The Battle

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They filed into the room  and the six Morlock's pulled their swords and we're ready to protect their king. "Oh now what is it that you need." Drago said with a sigh As he looked at the ground and tapped his fingers on the arm rest with boredom.

"We want you to die." Blaze growled with a tone of anger. Drago's head shot up, his hands clutching the arm rest and he glared at the six humans that stood in front of him.

"You are those humans that Scar warned me about." Drago grumbled in a bass tone.

"Yeah about that." Crash said with a grin. "Scar had a little accident." He said as he gave an oh well shrug.

Drago growled as he glared at them with hatred. "Don't just stand there you fools, attack them!" Drago bellowed at the Morlock's. The Morlock's approached, spear's held out in front of them.

The Morlock's jumped back with a start, as Crash humped into the air. When Crash landed, he slammed his first into the ground. The ground shook and the Morlock's fell to the ground with a thud, their spear's clattering as they hit the floor.

The Morlock's sprang to their feet and reached for their weapons. Before they could touch them, they slid across the floor and stopped just behind the teens. The Morlock's pulled out daggers and raced towards them at high speed.

A fireball shots from Blaze's hand and one Morlock screamed as he caught fire and burst into flames. Crash swung his fist and hit another Morlock so hard, the sound of his neck snapp- ing echoed through the room.

Ice formed an ice shard and skewered the third Morlock straight through the heart. Typhoon side stepped the fourth Morlock, grabbing the hand with the weapon and twisted it behind the Morlock. He grabbed the Morlock's chin and with one movement impaled the Morlock with it's own blade.

"Back stabber." Crash said with a grin causing everyone to smile at his quip. Ivy made tendrils of vines to shoot through the windows and ensnared the fifth Morlock. "Aaaaah!" It screamed as the vines squeezed the life out of me Morlock.

Raven stood with an evil grin on her face as the last Morlock's head kept bouncing off the walls with a crack, followed by the ceiling, floor and the other three Walls. Raven was having way too much fun as the red spots all over the room indicated.

Typhoon never saw this side of Raven and it scared him. Gently he placed his arms around her and the Morlock came to an abrupt stop on the floor, it's skull split in two. " Do I have to do everything." Drago growled as he kicked the Morlock out of his way as he stood up.

"Let's see what you have." Drago growled with a snear eched on his face. A fireball shot from Blaze's hand and struck Drago's chest, causing Drago to stumble back- words.. Drago opened his mouth and a column of flame shot towards Blaze. Before it could reach him, Blaze stood in shock as he saw Ice step in front of him.

Ice opened her mouth and a cold mist shot out. The column of flames began to desolve as it came in contact with the cold mist. Drago stopped breathing fire and unfurled his enor5bat like wings. Drago gave one flap and the gust of wind sent the six teens flying. Thayhit the wall with a thud and slid to the floor.

Drago advanced on them, with a grin on his face. "You are pothe..." Drago said before he shot across the room and hit the opposite wall with a thud. Drago glared at them with anger as he stood up. Ice thought he was going to use his wings again, so she shot shards of ice at Drago's wings.

Drago let out a ferocious roar as shards of ice ripped through his wings like butter. He folded his wings and advanced towards Ice with anger etched on his face. Drago lifted his clawed hand and brought it down towards her head.

A shocked look spread across Drago's face as his arm suddenly stopped two feet from it's target. Drago scanned the teens and spotted the look on Raven's face. Before Drago could move, Crash launched himself towards Drago and using his body as a cannonball he hit Drago hard and caused him to stumble backwards.

Drago let out a low growl has he steadied himself. Ivy grew vines that entered the windows and wrapped themselves around Drago. While Drago struggled to free himself several fireballs slammed into him causing him to stagger backwards. Ice froze the floor in front of them without Drago knowing as he was still struggling to free himself from the vines.

The vine snapped as Drago slashed and pulled at them to free himself from their bonds. Drago spread his wings and let out a ferocious roar that shook the room. "We have to find a way to stop him." Blaze said with desperation etched on his face. The teens jump back, as Drago shot hey scream of fire at them.

Raven used her power to hold Drago still, while ivy wrapped him up with her vines. Drago struggled to free himself, but this time he was pin down good. Ice decided to freeze Drago's mouth to prevent him from spewing fire at them again.

That's when it happened a bolt of lightning shot out of Typhoon's hands and struck Drago in the chest with a resounding boom. "Aaaaah!" Drago roared with pain as the lightning sent electricity shooting through his body.

Meanwhile Cubs people I woke it up and heard roars and noises coming from the Fort. They all gathered at the edge of town looking up at little place wondering what to expect. They spoke curious voices wondering what could be going on at Fort Dead. While in the Fort the 6 teens watched as Drago looked as if he was about to die. " is it can't be stronger send me." Drago gasped and she spoke to them.

"You made a mistake thinking that you I'm better than everyone else. We are team we work as a team and we are stronger as a team." Typhoon said as he watched drego taking his the last breast. Dragos head slumped arrested on his chest, the beast had been slain.

"It's time to clean up the rest." Ivy said as she looked around the place. It didn't take them long Ashley split up and began to eliminate all of the Morlock's as well as the creatures that lived and Fort Dead. Everyone met back at the front as a fort and look up at it as they thought about the Battle they had just won against darkness.

"What about the Fort, we I'm going to just let it stand?" Crash asked curiously with a raised brow.

"Let it stand as a re- minder that evil will never win." Ice said with a sigh.

"Well now that that's over what do we do?" Blaze said as they left the fort and made their way towards Hell Town. They noticed a group of people at the edge of town as, they got closer and wondered if they were in for another battle. They look surprised as they Shaw the people step back to allow them to pass through.

"Now that was strange." Ivy said as they walked through the town.

"So where do we go now?" Crash ashed with a raised brow.

"Well back home." Typhoon said with a grin on his face.

"And where is that?" Ice asked with an annoyed look on your face.

"Utopia of course." Raven replied and she leaned against Typhoon. It was about this time I know it came upon the farm where they had spent the time before heading to the fort.

"We ain't that got all, you youngins made it out alive. Glad to see you defeated that demon once and for all." Jed said with a smile. "Where are you off to now?" He asked was a tone of curiosity.

"We have a home in Utopia, that's where we're headed now." Blaze said as he pointed in the general direction of the place.

"I'm glad this is over, now we can have a normal life." Raven said as she slipped her hand into his.
"Really guy's can't you wait until we get back?" Crash said as he threw his hands in the air

Everyone burst into laughter as 5hey continued their journey to Utopia. "It's time that you got a life little boy." Raven replied with a grin.

"No way, I'm not the kissy face kind of person." Crash said. It didn't take long to get through to their destination, most of the trip was easy and they joked around with each other. Thanks to the farmer they had enough food to get back to Utopia.

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