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Typhoon held out his hand and helped the old man to his feet. "Thank you young man," He said and a low gravely tone of voice. "I am sorry to have startled you young ladys," He said with a bow. "My name is Jason, if you young folk would like to clean up and you promise to keep our secret, I will take you somewhere you can do so," Jason said with a smile.

"Our...there are more people around?" Blaze asked with surprise on his face.

"Yes young man," Jason replied with a grin on his face. Jason found them a bit amusing.

"Where's your manners Blaze," Typhoon said as he shook his head. "That is Blaze, I'm Typhoon and this is Crash," He said as he pointed to each one in turn. "This is Ice, Ivy and Raven," He said pointing at each one as he did with the others.

"Well it is nice to meet you youngsters, I think you are good people, come follow me," Jason said as he turned and walked towards the cliff face. Typhoon picked up Raven again and they followed Jason towards the cliff.

"Do you think he's a cannibal?" Crash whispered to Typhoon as they walked.

"I think he's a good man and we don't have anything to worry about," Typhoon replied in a low voice. Jason turned and disappeared behind the waterfall. They followed him in and found themselves in a long tunnel.

"This way, just a little further," Jason said as he beckened them to follow. They walked through the tunnel and noticed a river of water that ran along the edge of it. In the distance they could see light streaming into the tunnel from the other end.

When they got to the entrance, they stopped and looked around at their surroundings with awe. Large clearing gave way for the sunshine that bathed the scene. The clearing was surrounded by deep Forest's and high mountains.

In the middle of the clearing was a large wooden hut and there were other huts doting the entire area. The river it ran through the tunnel turn entry the waterfall at the end. The waterfall at the lake down below them.

They followed Jason down the cliff that had steps carved into it. When they reach the ground they found themselves next to the lake. Jason took them around the lake and stopped in front of a hot. He showed them inside, where he showed the pump system they used to pump water into the makeshift showers they built.

"I will leave you here to clean up and I will go and talk to Jim," Jason said a he turned and Left them there. Typhoon set Raven on the ground and the boys let the hut, show the girls could get cleaned up first. Just before the girls had finished, a woman in her 30s walked up to the boys.

She had short dark hair that went down to her shoulders and her eyes where green. She wore pink dress made of animal hide with fringes hanging from the arms of it. Her shoes were made from the same material as her dress the bottom having rubber soles on them.

"My name is Pam, I'm the doctor around here," She said with a smile." Jason told me that you had someone that was injured or sick," She said to the boys.

"I'm Typhoon, this is Crash and Blaze," Typhoon said. "Ice, Ivy and Raven are in there," He said pointing to the hut.

"Thank you," Pam said and she turned and walked into the bathing hut.

"Get out of here you perverts!" Ice yelled has she heard someone walking in.

"My name is Pam, I'm the doctor," She said as she stepped inside. "I was told it was someone sick in here," She said.

Pam bent down and begin you examine Raven, who lay on the ground. When she was finished you walk out of the hut. "Mark come give me a hand," She said too young man. Mark hurried over and they both step inside the hut.

Mark picked up Raven and followed Pam out the doorway. Ivy and ice followed behind the other two, stopping long enough let the boys know where they were going to be. The boys entered the hut and took their turn cleaning up. After they were finished they found Jason just outside the bathing hut.

Jason took them to the big hut in the center of the village. When they stepped in the hut they saw a man sitting at a table on the far side of the hut. He was dressed in the same and material as Pam but had a shirt and pants on. His hair was short, Brown and had a hinch of white. A brown mustache adorned his upper lip and his eyes we're Brown. He looked to be 45 years old and had an air of leadership about him.

"Jim this is Typhoon, Crash and Blaze and the young ladies are Ice and Ivy. Their friend Raven is sick and is with Pam at the moment," Jason said to Jim.

"Please have a seat," Jim said as he pointed to four chairs across from him. "It's nice to meet you," He said.

"Thank you for having us," Ivy said and she took a seat.

"So, what brings you to our part of the forest?" Jim asked. They each told their story from the beginning and how they thought and made their way there. Jim listen tentatively as they told him about everything they encountered up until now.

"Yes cuz those cannibals can be a pain, they are people who couldn't survive and so they began to eat other people," Jim said. "As for the white-faced man, he can be a problem," He said with the worried look.

"What do you mean?" Crash asked with a raised brow.

"Scar is his name, he is the head Morlok and the right hand of a demon known as Drago. He has power to create the morlock and the other creatures, he also has strength a 20 men. Drago is the reason why we hide here. He sends patrols out to capture humans and they either join him or die," Jim said with a sigh.

"Why doesn't someone stop him?" Blaze asked with curiosity.

"They tried at first but they lost a lot of lives, so everyone split up and look 4 place far away from them," Jim said with sorrow.

"Maybe we can defeat him," Typhoon said as he looked at his friends for approval.

"Are you crazy will get killed!" Ice screeched at the thought of fighting a demon.

"Please keep this a secret, we all have powers and I ran into scar before. I think we have a chance of beating him," Typhoon said.

"It will be a long treacherous journey, but I will give you what supplies you will need to get there,"Jim said to them. "I hope you will succeed in the world will be free of the tyrant," He said as he stood up. "But for now join us for dinner and get a good night sleep before you go," Jim said to them.

Jason took them back to the doctors hut and they were happy to see Raven what setting up. "Thank God you're okay," Ivy said with a smile. Jason showed then to a hut where they could spend the night.

There were six wooden beds, with blankets for each of them. They all sat down and field Raven in on what they had discussed with Jim and Raven listen to what they had to say.

"Pam gave me this and told me to take some whenever I feel bad," Raven said showing them the bottle of a red colored liquid. It wasn't long the four Jason reappeared and they all went to the main hut in the center Heather village to eat dinner.

Your eyes lit up, as they saw the food lining the table. There there was cooked chunks of meat, vegetables and some bread as well. They ate greedily feeling their stomachs before they called it quits. It was a wonderful dinner and the best they had for a long while.

They all return to the hut where they would sleep end tuft for awhile, making plans on how they we're going to get there. They talked about their strategy and how to go about taking down the demon. After all the plans were made everybody lie down to get a good night sleep. Their were doubts that ran through minds as they close their eyes tried to sleep.

There was no telling whether or not they would succeed, but they were willing to try to rid the world of such a menace. This would be the only good rest they would get, before heading out I'm their journey. With full stomachs and comfortable place to sleep all six of them drifted off into a deep sleep.

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