Sticks and Stones

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Tia's head hit something solid as she tried to sit up and found that she was inside a small container of some kind. Oh God...tell me it's not a coffin, Tia thought as she felt around. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as fear took hold. Tia kicked and banged against the unknown barrier that held her in the small cramped space.

Tia jumped with a start as a hiss sounded near by and the barrier moved aside. Tia let out a sigh of relief, as she sat up on the edge of the object. Her body shivered as the air around her felt cold. Tia hopped to the ground and found the cold floor against her bare feet, Tia felt her body and found to her surprise that all she had on was her underwear.

Oh no....I'm naked...I hope nobody else is around, Tia thought as she felt her way around the room she was in. Tia stopped short as she heard something rattle across the floor. "Is somebody there?" Tia called out with fear as she listened for any other sounds in the room.

Tia's foot touched a cold metal object and she reached for it. She jumped with a start as the object sprung into her hand. Her heart beat loudly as she backed into a corner. Tia's whole body shook as she ran her hand over the object. She felt a button and she pressed it. Part of the room lit up and Tia realized that it was a flashlight that she held in her hand.

In the center of the room stood a capsule that was connected to wire's and was where she had been laying. Tia moved the flash-light around the room and stopped as she saw a small table with something on it. She walked over and saw it was a jumpsuit that lay there. It was all black with purple accent and on the chest of it was a purple star burst.

Tia grabbed the jumpsuit and slipped it on, before slipping on the matching boots. I need to find a way out of here, Tia thought as she looked around the room. The light illuminated a staircase, but there was a bunch of rubble blocking it. I guess I'll have to dig my way out, Tia thought as she set down the flashlight and began to dig through all the rubble. Tia let out a sigh of relief, as she saw sunlight shining through an opening in the rubble.

My name isn't Tia that was a fake world, Tia thought as she pulled herself through the opening and out into the sunlight. Tia looked around at the deviation as the sun begin to set. Darkness that's what I woke up too, I will call myself Raven, she thought as she looked around her. I'll need to find some food, Raven thought as she looked at her surroundings with uncertainty.

Meanwhile in a nearby building another scene was unfolding as well. "Let me out!" Lisa screamed as she pounded on the hard surface and with a hiss she was free. Lisa slipped off the thing she lay on and landed on the floor, her heart beat rapidly as she couldn't see a thing in the room she was in.

Where am I? Lisa thought as she bumped into a table. She heard something clutter on the floor, she got on to her hands and knees to search for it. After a short time Lisa's hand wrapped around a metal object that was rather long. Lisa felt a button on it and with a click part of the room lit up.

In the middle of the room stood the capsule she had been laying in and next to it was the up-turned table where the flashlight sat. What's going on here? Lisa thought as she looked around the room. The light stopped on another table with something on it. Lisa walked over and picked it up.

It was a jumpsuit, it was black with green accent's and a wreath of twisted ivy on it. Lisa suddenly realized that she was cold and looked down at her underwear clad body. Well I would feel uncomfortable if I ran around in my underwear, Lisa thought as she slipped into the tight fitting jumpsuit. Lisa looked around and found a staircase blocked by rubble and began to dig her way out.

The sun was setting and it was getting hard to see, as Raven gathered wood in hopes to start a fire. She piled the wood and tried to start the fire by the bo drill method. Raven noticed a movement out the corner of her eye and stood up to look around for it. She saw a figure close to a nearby crumbling wall and looked for something to defend herself with.

Raven reached towards a large rock, but before her hands could get closer the large rock floated up off the ground. Raven stared at the hovering rock, with a look of shock on her face. I can't believe I'm doing this, Raven thought as her attention returned to the mysterious shadow.

Raven waved her hand towards th figure and the rock shot in it's direction. The figure jumped behind a wall and the rock crashed to the ground where it had been. Raven levitated a large boulder and sent it towards the wall, where the figure was hiding. The figure jumped away just as the boulder smashed the wall.

" Hay!" Raven cried out as ivy wrapped around her ankles pulling them tightly together. The ivy continued the creep up her legs and Raven fell over onto the ground. The ivy trapped her hands and continued up to her neck. The only thing Raven could do was watch has the shadowy figure came closer. The moon-light illuminated the figures face and Ravens eyes got wide as she looked at a face that she recognized. "You!" Raven exclaimed with surprise in her tone.

"Tia is that you?" Lisa asked with a raised brow as the ivy began to resend and free Raven from it's grasp.

"It's Raven," She said as she sat up and looked at Lisa. "Ivy, that's what I'll call you," Raven said as she stood up. Raven got the fire started they both sat down next to it. "Can you grow food," Raven joked with a grin etched on her face.

Ivy held out her hand and after a few seconds a sprout popped out of the ground. It grew into a medium sized tree. Leafs sprouted, followed by blossoms and apples. Raven watched as the tree grew right before her eyes and produced apples. "We won't starve that's for sure," Raven said as she reached up and grabbed one.

"Are we the only ones around here?" Ivy asked as she ate an apple.

"I don't know, we will have to look for other people in the morning," Raven replied as she finished her apple.

"Do you know what happened to us?" Ivy asked and told Raven what had happened to her after she woke up.

"No but it looks like this is the real world," Raven said as she told ivy what happened to her as well. They both talked about the things that happened and came to a conclusion that they were in those capsules for a reason, but what reason they didn't know at all. "Well we better get some sleep," Raven said as we lay down by the fire and closed her eyes. Ivy gave a nod and she too lay down by the fire.

Raven blinked her eyes as the sun began to rise, giving an orangish red hue to the sky. Raven made her way back down into the dark room and searched the place untill she found what she was looking for. Raven grabbed the backpack and started back to the surface.

Meanwhile Ivy woke up and saw that the fire was out and Raven was gone. She stood up and looked around her, but couldn't see Raven anywhere. Why did she leave? Is she going to come back or did she leave me alone? Ivy thought as she looked around the area with a big frown etched on her face. A sound made Ivy jump with a start and she turned to see Raven coming out of a hole in the ground.

In her hand Raven clutched a backpack and Ivy smiled at her as she walked over to her. "We can carry things in it and it has 2 water bottles as well. Raven and Ivy picked some apples to take with them. After they were done, they sat down and ate some apples for breakfast. "Time to get started," Raven said as she slung the backpack over her shoulder. Ivy gave her a nod and with that they set off on their adventure into an unknown world, with unknown dangers and people in it.

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