Fort Dead

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It sat up on a hill over looking Hell Town, surrounded by high wooden battlements that protected Fort Dead. In the center of the compound stood a large black building.

Morlok's stood around the compound, there white skin and red eyes were offset by the black cloak's that's adorned their bodies. Creeper's and Fang's were in separate Pen's behind the building and their yellow eyes watched as Morlok's passed.

Hamrock's stood to the left of the building, they looked like an elephant with a wolf's head. It's skin was gray, it had big yellow eyes and sharp teeth. Two large tusks adorned either side of the head and they were used to transport things from place to place.

Inside the front door was a large room, torches hung on the walls and gave the room a dim light. A door stood on the right and left walls and in the center of the room stood a throne made of bones. Sitting on the throne was a large creature that looked like it had stepped out of someone's nightmare and into the real world.

It was larg, black and had glowing red eyes. Fangs hung from the sharp teeth in it's mouth. Large bat like wings unfurled behind it. It's hands and feet ended in Long digits with sharp claws. It sat waiting for it's first in command to return from scouting.

Meanwhile Scar was on his way back to Fort Dead from his scouting trip. Master won't like this, never before has any one other then him had any power. I hope he don't take it out on me, Scar thought as he approached Hell Town.

Building of all sorts stood on the town, from pubs to killers for hire. There were shops to buy weapons of all kinds brothels and even some-one who would torture others. Hell Town was good with the meanest, underhanded criminals in the world.

They all were in the Lord's service and feared that he would kill them if they refused to do what he asked. The people moved aside as Scar entered the town, knowing that he was the Lord's first. Scar walked through the town, not paying attention to anyone and continued to the Fort.

When he reached the end of town, the street inclined towards Fort Dead. Scar entered the fort and made his way towards the black building. "Scar," His deep bass voice echoed through the throne room loudly.

"Lord Drago," Scar said as he knelt in front of the throne.

"What have you to report?" Drago asked as he looked down at Scar from the throne.

"There isss a problem Lord," Scar said in a shakey voice.

"Tell me what this problem is," Drago asked through narrowed red eyes.

"I ran into sssome humansss and they killed the creature'sss I took withh me," Scar hissed.

"That has happened before Scar," Drago said as he looked at him with a raised brow.

"Thesse humansss threw fire ballsss and ice ssshardsss," Scar said with fear.

"Humans with power!" Drago bellowed as he stood up to his full hight and unfurled how wings. His eyes burned with hatred. Scar shook at his feet, fearing he would take his last breath on this day.

"Take some men and creature's with you and hunt down those humans," Drago growled with hatred.

"Yesss Lord Drago," Scar replied as he turned to leave the room. Stepping through the front door he looked around the compound. "You get sssome Creeper'sss, Fang'sss and meet me out front," Scar ordered the Morlok. While the Morlok did as he was told, Scar walked over to a Hammock. He climbed up a latter and got on the creature.

Scar nudged the Hamrock and got him moving. It was a slow creature but it's strength and vicious manner made up for that. "Let'sss go," Scar ordered as he left the Fort with the others.

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