Another Day

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Ivy open her eyes the next morning to see sunlight streaming through the window. She sat up on the edge of her bed and let out a yawn, as she stretched. Ivy stood up and walked over to Ravens bed, to make sure she was okay.

Ivy stepped outside to the sound the birds chirping and noticed the dew that adorned the green grass throughout the valley. Back inside Typhoon let out a yawn, as he opened his eyes and sat up on the edge of his bed.

Typhoon noticed that Ivy wasn't in her bad, he stood up and walk to the front door. He saw ivy standing nearby and decided to join her. "Everything okay?" Typhoon asked with a raised brow, as he walked up and stopped next to her.

"Yeah, I was just enjoying in the morning." Ivy replied, as she looked up at Typhoon. Inside the hut Raven let out a sigh as she sat up on the edge of her bed. Crash opened his eyes and sat up as well, when he saw Raven was awake.

"Are you okay?" Crash asked as he looked across the room where Raven sat.

"Yeah I feel better today." Raven said as she stood up and looked around the room. She noticed two beds where empty and and knew ivy and Typhoon we're already up.

Blaze opened his eyes as he heard noise and set up on the edge of his bed. "Good morning." He said as he let out a yawn, streaming his arms above his head.

"Person trying to sleep." Ice said as she pulled the blanket over her head with huff. Just then Typhoon and Ivy stepped into the room. When Ivy saw Raven, she rushed over and wrapped her in a hug.

"Ok...ok I'm fine." Raven said with a smile on her face. Ivy dropped her arms and looked down, as her face turned a bright red.

"Nobody can sleep around here with all this noise." Ice mumbled as she threw off the covers and sat up on the edge of the bed.

"It's time to get up." Typhoon said as he looked over towards Ice with and anxious look on his face. The girls went to shower first and the boys went after they had gotten back.

Just then Jason appeared in the doorway of the hut. "Breakfast is ready." He said with a smile on his face. They all left the hut made their way the main building. They could smell the aroma the breakfast as it wafted out the door.

They all stepped into the main building and found a table to sit at. The table had ham, eggs and hash browns piled on plates. Butter biscuits and milk were also on the table, along with plates, cups and silverware.

Pam walked up to Raven and set a bottle of red liquid by her. "I want to make sure you have enough." She said before finding a table to sit down at. After they were finished eating they got up and you left the main building.

They all stopped as they saw Jim waiting for them outside. "I made some bundles for you to take with you, there is dried meat, bread and I refilled your canteens with fresh water." Jim said with a smile.

"Thank you." They replied in unison happy to have something different to eat. They continued to their hut, but stopped as they saw Jason walking towards them with his arms full.

Typhoon and Crash went to help him carry the things. "Oh thank you boy's." Jason said as they took the bed rolls from him.

"You're welcome." They replied in unison, as they stopped in front of the others.

"These are big rolls, have two blankets and a round pillow about this long." Jason said and he held his hands several inches apart. "That's chewed if you warm at night, place one blanket on the ground and one to cover you with lay down on the pillow." He said as he distracted them on how to use it.

With everything together and bed rolls slung over their shoulders, they waved goodbye to their new friends. "Good luck and we hope we see you again," Jim said as he watched them as they walked away.

"Like through the tunnel we go." Crash said stretching is arm out and front of him. They climbed the makeshift steps, up side of the cliff and into the tunnel once again. They made their way through the tunnel and emerged from behind the waterfall once again.

"Let's see the map." Lathe said as they stopped by the lake. Typhoon pulled out the map and they all look at it.

"We need your head east from here." Raven said and she crashed your finger across the map. "We'll have to turn north Pier." She said stop in your finger at one point on the map.

Typhoon folded the map and put it away as they started on the journey East. "Oh no...I just realized something." Ice said with a horrified look on her face.

"What's your problem now?" Blaze said with an agrivated sigh.

"I won't get another bath for a long time." Ice whined with a frown on her face.

"Keep whining and I'll make you wish you never opened that mouth." Raven said as she glared at Ice from over her shoulder. I sweat out a squeak and fell silent for the time being.

They continue East through the forest and soon the trees begin to thin. "We turn North here." Raven said as she pointed in the direction they needed to go.

"Can we rest?" Ice whimpered like a child. "My feet hurt." She said as she drug her feet on the ground. Aaaaah!" Ice screeched,causing everyone to look over their shoulders. Ice's Foot had hit a chunk of a wall and she stumbled, before falling flat on her face with a thud.

"That's what you get for whining." Blaze said and bust out with laughter. A few Snickers came from Typhoon and Crash, while Ivy and Raven's faces contorted as they tried desperately not to laugh.

"That's not funny! Ice growled as she got back on her feet. "I could have been hurt." She said as she brushed her clothes off.

"Ok...let's take a Ice can recuperate." Raven said, trying her best not to laugh. Blaze was still rolling on the ground, laughing his head off.

"Stop laughing or I'll freeze your lips together." Ice said with a frown on her face. Blaze stopped laughing and looked up at her with eyes as wide as saucers. The others chuckled as Blaze got to his feet.

They all sat down and had some dried beef, Brad and cheese for lunch. After filling their stomachs, continue your journey due north and hoped nothing would slow them down. It wasn't long before they heard what sounded like someone turning things upside down.

They all slow down and slowly looked around to find the source of the noise. A loud roar issued from behind them and they spun around I'm trying to see the head of something just behind they ruined wall.

It's head turned and large yellow eyes stared down at them. "That's one big creature." Crash said with wide eyes. It stood 7'0 and was covered in brown fur from it's head to it's feet. It's head was round with medium sized ears and a small snout. It's sharp teeth showed as it growled at them and sharp claws adorned the ends of it's arms and legs too.

It's large tongue liked it's lips as it began to move towards them. "It thinks we are it's lunch." Ivy said as she started to back up.

"I don't want to be eaten by it." Ice whined as she tried to hide behind the others.

"Instead of whining use your powers fool!" Blaze hissed at her in anger.

"You don't have to be mean." Typhoon said as he made the sky get cloudy.

"Need to slow it down or immobilize it." Crash said and as he got ready for a fight.

"I'm on it." Ivy said as she knelt down and touch the ground. Vines shout out of the ground wrapping around the creature binding it's legs as well as its arms. Raven levitated rocks and shot them towards the creature hoping to knock it off it's feet.

The creature let out a roar of anger and the vines binding it begin to snap. "Well this ain't going to be an easy fight." Typhoon said as the creature freed itself from The Vines.

"We have to give it everything we've got or we're in trouble." Raven said as the creature begin to move again. "Ivy try to trip it with your Vines." She said in a low voice out of habit.

"I don't think the creature understands English." Ivy whispered back to Raven with a smile.

"Really." Raven said as she glared at Ivy with her hands on her hips.

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