The Falls

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It was around noon when they stopped for lunch and Typhoon refilled their canteens when they where through. "Well we better get going," Crash said as they packed up and continued their journey.

"I wonder how long it will take for us to find a place?" Ice asked with a frown on her face.

"Would you quit whining," Blaze said as he shook his head in disbelief. Ivy's brow arched as she looked over at ice and Blaze. Ok they remind me of a couple that just got married, Ivy thought as they continued down the street.

It wasn't long before they came to the edge of the ruins and looked out at the forest in front of them. "Well this is going to be fun," Raven said as she looked around.

"We better be careful, you don't know what's in there," Ice said in a shaky voice, as Blaze let out a sigh of aggravation and shook his head.

"Blaze I suggest not using your power inside the forest," Typhoon said to him.

"You've got a point there, I'll do my best," Blaze replied as he looked at the Forest.

"Let's get going," Crash said as he begin to walk towards the forest, with the others close behind. The sunlight didn't get through the tree tops, causing the forest to look dim and forbidding.

"It's so creepy in here," Ice said as she hugged herself and looked around the forest nervously.

"Here we go again," Blaze said as he threw up his hands up. The others let out a little chuckle as they continued deeper into the forest. Crash put up his hand to signal the others stop, he had heard something moving inside the forest and didn't want to be ambushed.

"What's up," Typhoon asked in a low voice as they came to a stop next to him.

"I heard something," Crash replied as he looked around to find the source of the noise he was hearing. Everyone stood quietly listening for the noise and we're ready for action. The noise came closer and as it burst out of the brush, everyone saw a little white bunny hop across their path.

"That's one ferocious rabbit," Raven quipped and everyone burst into laughter. Crash's face turn red with embarrassment, as the others fell to the ground with glee.

"You can stop now," Crash said as he looked down at them with a frown on his face. After a good laugh, the others got up and brushed themselves off.

"Lets get going," Ivy said, trying to get everyone off the subject. "I hope the forest doesn't go far," She said as they continued their journey. The sun was high in the sky and they all stopped to have lunch.

"If I would have caught that rabbit, we would be having meat instead of fruits," Blaze said as he thought about the little white rabbit.

"You're mean," Ice said with a frown etched on her face.

"I couldn't eat a rabbit, there too cute," Ivy said with a sigh.

"You both just killed a bunch of creatures and you feel sorry for a rabbit," Raven said and took a bite out of her apple.

"Thas difent," Ice Mumbled with a mouth full.

"Please don't talk with your mouth full," Typhoon said with a sour look. When they we're done they slipped on their backpacks and continued their journey through the Forest.

It was Raven who heard the noise this time and signaled to the others to quiet down. 'I hear movement in the woods," Raven said as she stopped in her tracks to listen. The others followed her lead and when all was quiet, they too heard the rustling near by.

Two creatures stepped out of the tree's, that were as large as a lion and had black and white stripes. There sharp teeth were bared and the fangs hung below their jaws. Sharp claws adorned each of their four feet and their eyes were like green jade.

Raven looked around her but couldn't find anything to send at them and took step back. Blaze also took a step back, knowing he couldn't use powers in the forest.

The creatures move forward gravity stalking them. Raven decided to try and uproot one of the trees, knowing it would take a toll on her if she did. Ivy touch the ground and vines shut up and ensnared the two creatures slowing their progress.

Typhoon called up some wind to help hold the preachers back. Ice shot shards of ice at the creatures and they roared in pain as the shards cut into both of them. The creatures tore at the vines with their sharp teeth and managed to free themselves.

The creatures charged at them, but before they could reach them Ice blew her icy breath at them and managed to partially freezing them in place. Ivy spun around as you heard Raven moan and knew what she had done.

"Raven!" Ivy cried out, causing everyone turn their heads towards Raven. Just then the creatures broke loose and leaped at them. They all jumped with a start, as vicious roars issued from behind them. They turned around just in time to see a tree fall over and crush the creatures they were fighting.

"I don't think you can stay here but I doubt Raven is in any condition to move on," Typhoon said with a sigh.

"You're right, Raven won't be able move on right now," Ivy said has she rummaged through the backpack for the medicine.

"I'll carry her," Typhoon said has he knelt down beside her. Ivy look up at Typhoon with a raised brow. "If we hadn't left the stretchy behind, we would have an easier way to transport her," He said.

Typhoon picked Raven up and cradled her in his arms. "Let's get going before the sun starts to set karma" Blaze said as he started to walk and the directions very originally we're going. The rest of them followed him are they made their way through the forest.

"Do you guys hear water?" Crash asked the others, while he looked around.

"Yeah, I hear it too," Ice said with a nod of her head. "Let's find the water so I can get cleaned up," She said in an excited voice.

"Calm down, you have no idea what could be there around that water," Crash said as they continued there journey.

"Look I have gone a long time without cleaning up and if there is water nearby I am going to clean up whether you like it or not," Ice said with a huff.

"Let's find the water so she can clean up stop complaining," Blaze said as he rolled his eyes and let out a sight.

"I don't complain," Ice replied with a frown on her face. They continued their journey and soon the trees begin to thin out.

"There looks like a clearing up ahead," Typhoon said as the sunlight began to stream through the trees. They all stopped in the clearing and looked around them with surprise.

The forest surrounded the clearing, a rose at one end of the clearing and a water fall dumped water into the lake below. Lush green grass surrounded the clearing and blue violets dotted the grass, making it a beautiful sight.

Ice Rand towards the lake happy to see water once again, but she came to a stop when she realized that the boys right behind her. "Typhoon put raven down next to the lake," Ivy said pointing out the spot.

Typhoon walk towards the lake and he gently lay Raven down on the grass next to it. "I am not going to undress in front of you guys," Ice said as she crossed her arms in a huff.

"Let's give the girls some privacy," Typhoon said as he turned and walked away. Crash and Blaze followed him across you're clearing and back into the forest.

Ice was about to take off her jumpsuit, when she heard voice behind her. "Oh my," He said with surprise, as he saw the girls. He was an old man, his face wrinkled with age and his skin was on the pale side. He had short gray hair that had traces of black in and these eyes we're a light brown color.

You wore brown khaki pants, a white dress shirt and a pair of Brown penny loafers. The girls red outer ear piercing scream, causing the old man stumble and fall to the ground. The boys I'm running out of the forest and across the clearing, stopping when they reached the girls.

"That man was watching us undress," Ice grumbled with a frown etched on her face.

"'t... I didn't know... anyone was here," He stuttered, not knowing what to do or say. The boys walked over look down that the old man, who was at this moment shaking like a leaf. They look them over to make sure that he wasn't a threat to any of them.

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