Scar's Retreat

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Scar retreated as he looked back at the scene of devastation, as he moved away from the Carnage. Massster not going to like thisss, Scar thought as he slowly walked through the ruins of the town.

I could have had them if it wasssn't for thossse other humansss, Scar thought with a scowl on his face. Scar shook his head and fidgeted, wiggling his fingers and clenching his fists. He looked around him nervously to see if anyone was following him, as he made his way back to Fort Dead.

I hope massster don't kill me for failing again, He thought as he continued his journey. The sun was high in the sky at noon and Scar stopped to rest for a minute. He jumped to his feet as he heard the noise of approaching feet.

"Where is your force Scar?" Myju asked has he approach Scar with his group.

"They are gone." Scar said with a frown on his face. "I almossst had them, but another group of humansss approached they defeated my forcesss." Scar hist.

"Bad luck, I hate the humans." Myju said as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Are you returning to Fort Dead?" Scar asked as he walked beside Myju disappointed in his failure.

"Yes, we can keep each other company if you're heading back?" Myju said as he placed a comforting hand on Scar's shoulder.

"Thank you." Scar said and he told Myju about the Battle that he had lost.

"Well it's not your fault, you couldn't possibly have known that others would show up." Myju said.

"I sssuppossse you're right, but I guesss it'sss hard to take." Scar replied with a sigh of disappointment. They marched through the ruined City and just as they reached the edge of the ruins, the sun begin to set.

"We'll make camp here." Myju said as he halted the group. Myju went about securing the creatures, as Scar went about collecting wood for a fire. Myju laid out some bed rolls, while Scar lit the fire.

Myju set a kettle on the fire and begin to place vegetables and spices in the kettle. He stirred the contents and brought it to a boil before adding some dried meet to the mixture.

"That sssmellsss good." Scar said as he licked his lips hungrily.

"Should be done in a short time." Myju said with a smile. They both sat waiting for the food and watching the sun as it descended. When the food was done, myju dished some out into two bowls. They ate in silence, enjoying every spoonful and even got a second helping.

"That wasss the bessst meal I've eaten in a while." Scar said with a satisfied grin.

"Glad you liked it." Myju said happy that someone liked what he had made to eat. They sat and watched, as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon. They both crawled into their bedrolls and soon were fast asleep.

Scar blinked his eyes and sat up, as the sun begin to rise and the rays of sunlight bathed the area. Myju opened his eyes and sat up as he looked around. He relit the fire and begin to warm up the leftovers for breakfast.

After a hurdy breakfast, they picked up their bedrolls and broke camp before continuing their journey. They entered the woods and turned West and headed straight for Helltown. Scar begin to get nervous the closer he got to Fort Dead.

They walked across Helltown and people scurried out of the way as they passed by. The gate swung open as they approached the Fort and closed again after they had stepped in. Myju went to put the creatures away, while Scar looked at the compound in the middle of the Fort.

Scar took a deep breath and walked towards the compounds doors, hoping everything will turn out okay. He opened the door and saw Drago setting on his throne with his head in his hand. His head rose as he heard the doors.

"You have returned," Drago said as he watched Scar approach. "Give me your report." Drago said as Scar stopped in front of him.

"I...I have...b...bad newsss." Scar studdard nervously as he looked down at the floor. "I could have beat thossse bratsss, but four other humansss joined them and they had powersss just like the other two." Scar said as he fidgeted nervously.

"More humans with power!" Drago roared with anger. "We must put an end to them, I and the only one who deserves to have power." Drago growled.

"They are quite ssstrong massster." Scar said with a worried look.

"Take Myju with you, that will double your army and you should be able to defeat them." Drago said as he looked down at Scar.

"Wh...what if...w...we fail?" Scar asked as he looked at Drago nervously.

"Thin you better be dead or I will kill you!" Drago growled as he glared at Scar.

"Y...yesss...m massster." Scar replied as you slowly back the way from the throne in fear. He made his way across the room and stepped through the doors and stood outside as he try to calm his rapidly beating heart.

If I lossse I will not be able to return. I will either die out there or Massster will kill me, what a gloriousss decisssion to make, Scar thought with a nervous sigh. Scar made his way around the compound in search of Myju.

Scar found Myju sitting at a table talking with others and drinking some grog. "Myju I need to talk to you." Scar said as he motion with his head for Myju to follow him. When they were far enough away Scar stopped and turned to Myju.

"Massster told me to find you, you are to come with me." Scar said with a worried look. "We will take two teamsss and hunt down the humansss." He said as Myju looked at him with a raised brow. "He also said if we fail we better be dead or he will kill us." Scar said.

Myju's eyes got wide and his mouth dropped open, has the words came out of Scar's mouth. "B...but I...I never f... failed, w... why s... should he k...kill me?" Myju said with a worried look plastered on his face.

"The humansss have powersss and he wantsss them dead, or usss dead if we fail." Scar said with a sigh. "We better get ready, let'sss get the suppliesss and put them on a Hamrock before we gather the ressst of our troopsss." Scar said with a sigh.

They walked to the food Warehouse and gathered trade meet bread and some cheese and put them in a sack. They walked over to the armory and selected their swords and a few slingshots.

They fastened the swords to their waist and hung their slingshots on the belt. They grabbed show feed for the troops and they took all of it to a Hamrock and begin to hang this applies across the creature.

They gathered some fencing to make corrales for the creatures when they stopped to sleep and affixed then to the side are the Hamrock just as they did the food. Finally I went together their troops, 20 Creepers and 20 Fangs. They let them to the Hamrock and signal for the Gates to be opened.

"Let'sss get ssstarted." Scar said as they led the creatures through the gates. The gates close behind them probably for the last time, as they started their quest. "I hope we win, I don't think dying will suit me well." Myju said with a frown on his face.

Scar shook his head in agreement, if they didn't win they we're as good as dead. "We need to return too the lassst place I sssaw them." Scar said as they walked through Helltown. People scrambled out of the way as in large army made its way through their town with purpose.

It was going to be a long journey and there was no telling where are the humans would be right now. "Do you think we will be able to find them?" Myju asked as they walked.

"We have to find them are we can't go back." Scar said has he looked around. They entered the woods and begin the journey across it.

Meanwhile at that very moment Jason was standing by the waterfall and heard ocean noises coming from the forest. The sounds we're close and it was a group of animals, Jason new musically what it was that was heading their way.

Jason slip behind the waterfall and raced across the tunnel to the other side and waved his hands frantically to signal his people to be quiet. The word was passed in whispers and soon the entire village became silent.

Meanwhile Scar and Myju made the way through the forest into the clearing by the lake. "Let'sss ressst and refresssh the water before moving on." Scar said as they all came to a stop.

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