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The brown wooden door with a brass door knob opened up into a bedroom and it was lit buy a light fixture in the middle of the ceiling. The walls of the room were red with white trim in the carpet stretched across the floor was burgundy. A brown dresser stood against the right wall, on top of it set a brown backpack and a magazine.

In the far wall is a window with red curtains hanging from it and underneath stood a small table with a radio on it. Against the left wall was a small brown nightstand with an alarm clock on it. Next to the nightstand what is a single bed, it had a brown frame, with white sheets and a red blanket. When the alarm went off a hand slipped out from under the covers and turned it off.

"Uh," Ben groaned as he pulled back the covers and sat up on the edge of the bed. He let out a yawn, as he stretched and blinked his eyes to clear his vision. Ben was average height and weight, he was a friendly type and got along with most people around him. Ben stood up and ran his hand through his short black hair, as he walked towards the dresser.

Ben looked into the mirror and saw his brown eyes looking back at him. He pulled out a pair of jeans and a blue shirt that read sports fan. Ben put them on and slipped into his sneakers, before grabbing his backpack and heading out of his room. He stopped by the kitchen, giving his mom a hug and grabbing some toast before heading to the front door. He stepped outside, closing the door behind and started on his way down the street.

It was a few blocks down when he came to the corner where JJ's stood, but unlike other kids Ben continue down the street without going in to buy something. Ben continued down the road and made his way towards Morgan high. When he arrived it was only a few students milling around, he stepped through the front doors of the school and walked down the hallway.

Ben turned right at the stairs and continued down the hallway too his classroom. He stepped through the doorway and found an empty classroom. Ben walked to his seat, set his backpack next to it and sat down at his desk. Ben enjoyed the calm quite time, he reached into his backpack and pulled out a book.

Ben read his book, as the other students begin to shuffle into the classroom and put it away as the room filled with loud chatting students. He let out a sigh and watched as the other students come in. He watched as Max came in, followed by Gina and the others. He watched as Tia entered and made her way to her seat.

As Tia passed Max, Ben saw his foot shot out and he gasped as Tia fell. A frown spread across his face and he glared at Max as he laughed with glee. The rest of the morning went without any further incident and Ben begin to pack away his things as the bell ring for lunch. Ben picked up his backpack and left the classroom, heading to the cafeteria.

Ben entered the cafeteria and got into line with the rest of the students. He moved through the line as his tray was filled and look for a table after he left the line. Ben sat down I noticed Max not far from him. Anger weld up in him and he clenched his fists as Max's foot shot out and tripped Tia.

That jerk, who does he think he is, Ben thought as he glared at Max with anger. Ben was a kind friendly person, but Max was one person that he didn't like. Max acted like a tough guy and pushed people around all the time. Ben wished he could beat Max up just so he would stop picking on others.

Ben was relieved that someone helped Tia and he let out a sigh of relief. He finished his lunch, emptied his tray and left the cafeteria. Ben walked down the hallway on his way back to the classroom. Why do people have to be mean...they think there so tough and always pick on other people. Ben thought as he entered the classroom. He walked to his seat, set his backpack down next to it and sat down in the chair with a sigh.

Ben watched as other students started to show up and the room filled with talking groups of students. When the teacher arrived, everyone took their seats and class resumed as it always did. It wasn't long before Ben finished his homework and pulled a book out of his back-pack.

Ben read the sci-fi book he brought with him, it was about a starship crew that struggles to survive in a war torn Galaxy they live in. The clock ticked off the seconds in the quiet room and Ben wondered why time was taking so long. Ben looked up from his book and saw that only a few minutes had passed and let out a sigh.

Ben returned to his reading when a voice interrupted him. "What your reading bookworm?" Max asked as he passed by Ben's desk.

"Max please take your seat and stop bothering the others," The teacher said as she looked over the rim of her glasses. Max shrugged and walked back to his seat. Ben let out a sigh of relief, as Max walked away from his desk. Looking at the clock Ben saw that it only took a minute for that to happen.

Ben spent the rest of the day reading his book, until the bell rang. Ben packed up his things, stood up and slug his backpack over his shoulder. He stepped out of the classroom and walked down the hallway, turning at the stairs and headed to the front doors. Ben stepped through the doors and walked across the school grounds.

Ben made his way to the street and began his walk home, other students passed by him hurrying to where ever they were going. Ben took his time and thought it was funny how people rushed around as if they were late for something. He continued down the street and decided to stop by JJ's and grab something to munch on.

There were some students there as he stepped into the store, most of them had already been there and left. Ben walked around the store, picking up a candy bar and a soda, before he went to the counter to pay for it. He ate as he walked, taking a drink of his soda as he continued to his house.

When Ben got there he went into the kitchen and made himself something for dinner. Ben's parents worked late and he was left to do what he wanted until they got home. He washed his dishes and went to his room to grab some clothes. Ben took a shower and put on his pajamas, before returning to his bedroom again.

Ben turned on some music and grabbed a book, before he lay down on his bed. He loved reading, as the stories in them took him to different lands and he saw different people. The adventures on the sea, land and eveñ the sky made him feel free and happy.

The book he was reading was an adventure in outer space and it took him to strange planets. The strange creatures surprised him as they were things never before seen in the real world. Lobster like people, mechanical men and winged creatures as well. There were so many different people it made Ben happy.

Ben continued to read as the crew of the spaceship landed on the planet of merchant's. There were restaurants, stores that sold a verity of items and even a medical facility. The streets were filled with shops of all shapes and sizes, they sold unique items and offered unique services as well.

The lights flicked, causing Ben to set down his book and sit up in bed. Great, there's no storm and yet the lights are flickering, Ben thought as he stood up and walked out his bedroom. I hope it isn't a short, Ben thought as he stepped into the hallway and headed for the fuse box. The lights flickered again, as Ben opened the fuse box and checked the switches.

Everything looked fine, so Ben closed the fuse box and walked to the closest window. It was getting dark, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Ben began to search the other rooms looking for the cause of the flickering lights in the house. He couldn't find anything wrong with anything and turned back towards his bedroom.

The lights flickered again as he reached his bedroom the lights went out and every thing went black. Great just what I need, Ben said as he felt around for a flash-light.

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