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The room had green walls with a white trim and the carpet that stretched across the floor was green as well. A brown dresser stood against the right wall and had some makeup sitting on it. A light fixture hung from the middle of the ceiling, as did the two plants that hung from hooks in the room.

On the far wall was a window with white curtains and below it stood a nightstand with a radio on it. Against the left wall stood another nightstand, but this one had an alarm clock on it. Next to the nightstand stood a bed with white sheets and a green blanket on it. In the bed and under the covers lay a 17 year old with long brown hair.

The alarm rang and a yawn issued from her as she pulled back the covers and sat on the edge of the bed. Lisa ran her fingers through her long brown hair and stood up. Are my babies thirsty? Lisa thought, as she picked up a pitcher of water and watered the plants.

Lisa walked over to the dresser and looked into the mirror, to see her brown eyes looking back at her. She changed into a red shirt, with a blue skirt, before slipping into her brown flats. After putting on some makeup, Lisa grabbed her green back-pack and stepped into the hallway.

She walked down the hallway and out the front door. Lisa is a rather cute girl of average height and weight, she is nice and friendly to everyone. Nothing ever made Lisa sad, she was a happy person.

Lisa walked down the street with a smile on her face and greeted everyone she passed. She continued down the street and turned right at the next corner,l as she continued on her way. After turning left, Lisa walked down 2 more blocks before reaching JJ's quick stop. She stepped inside and walked around looking for something to eat. She grabbed breakfast burrito and a soda before heading for the counter to pay for it.

After paying for it Lisa ate her burrito and drink her soda as she walked to school. This was a daily routine for her and she enjoyed the walk to school as well. When Lisa finished eating, she through are trash in the nearest garbage can and continued her walk to Morgan high.

Some students returned her greeting, well others watched her pass and wondered why she was smiling so much. Lisa stepped into the school, walking down the hallway to the stairs and turning right. Lisa made her way to her classroom and stepped through the doorway, finding a room filled with groups of chattering students.

Lisa walk down the aisle and made her way to her seat. She set her backpack down and sat down in the chair. This it's going to be a great day, Lisa thought as she looked around the room. Lisa jumped with a start and her heart beat quickened as she saw Tia fall. Damn you Max, why do you have to be so mean, Lisa thought with a frown etched on her face.

Lisa knew there was nothing she could do about it and she let out a sigh. The students scrambled to their seats and room got quiet as a teacher entered. The rest of the morning went without another incident and Lisa busied herself with the assignment. When the bell rang Lisa backed up her things, slung her backpack over her shoulder and left the class-room.

Lisa walked down the hallway, passing the stairs and continued to the cafeteria. She stepped inside and joined the other students in line. Lisa found herself standing behind Tia and followed her room the lunch line. Lisa walked beside Tia as she headed towards a table with no students on it.

Lisa's free hand shot out as Tia tripped over Max's foot and took Tia's tray, freeing her hands. Tia caught herself in time to prevent a bad fall and got back to her feet with a frown on her face. Lisa watched as Tia glared at Max and then turned towards Lisa who was holding her tray.

"Thank you," Tia said as she turned to walk away.

"Your welcome," Lisa replied as she followed Tia to the empty table. Tia looked up at Lisa as she sat down with a smile etched on her face. "My name is Lisa," she said as she held out her hand to Tia.

"Tia," came the reply in a low irritated tone. Lisa put her hand down and looked at Tia with a raised brow.

"Someone should kick Max out of school, he is so mean," Lisa said in between bits. Tia didn't reply to Lisa and they both are lunch in silence. Tia was the first to finish and she hurried out of the cafeteria. When Lisa was done she left the cafeteria, but Tia had already disappeared from the hallway.

Lisa walked down the hallway, in the direction of the classroom and stepped inside. Tia sat at her desk looking out the window at nothing but the scenery out side the school. Lisa set her backpack down and sat in her seat waiting for class to start. I wonder if Tia is made at me for helping her? Maybe she is shy or doesn't know what to say, Lisa thought as other students began to enter the class-room.

The rest of the day moved on and Lisa focused on her school work. She always finished before she went home, but she couldn't get Tia off her mind. Lisa was determined to find out why Tia acted like that towards her at lunch.

It wasn't long before the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Lisa packed up her things, stood up and slung her backpack over her shoulder. When she looked around, she noticed that Tia had already left. Lisa hurried out of the classroom and into the hallway.

She made her way down the hallway in hopes of catching up to her. When Lisa made it through the front doors of the school, she was disappointed to see that Tia had already left the school grounds. Determined to find the answer, Lisa walked quickly down the street passing the other students on their way home.

After a few blocks Lisa came to JJ's and stepped inside. She grabbed something to drink, as she looked around for Tia but found that she wasn't in the store. Lisa left the store, after paying for her drink and let out a sigh. Maybe I will have a chance to ask her tomorrow, Lisa thought as she started her walk home.

Lisa looked around as she walked home watching the birds fly by and looking at the pretty flowers around the neighborhood. Lisa turned at the corner to her street and made her way to her house. She unlocked the door, stepping inside and shut it behind her. Lisa set her backpack in her room before she went to the kitchen.

Lisa made herself 2 burritos, grabbed some chips and a drink as well. She sat at the table and ate her dinner all alone. When she was done, she cleaned up and went back to her room. Lisa grabbed her nightshirt and a towel, before heading to the bathroom.

Lisa let the warm water run over her as she took her shower and when she was through, she stepped out of the shower. Lisa dried off, put on her nightshirt and headed back to her room. She picked up the pitcher of water. She went around and watered her plants, as she talked to them.

Here you go my babies, some nice fresh water, Lisa thought as she gave them water. Setting the pitcher down, she picked up a book on plants and walked over to her bed. Lisa lay down on her bed and opened the book to the first page. She began to read about different kinds of Rose's there are.

Long stem, short stem, with thorns and without thorns. There were different colors like blue, yellow, pink ect. Lisa loved to read about plants and wanted to own her own flower shop one day. Lisa moved on to the next chapter which talked about the different varieties of tulips in the world.

Lisa continued to read about other kinds of flowers, ivy and ferns. She soaked in all the information about the plants and how to make them flourish and grow strong. The time ticked away as she read the book from cover to cover, before grabbing another book. Lisa opened it and began to read about where and what climate the flowers could be found.

Lisa was interested in every aspect of the book and was so absorbed in it that she didn't notice anything going on around her and would probably never noticed if the lights didn't go out, plunging her bedroom into total darkness.

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