina is 17, stood an inch taller then Tia and was slim as well. Gina thought she was better then others and had a snobbish attitude. Tia ignored her taunt and continued through the store. She grabbed a bottle of cold water and a premade sandwich for breakfast as she had rushed out of the house to avoid getting into an argument with her parents.

Tia walked up to the counter and paid the man for the items she had. She left the store and continue down the street to Morgan High. Morgan High is a 2 story red brick building, where the local kids went to school. On the right of school was a swimm-ing pool surrounded bye a wooden fence.

Tia walked past the school and entered the pool area, she set down on a starters block and ate her breakfast. When she was through she left the pool area, tossing the trash in to the garbage can before heading inside. Tia step through double glass doors and into the main hallway, the walls were painted white with wood trim and the tiles on the floor were green marble.

Tia made her way down the hallway and turned right at the stairs. She walked down the hallway and stopped in front of her classroom. Tia stepped through the door and in to the classroom full of chattering students. Like the rest of the school the walls were white with wood trim and the tiles on the floor were green marble.

Tia walk across the room turned down the isle towards her seat, before she could get there her foot hit something and she fell to the ground with a grunt. Laughter broke out as Tia turned her head and looked behind her to see what she tripped on. Tia frowned and she saw a boy with his foot stuck out as he laughed with glee.

Max is 17 years old with hazel eyes and shoulder length brown hair. He is of average height and muscular as well, he had on a white T-shirt, blue jeans and a black leather jacket. He is your average tough guy and doesn't care about anything. Tia picked herself up and continued too her seat and set her backpack on the floor, before sitting down at her desk.

The rest of the morning went by quietly and soon the lunch bell rang. Tia packed her things slinging her backpack over her shoulders and left the classroom. She walked down the hallway and stepped into the cafeteria, Tia got in line and waited for her turn to get something to eat. She followed the line as the workers filled her tray with food.

Tia left the line and looked for a table to sit at and when she saw the empty table she walked towards it. Once again her foot hit something and she tripped, but as she fell a hand grabbed her tray and prevented her from getting food all over her clothes. Tia picked herself up off the ground and turn to look at who had grabbed her tray.

Lisa a 17 year old girl with long brown hair and brown eyes stood there holding her tray. She was average height and slim as well. "Are you alright?" Lisa asked as she handed Tia's Trey back to her.

"Thanks," Tia said and glared at Max, before turning and continuing to the empty table. Tia sat down placing the tray on the table and her backpack next to her. She looked down at the tray to see what there was too eat. Chicken fried steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and a brownie for dessert.

"My name is Lisa," She said as she sat down across from Tia and set her tray down. Tia looked up at Lisa surprised that she sat down with her. what does she want? Tia thought with a raised brow.

"Raven," Tia said as she shook Lisa's hand, before she began to eat. Tia felt a bit nervous having someone sitting with her at lunch. When lunch was through Tia return to her classroom and sat and her desk. Tia was surprised as the rest of the day went without any more laughter or incidences. At the end of the day the bell rang.

Tia packed her things and slinging her backpack over her shoulders Tia left the classroom. She walked down the hallway, turned at the stairs and headed to the front doors. Tia stepped outside and begin her walk back home. The streets filled with students as they headed home as well.

Tia stopped at JJ's to pick up some cold water to drink on her way home. Tina left the store after paying for the water and continued on her way home. She walked down the street by herself and turned the corner that led to her house. Her house was blue with white trim and a small one story place.

Tia went into the kitchen and made herself a sandwich, before heading to a room. She set her backpack on the floor next to her bed and sat down to eat her dinner. Tia lay down on her bed and looked at the ceiling, think-ing about what happened to her that day. After which seemed like hours Tia let out a yawn and knew that the day had took a toll on her.

Tia stood up and changed into her nightshirt, she pulled back the covers and laid down on her bed, pulling the covers over her. Before she could close her eyes everything suddenly turned black.

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