Fire & Ice

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"ow!" He said as his head hit something solid and he felt around. He was inside a sealed container, he pushed and with a hiss the top moved. He sat up on the edge in the pitch dark room. I can use some light, he thought with a sigh. When a ball of fire sprung from his hand he jumped off his perch, on to the floor and shook his hand vigorously to get the flame off

Wait a minute...that didn't hurt, he thought as he realized that he could use the fire to light the room. He consentrated on the image of the fire ball and it appeared in his hand. It lit the room with a dim light and he could see around most of the room.

Blaze, that's what I'll call myself, he thought as he looked around the room. In a corner, on a table sat an article of clothing. Blaze walked over and looked at what it was. It was an all black jumpsuit with red trim and a fire ball emblem sat in the middle of the chest area. Blaze grabbed it and extinguished the fire so he could put it on.

Once again the fire ball appeared in his hand and he looked for a way out. How am I going to get out of here, Blaze thought as he saw the blocked exit. Using both hands Blaze concentrated on the fire ball and watched as it grew in size. When it was big enough,he pushed his hands forward and sent the fire ball into the blockage. It exploded, slinging fragments of concrete everywhere.

Blaze repeated his actions two more times and soon found himself outside in the open air. A frown spread across his face as he looked around him in surprise. What the hell! Blaze thought as he saw the ruined street he once called home. He went back down and grabbed the backpack he saw next to the table and made sure he had water in the two bottles and found a little jerky in the pack as well.

Meanwhile somewhere close another ordeal unfolded, but not as well as it had for Blaze. "Let me out of here!" She screamed as she pounded her fist's against the hard surface. Her kicking and screaming paid off as the top opened with a hiss. She tumbled to the floor and let out a long string of curs's. I hope I didn't break nail, it's my dumb luck to be in this dark, dirty place. My clothes are probably a mess, she thought to herself as she got to her feet.

She began to brush herself off but stopped short, she let out another scream as she realized she was in her underwear. I want out of this horrid place right now, she thought as she felt around the room. She bumped into a table and it crashed to the floor with a bang, causing her to jump with a start. She felt something next to her hand and grabbed hold of it.

With a click part of the room lit up. "Eww, doesn't anyone ever clean the place?" She said to herself. She played the light across the room and stopped when she saw some clothes on another table. Shee walked over and picked it up. The jumpsuit was all black with blue accent's and had an emblem of an ice shard on it.

"That is tacky," She mumbled to herself. She had no choice but to use it or run around scantily clothed. I didn't know how people use things like this, it's just eww, she thought as she frowned at herself. She looked around more and stopped as the light hit the blockage that lead to the exit and to the outside. Now I'm going to get dirty moving this rubble and I may break my pretty nails doing it, she thought as she set down the flashlight.

She grumbled as she moved each piece of rubble as if it weighed a ton. I wish there was a better way to do this, she thought as she picked up another piece of rubble. Her eyes got wide as ice covered the rubble and she let it slip out of her hand with a look of shock etched on her once clean face.

When the rubble hit the ground it shattered like a piece of glass and she stared at the small fragments that lay in front of her. After pulling herself together she walked over to the rubble and placed her hand on it. She watched as ice began to cover the rubble and before long all of it was covered in ice. Now to find something to break it with, she thought as she looked around the room.

On the floor, near the up-turned table sat a pipe wrench among other things. She walked over, picked it up and walked back to the blockage. I can create ice... that's it I'll call myself Ice, she thought as she swung the wrench at the rubble. The rubble shattered with each swing and she made her way up the stairs with each strike.

Ice broke through the rubble, dropped the wrench and pulled herself out of the the dark dirty room. "God I'm dirty I need..." Ice said before she abruptly stopped talking. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes got wide, as ice looked at the ruins of the buildings. Oh no...there are no hair solons, no clothes stores and no bathrooms...what am I going to do? Ice thought as she looked around her.

Ice started down the broken street as the sun was setting and knew she would have to stop soon. It got darker as Ice went on and she was about to stop, when she saw a fire burning near by. She didn't know if the person who made the fire would welcome her to the camp or kill her. Ice took a deep breath and continued on, hoping that the person was friendly and not some fend.

Meanwhile Blaze found some wood and started a fire, sitting down to warm himself and have something to eat. He jumped to his feet as he saw a shadowy figure approach and without a thought threw a fire ball at the figure. Blaze was startled as he hear a girl screech and his mouth dropped as he saw his fire ball die out. "That wasn't very nice of you!" Ice growled as she got closer.

"Sorry didn't know if you were friendly or if you were some creature," Blaze replied as he sat back down. When ice reached the fire, it's glow revealed what she looked like. "I recognize you but that wasn't real," Blaze said with confusion.

"That was some kind of virtual reality," Ice said as she sat down by the fire. Blaze looked at her with strange look his face. "What?" Ice asked as she saw his expression.

"I just didn't think you were that smart," Blaze said as he pulled out some jerky.

"Just because I'm blonde it doesn't mean I'm stupid!" Ice growled with a frown etched on her face.

"Sorry, I don't know many smart people," Blaze said as he handed ice some jerky and a bottle of water.

"We'll I suppose hat makes sense and thank you for sharing your food and water," Ice replied as she took them. They sat and ate, as they old each other what had happened to them. "My name is Ice by the way," She said as as she held out her hand.

"Blaze is mine," He said as he shook her hand, glad to have someone around that he can talk to.

"Do you think the other people in the VR are real?" Ice asked as she finished eating.

"I don't know, but there may be others that were real," Blaze replied as he thought about what it meant. "If there are others then maybe we need to look for them," Blaze said with a thought full look.

"How would we know where to look?" Ice asked with a raised brow.

"We will have to keep an eye out for them and we know what they look like in the VR, so we shouldn't have much of a problem," Blaze said as he looked up at her.

"We can start the first thing in the morning," Ice said as she stretched and lets out a long yawn.

"Yeah, we better get some sleep if we want to get an early start," Blaze said as he found a comfortable place by the fire to lay down. Ice nodded in agreement and she too found a spot near the fire so she could lay down. It was some time later that Ice finally fell asleep and not long after she had, Blaze finally closed his eyes. It would be a big day for them both and they needed all the energy they can possibly get for it.

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