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The door was white with gold trim and had a ornamental gold door knob. Beyond the Door was a bedroom brightly lit by a miniature Chandelier, it was gold in color and had teardrop shaped crystals hanging from it. The walls are painted pink with gold trim and a pink carpet stretched out across the room. On the left of the door set a gold light switch which operated the mini chandelier that hung in the middle of the room. A white dresser the gold trim stood against the right wall and an assortment of makeup, lipstick and nail polish stood on the dresser.

Against the left wall stood a white and gold nightstand with a gold alarm and a ballerina perched on top. Next to the nightstand stood a single canopy bed with white sheets and pink blanket. The frame of the bed was white and the canopy was pink, anyone could see this was a girl's room.

When the alarm went off , The Nutcracker Suite played as the ballerina danced around. A yawn issued come under the covers and as the covers pulled back 17 year old Gina sat up on the edge of her bed. She was dressed in a pink nightgown and reached over turn off the alarm. A TV tray stood nearby with her breakfast and she sat and ate her breakfast before getting ready to go to school.

Gina took out a clean white blouse and a pink skirt that stopped mid thigh. She slipped into white low heel shoes and grabbed her pink backpack, slinging it over her shoulder. Gina left her room, walked down the hall and descended the stairs to the front door. She opened the door, stepped outside and shut it behind her.

Gina started down the street towards the school with a smile on her face. Gina was the kind of girl that thought she was better then everyone else, because her parents had more money then the average student. She had good clothes, good food and got whatever she wanted. Gina reached JJ's and went inside to get some mineral water. Just as she was walking towards the refrigerated area, she spotted a girl dressed in Black and wrinkled her nose at the sight of her.

"There's the freak!" Gina said in a loud voice so that everyone heard her. A smile spread across Gina's face, she was proud of what she did. She grabbed her water and went to the counter pay for it. Gina left the store happier then she was just minutes before. Gina avoided other students, because they didn't ware fancy clothes like she does.

Gina continued on mumbling how everyone had cheap, raggedy clothes and could never afford anything she had. She ignored the hello's from the other students and with her nose in the air Gina continued to Morgan High. Gina stepped through the front doors and walked down the crowded hallway.

"Don't touch my expensive clothes." Gina said as she pushed a boy away from her. "Stop crowding me." She said as she made her way down the hallway. Gina turned right at the stairs and continued to her classroom, fussing all the way. Gina let out a sigh as she left the hallway and entered a less crowded class-room.

Gina set her backpack down next to the desk at the front of the class and sat down in her seat. She may have been a snob and rather annoying, but she was a straight A student. Gina frowned as she saw the Goth girl walk into the class. "Freak." Gina said under her breath as she passed by her.

Gina watched as Tia turned down the last isle and head to her seat. Suddenly Tia tripped and Gina burst in to laughter as Tia fell. Any grin formed on Gina's face as she enjoyed the moment. The rest of the morning went by quietly and soon the lunch bell rang. Gina packed up her backpack and slung it over her shoulder before leaving the classroom.

Gina walk down the hallway, pass the stairs and stepped into the cafeteria. She cut in line and swallowed it through, as the workers filled her tray with some food. Gina left the line and headed to a virtually empty table and sat t the end away from the other students. Gina picked up her fork and was about to start eating, when she noticed Tia leaving the lunch line and head-ing to a table.

Gina's brown eyes got wide and a grin spread across her face, as Tia tripped on Max's foot, but before she could fall a hand grabbed the tray from her. Gina let out a sigh and frowned at the sudden rescue. Why did she have to spoil it for me. Gina thought as she went back to eating her food. When she was finished, she emptied her tray into the garbage can and set it on top of the others before leaving. Why can't there be a place where everyone was like me? Gina thought as she left the cafeteria and headed back to her class-room.

A land of perfection, where everyone dressed in nice clothes and had wonderful conversation, while having tea and biscuits, Gina thought as she sat at her desk. The rest of the day went with out any other incident and that made Gina board with nothing to do. Gina doodle on some paper, while the others did their school work.

When the bell rang, Gina packed up her backpack and stood up. "Excuse me...let me through," Gina said as she pushed away turn the students. "Eww... don't touch me," Gina said has she made her way down the hallway. She turned left at the stairs and headed to the front doors of the school.

Gina stepped outside and welcomed the less crowded school grounds. She walked down the street heading in the Direction of her house. Am I the only one who likes nice things, am I really all alone in this world. Gina frowned that's a thought as she continued walking down the street.

Gina stocks at JJ's and grabbed her a fountain drink and some chips. She paid for it add to counter and stepped outside again okay. Gina laying down a hanky before sitting on the bench in front of the store. She opened her chips, setting them next to her and picking up her fountain drink.

Gina sat, eating the chips and drinking her soda all by herself. When she had finished she got up, through the trash in the garbage can and continued on her way home. Gina's house was a red one with white trim and a large yard with beautiful flowers planted along the front and bushes instead of white picket fence.

Gina's parents work with finances and made a good living, allowing Gina to have all the nice things in the world. The only sad part to the whole thing was that her parents we're hardly ever home. Gina unlock the door and went inside, walking through the hallway and into her bedroom, she set down her backpack and walk to the kitchen.

Rummaging through the refrigerator, Gina found stuff to make a sandwich and some left over macaroni salad. She took out the food it made herself a sandwich, grabbing some mineral water from the refrigerator and shut down to eat. After she was through, Gina washed the dishes and returned to her room.

Gina grabbed the book she was reading and lay down honor bed to read. The story was about a princess had everything in the world, but she was lonely and wanted someone to love her. One day out of nowhere Prince came, sweeping her off her feet and they both lived happily ever after.

Gina love the stories so much, wishing she had a life like it where she could do and have anything her heart desired, Gina look at the cover how's the book and let out a sigh. I wish real life I was like the story in my book. Gina thought as she lay staring up at her canopy. That would be the perfect life for me. Gina thought the dreamy look crossed her face and she hugged the book to her chest.

I could have ruled the world, everyone would dress nicely and what are you would have tea parties all the time. Gina thought as she lie on her bed. Gina was all alone, her parents gone most of the time and nobody seem to want to be her friend. Gina set her book down on the nightstand and let out a sigh, hoping that tomorrow but bring a better day for her.

Gina let out a yawn and stretched as she begin to feel sleepy, the day had been a long one and she hoped left the next day would be a better one. Gina pulled the covers over her and was about close your eyes when everything went black.

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