Meeting Evil

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Blaze let out a yawn as he opened his eyes and sat up. The sky was an orangish yellow, as the sun began to peak over the horizon. Another yawn caught his attention and he turned his head, as Ice sat up and stretched.

"I need a shower...clean clothes and my nails are dirty," Ice complained as she examined what she looked like.

"Better get used to it, you ain't going to find a shower around here," Blaze said with a low chuckle. Ice frowned at Blaze with a look of displeasure. "We can look for a pond or river for you to clean up in," Blaze said as pulled out some jerky to eat.

After breakfast, Blaze stood up and slipped the backpack on. Ice got to her feet as well and they both set off in search of other people. It warmed up as the sun climbed into the sky and Ice began to complain about sweating.

"Do you have to complain about everything?" Blaze said, hoping he wouldn't get a headache.

"You guys don't understand anything about girls," Ice replied with a hiss. Blaze rolled his eyes, but remained silent to avoid a drawn out argument. They suddenly stopped, as what looked like a human stepped around the corner. He was dressed all in black and a black cloak hung around his neck.

He was bald and his skin was as white as a sheet. He looked as if he was dead and the red eyes made him look very much evil. On his right stood a dog like creature that looked like it had been turned inside out. It had sharp teeth, with fangs and sharp claws as well.

The creature on the left had a black oblong body and razor sharp teeth in it's mouth. It's long slender legs ended In sharp pointed ends that clicked on the ground as it moved. "Attacksss," He hissed in a strange snake like tone.

Dang let out a growl as it crept forward and creeper hissed through it's teeth as it's legs clicked with every step it took. Fang sprang at Blaze with a growl, it's teeth bared in an vicious manner.

Blaze leapt aside as the Fang shot towards them and Blaze grabbed Ice around the waist pulling her out of danger. He heard the clicking of the Creeper, spun around and shot a fire ball at the creature. It hit the creature but didn't effect it at all.

"Take care of the Fang," Ice said as she turned towards the Creeper. Ice sent shards at it and they shattered against it's body. It slowed the creature down but it didn't stop it from advancing.

Blaze shot a fire ball at Fang but it missed as the creature dodged it. A few more fire balls zipped by the creature before one connected with the Fang and it's body burst into flames.

The Fang withered in pain, but stopped moving as it the fire consumed it's body. Blaze turned just in time to see the Creeper swipe at Ice and pulled her out of it's reach. "My ice shards don't effect it," Ice said with a worried look on her face.

Scar stood and watched his creature's Battle the humans with an interest as they fought against the creature's. "Can you freeze it?" Blaze asked as he let go of Ice. She nodded her head and inhaled deeply, when she let it out a stream of ice cold air shot across the warm day.

It stuck the Creeper and it slowed down with each step, until it stood like a frozen statue. "You thhhink thhhat will ssstop it," He hissed at them.

"No but I'm sure this will," Blaze replied as he shot a fire ball at the Creeper. On contact the Creeper exploded in a shower of frozen fragments.

"Thhhisss isss not thhhe end, I'll be backsss," He hissed as he turned to leave. Blaze and Ice looked at each other with raised brow's. If he thinks we are going to wait here for him he is crazy, they thought. "Let's get out of here," Blaze said and they hurried away from the area, hoping that they would put a lot of space between them and that man.

"That person scares me," Ice said as they walked away from the area."I'm starting to hate this world," She said as she looked around to make sure nobody would jump out and attack them again.

They continued there walk and around about noon they stopped for lunch. "We are going to need to find more food and water soon, or we are going to starve before long," Blaze said as they sat down.

Blaze handed Ice two jerky sticks and took two for himself. "Where are we going to find some food?" Ice asked as they ate.

"We'll have to search places that are likely to carry food," Blaze said as he finished eating.

"That's going to be hard on my nails and when are we going to find a place for me to clean up?" Ice complained as he stood up. Blaze rolled his eyes at her as she continued to talk about her comfort. Here we go again, she is really annoying, Blaze thought to himself.

They stopped at one place and found that someone had already cleaned it out. Another place looked promising but everything was either crushed or scattered all over the floor. "This is getting exhausting," Ice gripped as they left the ruined building.

"We'll stop soon, so we can find a place to stay," Blaze replied as they continued.

"Oh no, more searching," Ice whined in a childish voice.

"You're going to have to get used to it, we'll have to do this every day," Blaze said with a firm voice.

"I'm not built to do this kind of thing," Ice whined as they continued there search.

"I wonder what that pale man ment by it's not over?" Blaze asked out loud.

"You don't think that he has more of those dreadful creature's," Ice said with a worried look on her face.

"Yes, but I think he isn't the one in charge either," Blaze said.

"You mean there's some even creeper then him around here?" Ice asked with a look of fear on her face.

"Not around here, but he can't be that far off," Blaze said as he shook his head.

Ice let out a screech and latched onto his arm. "I don't like this place," She whined as she looked around herself in hopes that there was no fiends around.

"Look, I know you're scared but I'm not accustom to having people dangling all over me," Blaze said as he shook her off.

"You're such a meanie," Ice replied and folded here arms across her chest. Blaze let out a sigh and shook his head at the situation. I've heard of girls like this, but she must be queen of the whiners club, Blaze thought.

They continued there search, ice griping every so often and Blaze wishing she would stop doing it. "Ice wait!" Blaze called out as she shot forward at a high rate of speed.

"Tree," Ice said as she pointed towards the end of the street. This girl is confusing, first she's scared and clinging to me, now she's racing off as if she didn't care what was around, Blaze thought as he walked down the street.

The sun was starting to set and Blaze decided to pick up some wood for a fire. When he got to the tree, he piled the wood up and set it a blaze. "We can spend the night here," He said as he sat down.

"Foot," Ice said as with a mouth full of the apple she was eating. Blaze saw she had already finished two apples and was now devouring the third apple.

"You'll make yourself sick if our eat like that," Blaze said as he picked some apples to eat. They watched as the sun set, turning the sky an orngish yellow.

"Who do you think put this tree here?" Ice asked as she finished her third apple.

"I don't know, but I'm glad it's here," Blaze replied. As he watched the light turn into dark-ness.

"Do you think that person will find us?" Ice asked as she looked over at Blaze with a worried look on her face.

"I think we will be safe for tonight," Blaze replied in a comforting voice.

"That's good," Ice replied and let out a yawn. She lie down under the tree and fell asleep. Blaze grinned at the sight of Ice sleeping and lay down as well. This has been a long day and we are both exhausted, I hope she gets a good night's sleep. Tommorow we will be doing it again, Blaze thought as he got comfortable. He looked at the fire hoping it would last most of the night, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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