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They picked a direction and hoped they would find some kind of civilization. "Do you think there are other people in this world?" Ivy asked as they passed another broken building in the town.

"I hope so, if not we may have a real problem," Raven said as they continued down the broken road, hoping to find any sign of life in the world. Ivy looked at Raven with a raised brown and a confused look. Raven saw the look on her face and let out a giggle.

"What?" Ivy asked with surprise, not understanding what Raven was laughing at.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough," Raven replied as they continued on their way. Raven stopped suddenly as she heard a low growl nearby. Ivy stopped and looked at Raven, wondering what she was looking for in the ruins. Ivy's body stiffened as she heard the growl and looked around in panic.

Raven tensed as what looked like a wolf without fur rounded the corner of a ruined building and started towards them with bared teeth. "On your guard, there may be more," Raven warned Ivy as she got ready to defend them from the creature. Ivy suddenly spun around as another growl came from behind.

"We have more company Raven," Ivy said as her heart beat rapidly in her chest.

"More then you think," Raven said as she saw another in the ruins to the right. "We are surrounded," She said as another appeared in the ruins on the left of her. Raven backed up until she was back to back with Ivy. Ivy knelt down and placed her hand on the ground and the creature in front of her yelped with surprise, as ivy shot out of the ground and wrapped around it's body.

The creature in front of Raven sprung at her, it didn't see the large peice of wall float off the ground and shoot towards it. With a sickening crunch it slammed into the creature and squished it against the ruins of a building.another creature shot forward only to fall to the ground as ivy wrapped around it's legs.

The first creature struggle to get free, while the other was being bound by Ivy. The last creature sprung at them, but was knocked to the ground as a table hit him in the side. "The ivy won't last long," Ivy said as she finished with the second creature that had attacked.

"Long enough for me to do this," Raven said as three large slabs of concrete rose into the air and hovered over each creature. They fell as one and three yelp's issued from the creature's before they fell silent. Raven suddenly fell to her knees and ivy rushed to her side.

"Raven are you ok?" Ivy asked as she knelt down beside her. Raven looked pale and ivy was scared that Raven my die. Ivy put Raven's arm around her shoulders and pulled her to her feet. She supported Raven as she went down the street checking to see if she could find one that could shelter them.

Ivy was in luck as she came to a partially ruined house. One bedroom was still intact and there was a big bed in it. Ivy pulled back the covers and lay Raven down. She removed Raven's boots and covered her with them. Ivy helped Raven eat and gave her some water, before Raven closed her eyes.

Ivy watched Raven as she slept and after some time she too took her boots off and got into bed. Ivy lay there watching Raven and hoping she would be ok. Some how Ivy drifted too sleep, but it wasn't a very good sleep by any means. Ivy helped Raven too her feet and put Raven's arm around her shoulders, They made their way down the road and Ivy looked for a place to rest. Hey we're in luck as Ivy saw a partially ruined house and a bedroom was still intact.

Ivy went in, pulled back the covers on the bed and lay Raven on it. She took off Raven's boots and covered her, looking down at her pale face. Ivy tried to get Raven to eat, but she showed no signs of response. Ivy was worried for her friend and paced the floor like a nerves parent with a sick kid.

Ivy stopped pacing and took off her boots before laying next to Raven. She watched as Raven's chest moved in an labouring maner. A day passed and nothing changer, making Ivy scarred and impatient. Ivy paced the floor her friend looking worst then the day before. The days passed and then it happened, Raven's chest stopped moving.

"Noooo!" Ivy screamed as she sat up in bed, her heart pounding in her chest. Ivy looked around her and by the position of the sun saw that it was still morning. Raven was laying next to her and still breathing. Raven looked a little better and Ivy let out a sigh of relief.

"Raven you are going to be the death of me," Ivy said to her unconscious friend. Ivy got up, put her boots on and went to the door way. She looked around and saw that nothing else was around at the moment but she had to make sure that nothing saw them as they walked by.

Ivy grew creepers that clung to the doorway and hung down like a natural curtain. The room got darker,but at least they were safe for now. Ivy return to the bed, ook off her boots and lay next to Raven again. Raven's slow even breathing was a relief to Ivy, as it told her that her friend was getting better.

Ivy left their shelter and searched the nearby buildings for some supplies. Ivy was glad to have wondered into what looked like a pharmacy. Things were scattered around but some of them were still intact. She found some peroxide, along with rolls of gauze and several boxes of Band-Aids. Ivy found some aspirin, soap and some feminine products.

Now if I can find a shower that would be great, Ivy thought as she gathered up the stuff and headed back to the shelter. Raven still lay on the bed, with no signs of movement other than that of her breathing. Ivy arrange the things in the backpack and then sat down next to Raven on the bed.

I hope you get better soon Raven, Ivy thought as she ate an apple and watched for any sign of movement. The day passed on with no signs of Raven waking up and Ivy began to worry again. She didn't hit her head, so it isn't a concussion, Ivy thought as she lie down next to her.

"Please Raven wake up soon, I really need you and couldn't survive without you," Ivy said as she looked over at her friend with pleading eyes. Ivy lay there looking at Raven and soon fell asleep. When Ivy woke up, she could see light through the ivy curtain. It was morning and Raven hadn't moved at all through the night.

Ivy took a drink of water and realized she had to find more. She took the two canteens and left Raven Alone once again. Ivy started her search for water, but it wasn't going to be an easy task for her. Meanwhile back at the shelter Raven let out a moan and her fingers moved a little as she tried to flex them.

Ivy by some miracle had wondered into a half standing house with a water cooling system and beside it stood two five gallon water bottles and they were still closed. Happy with her find, Ivy grabbed both bottles by the handle and lifted them with a grunt.

These are heavier than I thought, Ivy thought as she started back to the felt like forever to Ivy with the extra weight and her fingers started to feel sore as she walked. She was glad to see the ivy curtain that marked their shelter.

Ivy went in, set the water down and jumped with a start as she heard a moan. Ivy rushed to the bed, dropping the canteens as she went. "Raven say something," Ivy said as she looked down at her.

"," Raven said in a low dry tone. Ivy grabbed a canteen and filled it with water, before returning to Raven. Ivy helped Raven sit up and held the canteen to her lips. Raven took a drink and let out a few cough's. " Thank you," Raven said, sounding better then she had a moment ago.

"I'm so glad your ok Raven, what happened?" Ivy asked with a raised brow.

"I think I over stressed my brain and it hurts," Raven said as she put her hand on her throbbing head.

"I have just the thing," Ivy said as she rummaged through the backpack. She grabbed the aspirin and gave Raven two of them.

"You have been busy well I was out," Raven said as she took the aspirin. Ivy gave her a big smile and a nod as Raven washed down the aspirin with some water.

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