Two Army's

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Scar opened his eyes, sat up and looked around him. He piled up some wood and using flint rocks, he started a fire. Myju's eyes blinked open, as he heard the click of the flint and he sat up with a sigh.

While Scar started to cook, Myju went over to feed and water the creatures. After Myju finished, he walked back to the fire and set down to wait. "Do you think we will find them?" Myju asked as he looked up at Scar.

"If we are lucky we may run into them on our way to find them." Scar said as he finished cooking and scooped out two bowls of soup. He handed one too Myju and they begin to eat breakfast.

When they had finished, they cleaned up every- thing before moving on. "I hope we do run into them, that would save us the time it took to hunt them down." Myju said as they walked.

"You have a point, it certainly would make it easssier." Scar replied with a nod of his head. They picked their way through the rubble and the fallen Billings, hoping to run into the six humans.

Meanwhile in another area Raven's eyes opened and she let out a yawn as she stretched. Typhoon's eyes opened as he heard the yawn and he set up with a smile on his face. "Let's get some wood to start a fire." Raven said as she smiled back at him.

They both quietly got up and secured their bed rolls. They walked off into the near by woods to search for firewood. "I wonder what we'll do after all of this is over with?" Typhoon asked as he looked down at the ground.

"I don't know, I suppose we'll just try and survive." Raven replied to him with out looking directly at Typhoon for the moment.

"No that's not what I mean." Typhoon said as he came to a stop and let out a sigh. Raven stopped and turned around to face Typhoon with a strange look upon her face.

"Well..." Typhoon said as he rub the back of his neck and step closer to Raven. "...I meant would we be together or will we all just go our separate ways?" Typhoon ask as he kicked at the ground beneath him.

"Well I don't know." Raven said as she looked down at the ground, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. "I suppose we'll still be together and go back live in Utopia." She said with a nervous voice.

Raven held her breath as she felt Typhoon's hand caress her chin and her body froze as he lifted her head. What's happening to me, why is my heart beating so hard is this really happening to me, Raven thought as their eyes met.

Meanwhile back at the camp Blaze and the others begin to wake up. "Typhoon and Raven aren't here." Blaze said as he looked around.

"Maybe they went to look for some wood." Ice said as she stood up and rolled her bedroll like the others.

"Let's go Crash, let's go find them." Blaze said, as he and Crash headed for the woods.

Meanwhile Typhoon was about to lean in when they heard a rustling nearby. Typhoon dropped his hand and they stepped away from each other, as if they had been burned.

"Typhoon, Raven where are you guys?" Blaze said from a distance. Raven picked up some wood and started putting it in typhoon's arms just as the others stepped into view.

"Well Ivy was right, they're getting wood." Crash said with a smile on his face. Raven tried her best to hide her face so no one could see her blushing. When they made it back to the camp, Ivy's brow raised when she noticed that Ravens face was still a little red.

Ivy pulled Raven aside so no one could hear what they were talking about. "What have you been doing?" Ivy asked with a raised brow. Ravens stepped inside the hallway and Ivy followed her. They made their way to the girl's bedroom and theyhe sat down on the bed.

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