The Beast

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Raven rolled her eyes and let out a sigh as she tried to uproot a tree to use like a bat on the creature. The creature turned his head and with a swipe of his arm it cut the tree in half. While the creature was distracted Ivy managed to grab its legs with her Vines and with the roar it fell to the ground with Earth moving thud.

Crash leaped forward and punched the creature in the head and jump back before it could bite him. Creature began to rise and Typhoon let loose a lightning bolt.

The creature growl in pain and it's fur on its back smoked from the strike. They all ducked as it took a swipe at them, the claws missing by inches above their heads. Ice froze the ground beneath the creatures feet and it slipped and fell once again.

Raven finally pulled a tree from the ground and begin to beat it. They all jump back as the creature let out a roar and stood up, limping off into the forest. "What a monster," ivy said with a sigh of relief.

"Did you see that I really showed him something," Ice said as they begin to move on. Ice let out a screech as her legs slipped out from under her and she landed on her butt. Nobody could keep themselves from laughing at the site before them.

Ice just turned her head and glared at them through narrowed eyes. "That's not funny!" She growled as she climbed to her feet.

"I hope that creature doesn't decide to come back." Blaze thought as they continued their journey. The woods begin to thin out and once again they were in a ruined City. The sun showed it was noon and they all stopped to eat lunch.

"If it wasn't for the woods I could have roasted that sucker." Blaze said as they ate lunch.

"It was a tough fight." Typhoon said as he nodded in agreement with blaze.

"How's your rump feel Ice?" Raven said with a giggle, causing everyone to start laughing.

Ice glared at Raven with a frown on her face. "Stop making fun of me!" Ice snapped with an angry tone. Everyone quieted down and finished their lunch, before continuing their journey.

"This is going to be a long journey and I hope we don't run into anything else." Crash said as they continued on.

"We may have to stop soon and make camp before we lose daylight." HyVee said has she looked around.

"Ivy's right better look for a place to camp." Blaze said, and she begin to look around.

"What about there?" Raven said and she pointed to partially ruined building in the distance.

"Let's check it out." Ice said as she quickened her pace. It took only a short time for them to reach the place and it turned out to be another house. The front of the house had crumbled but the rest was still standing.

A hallway led through the second half of the house, there was two bedrooms on the right and the kitchen on the left still stood. "This is a good place to spend the night." Typhoon said have you looked around the place.

"One room for the girls one for the boys.." ivy said with a smile on her face. They went and to their appointed rooms and set up their bedrolls they were given.

"Ivy, if you can make an apple tree I'll go get us something to eat." Crash said with a smile on his face.

"I'll go with you." Blaze said and they both made their way out of the room. While Ivy grew an apple tree and the two boys we're out hunting, Raven and Typhoon went to look for wood to start a fire.

Ice on the other hand stayed there cleaning her nails and trying to make herself look good the best way that she could think of. It wasn't unusual for Ice to not want to do any work and she always complained about breaking her nails or getting dirty all the time.

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